Assistance programs Somerset County Maine.
Find how to get financial help for paying bills or housing as well as free stuff, case management and other social services in Somerset County Maine. There are free food pantries as well as charities, churches and government benefits that help low-income families and people in need.
Charities and government programs in Skowhegan and the county provide emergency financial assistance for everything from rent to mortgage payments or utility bills. The elderly in Somerset County can get Meals on Wheels, or locate free clothes, winter coats and other social services below.
Financial help for bills, groceries and housing in Somerset County ME
Maine Department of Health and Human Services offers the following social services and assistance programs. They run the TANF/Food stamp program, offer health care and medical assistance including MaineCare and CubCare. The government also has free grant money as a form of emergency assistance for paying bills such as utility and rent, ASPIRE, information and referral to other public benefits. Or get free child Support and Recovery. The address is 98 North Ave #10, Skowhegan, ME 04976. Call 207-474-4800.
HealthReach Network - They provide the following. Low-income families, seniors and the disabled can get immediate Heating bill assistance. There is also free Healthy foods; nutrition education classes and applications to the TANF program.
Single moms as well as low-income parents of infants get breast feeding support or iron fortified infant formula from WIC. Or get referrals for health care, parenting help, free food and groceries from food banks as well as free day care,. Or apply for SNAP food stamps, transportation assistance, and clothing assistance. In the summer, vouchers are given for fresh fruits, food and vegetables from Maine farmers. Somerset County residents can turn to this agency. Dial 207-474-7463
General assistance from your town. Each town in Maine is required to offer its residents temporary financial assistance with fuel expenses, utilities, free food, housing and rent help. There are also free non-elective medical necessities, medications and prescriptions, and basic services essential to maintain a household. Call your town office and refer to the program. Learn more on general assistance in Maine.
The local Somerset County community action agency is the Somerset/Kennebec Valley Community Action Program. Yes, they are served by this agency. Some of the programs offered include:
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). It is an assistance program that provides a heating bill assistance credit one time per heating season to low income individuals.
- Food - They work with the federal government to distribute food to local Somerset County Maine families.
- Emergency Crisis Intervention Program can be used in an emergency for someone facing a disconnection of heating or utility service, or if they run out of food. Learn more on heating programs, such as LIHEAP.
- Appliance Replacement Program - This could possibly replace someone refrigerator.
- Information - Get advice and information on local charities, non-profits, and Maine and federal government programs.
Call the community action agency at (207)859-1500 . Or read more Kennebec Valley Community Action.