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Assistance programs in Sherburne County.

There are charities, churches and government programs in Elks River and Sherburne County Minnesota that offer emergency financial help as well as free stuff or social services to low-income families. Find where to get with help for bills, food, rent, or get gasoline for work. There is also free counseling for employment or debt concerns and other aid. Find a listing of the where to get assistance near you in Sherburne County.

Financial help in Sherburne County for paying rent, food, or utility bills

Rent assistance, housing payment help, and homeless prevention programs support tenants in Sherburne County. There are several other non-profits that can offer emergency rent help. Or Sherburne County residents can get referrals to everything from shelters to transitional housing that is available in the area. More on rental assistance in Sherburne County.

Sherburne Community Action Agency Tri-County Action Program provides immediate and long term help. The non-profit, known as Tri-CAP, runs numerous programs for the unemployed, working poor, and low income. They can provide short term help for bills, and at the same time ensure people get longer term success.

  • Homeless prevention and rent help - The Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program offers help by providing grant money to pay back rent as well as services such as budget counseling, assisting with damage deposits, or just a little help for paying a deposit. Another housing program offered in Sherburne County is the federal government funded Emergency Food and Shelter Program.
  • Mortgage relief is offered too. Case workers work closely with individuals, families or singles who are at imminent risk of foreclosure. Learn more on Minnesota mortgage assistance programs.
  • Utility, heating, and energy bills help is provided. Tri-CAP has applications to the Energy Assistance Program (EAP). The program can also provide for the emergency heating system repair and replacement.  Look here for EAP phone numbers in MN.
  • Food Assistance / Support Program - This can provide low income and other needy families and individuals with free food, groceries, and other support.
  • Referrals - The community action agency, known as TRI-CAP, can refer residents to other non-profits in Elk River Minnesota that may offer loans or emergency funds for everything from medications to overdue rent.
  • Another energy program is Reach Out for Warmth (ROFW), which is a community based emergency fuel fund. Donations allow it to run, and the fund was established to assist qualified low income households who are over he income limit for the Energy Assistance program.
  • Weatherization is another resource, and this can help people save on and reduce their energy bills by conservation and other improvements and tips.




Call the Elk River and Sherburne community action agency at (320) 255-9518, or learn more on Tri-County community action assistance.

Free legal aid is for senior citizens and low-income families. It is for civil cases. To get free legal assistance in Sherburne County and Minnesota by calling Legal Services at (320) 253-0138 or (320)253-0121. Lawyers help ensure people have representation. This can include around predatory lending, housing discrimination, divorce, debt or predatory lending and other topics as well. Or click here to learn more on free legal aid in MN.

Catholic Charities- Caritas Family Services, while in St. Clound MN, it covers Sherburne Coutny too. Call 1-800-830-8254 or (320) 650-1550. Whether food, clothes, or a few dollars to pay the bills in a crisis, services are offered. There are also case workers with referrals to government assistance programs or transportation services, or free job and career counseling.

Community Aid Elk River (CAER) offers holiday programs, free Christmas gifts, meals, and dinners. The non-profit also provides limited financial assistance and cash grants after all other resources have been exhausted by the individual. Free year round food and information on local grant programs is offered too. Dial (763) 441-1020. The location is 12621 Elk Lake Rd NW, Elk River, MN 55330.

Big Lake Salvation Army Social Services is Christian Faith based groups that helps the low-income and homeless.  What may be available includes one time emergency rent help, free vouchers for food or clothing, free winter jackets, medications, and even vehicle repair programs. Most of the financial help is first come served to income qualified families. The location is 19463 Evans St NW, Elk River, MN 55330.

The Sheburne County Salvation Army also has seasonal programs. This can include free back to school supplies for students or Christmas toys for youth under the age of 17. There are also free winter coats for kids or the elderly, as well as box fans during the hot summer. More on Sherburne County Salvation Army.

  • Salvation Army of Sherburne County has other locations too. It offers assistance programs for Elks River, St. Cloud, and the entire central Minnesota region. Some of the free basic needs or financial help can be considered as more basic needs, such as clothing, food, meals and free school supplies. Other emergency assistance in Sherburne can be provided for paying energy bills, rent, and housing costs. Or contact a social worker for self-sufficiency, such as job training, income tax preparation, and referrals to government assistance. Continue reading St. Cloud area Salvation Army programs.




Sherburne County Area United Way is a free referral service. They help people, including families or single parents, find a grant to apply for. Or learn about free food banks and furniture/clothes distribution centers, health clinics and other resources. Call (763) 276-1259, or more details are here.

North Memorial Medical Center offers help, both financial and arranges medical transportation, for cancer patients as well as people with no health insurance. The uninsured can get sliding fee care as well as financial aid from charity programs to help them with their medical bills.

As far as cancer patients, a foundation helps cancer patients pay their mortgages, buy groceries, heat their homes, keep their electricity, lights and water on and repair their cars so they can drive to a doctor appointment. Location is 3300 Oakdale Ave N, Robbinsdale, Minnesota, 55422. Dial (763) 520-5200 or (763) 520-1949

Sherburne County Health & Human Services helps the low-income and people in poverty. People with a serious mental illness can get a rent/housing subsidy while they are on waiting lists for federal or other permanent housing, including section 8. There is also information on loan programs to pay back rent for qualified renters.

  • Rent Assistance may be arranged by Sherburne County Human Services. The government agency can be reached at (763)241-2600 or dial 1-800-433-5239. Case workers can help low income families, the unemployed, seniors or elderly get rent help or learn more. Address is 13880 Business Center Dr, Elk River, MN, 55330, call (763) 765-4000

Zimmerman Food Distribution is a pantry with free clothing closet. Offers the Passing the Bread food program. Call (612) 226-2779. This is only for people in Zimmerman MN.

Cornerstone Baptist Church Cupboard provides food to suburban families in need. Location is 15300 Co Rd 35, Elk River, MN 55330, dial (763) 263-7878

Granny's Closet covers Sherburn County and the wider region. It is a free clothing closet. There are year round school supplies and work clothes as well as seasonal items, such as school uniforms, free Christmas gifts, winter coats and more. It is in Anoka at 3300 4th Ave, Anoka, MN 55303, and call (651) 363-4867




Big Lake Community Food Shelf is at 160 Lake St N, Big Lake, MN 55309. The non-profit Provides emergency food distribution to children, senior citizens and residents in the district. Call (763) 263-2432

Becker Food Shelf is another local pantry. Get produce, milk, dairy, canned groceries and similar support from 12060 Sherburne Ave, Becker, MN 55308. Call (763) 261-4612


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