Free Christmas and holiday assistance San Antonio area.
Find where to get free Christmas toys for kids, food boxes and Thanksgiving turkey dinners in Bexar County and the San Antonio area. Low-income or struggling families that need help in providing for their children or families around the holidays can get assistance from churches and charity organizations. Locate agencies in San Antonio and Bexar County for free Christmas gifts, applications to Toys for tots, and much more.
The conditions of each program will vary and many have age and/or income restrictions. For those that qualify, the Salvation Army Adopt a Family program provide free Christmas presents and meals on Bexar County. Some may only help children while others can assist senior citizens and may even deliver meals to those that are homebound or in a nursing home. If a center can’t provide what you need, then volunteers may have referrals to other places for free cash or money. Or charities given information on who contact or stop by at for Christmas assistance. Or learn more on cash for free.
As noted, donations are needed as well as time from volunteers. Food, clothing, toys, coats, shoes, gift cards, and much more is always needed. There is also a need for volunteers and businesses to pass out toys, presents, and Christmas gifts to children or serve meals to the hungry. Free Thanksgiving or Christmas meals are also coordinated at some San Antonio TX locations.
Where to get free Christmas gifts in Bexar County
Chrysalis Ministries Main address is 503 San Pedro, San Antonio, Texas 78212. Main phone number is 210-299-4540 One of the programs administered is known as Light Up a Child's Heart Christmas program. It is available for newborns, infants, and children/teens up to age 17. People need to meet with a case manager.
Salvation Army - San Antonio and Bexar County Area Command Location is 521 W Elmira, San Antonio, TX 78212. Call 210-352-2000 The non-profit offers help around the main holiday’s, including Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Thousands of children across the city and the county receive gifts, toys, and other support from the non-profit, including the Angel Tree and Adopt a Family. They also have several office with free holiday help for immigrants and applications in Spanish. The main program offered is Angel Tree, and it allows people from the community to “adopt” a child and buy them books, games, toys, and clothing.
City of San Antonio - Police Department Main address is 515 S Frio, however see below for more information/locations. San Antonio, TX 78207. Phone number is 210-207-7413 The department can provide free toys and gifts to children 12 years of age and younger. The program opens up during the fall months, and usually starting November 1st. To get more information or to apply, the application needs to be made in person. Families can apply at any San Antonio Police Department substation and not just the location above. Residents of the City can look into their local SAPD Blue Santa Program. The main centers are listed below, as well as phone numbers.
- East - (210) 207-7781
- Central - (210) 207-7410
- North - (210) 207-8126
- West - call (210) 207-7420
- South - (210) 207-8191
- North Western - (210) 207-7425
Family Service Association of San Antonio, Inc. Main address - 702 San Pedro, San Antonio, TX 78212. Telephone number is 210-299-2400 The agency will match low-income families and seniors needing help for the holidays with donations and people who are looking to support the less fortunate. The Christmas programs provide necessities like toiletries, warm clothing, pots and pans, free food, and toys. This and more may be offered to San Antonio families with extremely limited incomes.
Toys for Tots of Bexar County and the city Several local charities participate. The enrollment dates are limited. Low income families with children can be given free, unwrapped toys, games, electronics, books, and more. Get Legos, tablets, free video games or consoles, dolls, hot wheel cars and more. The Toys for Tots San Antonio Christmas program supports single mothers, immigrants in San Antonio, and the working poor among others. Application sites may be found online. Apply here.
Sendero Food Ministry Location is Address is 5408 Daughtry Drive, San Antonio Texas 78238. Dial (210) 680-0111 Applications are taken for toy programs. There may also be Christmas meals, Thanksgiving food boxes, and other holiday support.
San Antonio Breath of Life 4123 E Houston St, San Antonio, TX 78220. Call Phone: (404) 384-1399 Low income families can sign up for free gift programs. There may be clothing or presents for children under the age of 13. The charity is part of Toys for Tots, the regional holiday service.
Christmas Feast of Sharing Sponsored by HEB, Henry B Gonzalez Convention Center San Antonio, TX 78205 This is a free dinner that takes place most years. The program is known as Feast of Sharing Christmas Dinner and it takes place every Saturday before Christmas at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, specifically Halls A & B. The meals and event is free and open to the general public too, regardless of someone’s income. Many people who are struggling to buy a full meal on their own take advantage of the program.
Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM) There are multiple sites in Bexar County, as noted below. There is emergency financial help, holiday assistance programs (free Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets), toys, gift cards and more. They help unemployed and low-income families in Bexar County get free food, Christmas or birthday toys for kids, books, and so much more.
- Downtown Campus is at 110 McCullough Ave, San Antonio, Texas 78215. Call 210-223-4099
- Northwest Campus of CAM is at 5084 DeZavala, San Antonio, Texas 78249. Telephone - 210-697-5771
Elf Louise Christmas Program PO Box 39107, San Antonio, Texas 78218. Main phone number is 210-224-1843 The non-profit accepts monetary donations and donations of new toys and its will be provided to the needy and struggling.
Catholic Charities Administers social service programs and provides assistance, including around the holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Referrals, information, and other support may be provided to low income families, seniors, and children. They also help immigrant kids in San Antonio get free Christmas gifts and stuff for the holidays.
Concordia Lutheran Church Location is 16801 Huebner Rd, San Antonio, TX 78258. Call 210-479-1477 Most of the help provided is in the form of free holiday food baskets. Some gifts and stocking stuffers may be offered too.
First Presbyterian Church Location is 404 N Alamo St, San Antonio, TX 78205. Phone: (210) 226-0215 The Christmas Giving programs gives out free presents, stocking stuffers, trees and more to low-income families in Bexar County. Get everything from tolls or toy trucks/Matchbox to video games, books and more.
Bexar County Saint Vincent de Paul is another charity that offers both (1) holiday assistance and (2) year round support. Volunteers visit immigrants, the poor, and less fortunate, and they can help them get free Christmas toys or gifts. There are also thrift stores for other items, such as furniture, household supplies, and more. In addition, food, Thanksgiving meals, and other holiday help is offered. Continue with Saint Vincent de Paul holiday assistance in Bexar County.
Additional churches and holiday programs Several other churches help the working poor, homeless, migrants and others. They give out free Xmas toys, often per Toys for Tots. There are also clothes, meals at Christmas or Thanksgiving and other support.
- Templo Bethel Assembly of God (Asamble de Dios) Church is at 3024 Colima Street, San Antonio, TX 78207, dial (210) 432-3461
- Concordia Lutheran Church - 16801 Huebner Rd, San Antonio, TX 78258. Call 210-479-1477
- Living Stone Ministries - 1306 N Hackberry, San Antonio TX 78202. Call (210) 472-1415.
- Comunidad de Fe Casa De Gracia, 319 Price Ave San Antonio, Texas 78211. Phone - (210) 724-6326
- Town East Baptist Church 5866 US Highway 87 East, San Antonio, TX 78222. Main phone (210) 648-5961
- The People's House also has a toy program. Address is 1223 South Hamilton Avenue ,San Antonio, TX 78207. Call (210) 701-2878.
- Guardians of the Children, 11020 Old Corpus Christi Hwy San Antonio TX 78223
- Iglesia Oasis de Amor y Restauracion - 2343 Pinn Rd San Antonio, Texas 78227 Call (210) 689-8620
Jarel's Toy Chest They help kids from newborn to age 10. Free Christmas gifts, bikes, trees pr decorations and more are offered, based on donations. The event is held at different locations in the city, and dial 211 for more information or get details here.
Strong Foundation Ministries Location is 414 N. Hackberry St., San Antonio, TX. 78202. Call 210-641-4357 The homeless only in the immediate are can get a free small Xmas gift for their kid. Clothes, hygiene supplies, a book or stocking stuffer may be offered, based on donations.
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