Salvation Army free used car programs.
The Salvation Army will provide a free car to qualified low-income families, single mothers, and those in need of a vehicle for work. This is a program that is limited in scope and relies on donations from the general public or corporations with all only used, yet refurbished, vehicles given away. Find details on the free car programs from the Salvation Army.
A goal of the Salvation Army is to help people gain long term self-sufficiency and access to some form of transportation for a job, technical training or school is part of that. The Salvation Army's free car programs, including online vouchers or even the sale of low-cost vehicles in some cases, help individuals and families improve their living conditions, secure employment, get to an interview or attend to medical needs. The programs from the Christian faith based charity can be part of different social services too, such as Pathways to Hope or other programs.
Who is given free used cars from the Salvation Army
While the criteria vary depending on the local Salvation Army center's resources, funding levels and donations, there are common groups of individuals that often receive priority when it comes to be given a free, used car or truck. The assistance is limited in nature and not all Salvation Army social service centers offer vehicles. Not that instead of giving away a donated auto, some will sell a used car at an affordable price.
Single parents, including moms and dads are a focus. The Salvation Army will help single parents, as the goal is to ensure the kids have access to long term support too. Single moms or dads often need a car for work, childcare, school, or medical appointments, and the Salvation Army often prioritizes assistance for this group when it comes to providing a free or low-cost car.
Salvation Army transportation assistance is part of the charity’s disaster recovery services. People recovering from natural disasters, whether their house burning down, a flood or hurricane or some other event and have lost their possessions, including cars, will be a priority. The Salvation Army will work to give them a free used vehicle or even fix their car to help them rebuild their lives.
Veterans returning from overseas often need a vehicle. Recognizing their service and sacrifices to the county, the Salvation Army works to help veterans re-acclimate. This includes transportation, vouchers for gas, and other needs. They will find help with any needed transportation solutions for job training, work, or college or other long term support. Find other veteran free car programs near you.
While the Salvation Army tries to help other low-Income families or those living in poverty, it is often difficult to meet the demand. However case workers from the charity will do their best to not turn anyone away. The Salvation Army will try to help families struggling to make ends meet, where public transportation is not viable, get a low cost or free used car that was donated to the Salvation Army. Or they give out other support, such as a free gas voucher to get to work. But resources are limited.
Donated vehicles from the Salvation Army
Any vehicle given away has been donated to the charity, meaning the cars or trucks will be second hand. However, they will still be safe to drive as they are refurbished as needed. In effect, the Salvation Army's approach to providing free cars to qualified low-income families or people can vary based on the local community's resources.
Many centers often rely on what is donated to their Family – Thrift Store as well. As a Salvation Army may pick up older automobiles from the public or people who donate them, then the charity will exam, repair, and make those care drivable then give them away or sell for an affordable price. Some common programs include:
Salvation Army partnerships with local auto dealerships are often available. The charity sometimes works with local car dealerships to help with the process or provide discounts to eligible individuals. This can be local used auto dealerships or national chains.
Some Salvation Army Thrift / Family stores accept donated vehicles. Those cars or trucks may then be refurbished and given directly to those in need, or the local thrift store will sell them at a discount. Even more limited will a voucher be provided to the family from the Salvation Army, based on the sale of the car, and that money will be used to buy the vehicle.
Contact information
The Salvation Army has locations in most towns, cities, and counties. As noted, the assistance programs, including the free car giveaways and vouchers, vary by location and are limited. There will be proof of income, hardship, employment status and other information needed by applicants. When the program is available, all vehicles provided will be used or second-hand. Look here for more information on local Salvation Army programs.
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