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Rental assistance in Richmond Virginia and Henrico County.

Charity or government agencies as well as churches in Richmond and Henrico County Virginia offer rental assistance to low-income families or people in need. The agencies try to prevent evictions, offer security deposit help to families or the homeless or coordinate free tenant lawyers. The leading organizations to call for information on low income no wait list housing, free legal aid to stop evictions, section 8 or emergency help with rent near you in Henrico County are below.

The primary focus is on preventing homelessness, so residents who have an eviction notice will usually be able to access any funds that may be available for emergency rental assistance prior to others. However all qualified low income, unemployed, and people faced with poverty in the Richmond Virginia area can get some type of housing assistance, even if it is free legal aid or landlod-tenant mediation services. Or struggling renters can get advice or referrals to grant money for helping with rent, including from private landlords. Locate private landlords that accept section 8 near you.

This is because most of the agencies have details on other government programs or local charities and churches. Some of the rental or security deposit assistance may be offered in cash or grants, and some may be a short term loan.

How to get help with paying rent from agencies in Henrico County

The Salvation Army of Central Virginia, which has a location in Richmond, runs the Financial Aid/EFSP program. Each case and applicant to the program will be evaluated with one-on-one interviews. Based on the results of this, short term financial assistance can help pay rent or other bills based on an applicants emergency situation. You will need an eviction notice for rental assistance. There are also free motel vouchers, transitional housing, and other resources. Location is 2 W. Grace St.  P.O. Box 12400, Richmond, VA 23220, phone (804)225-7470




Henrico County Social Services runs eviction and homeless prevention programs. This may include government grants for paying back rent, information on shelters or public housing, and more. Financial aid is for Henrico County citizens who are behind on their rent or mortgage and that are at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Telephone - (804)501-4001, and the Social Service office is at 8600 Dixon Powers Dr, Richmond, VA 23228.

Another social service agency is HEARTH of Henrico. The public agency can offer one time financial aid in a crisis. Emergency rental assistance, short term loans, and other housing solutions are offered. The address is Henrico Department of Social Services as well. The telephone number is (804) 501-4001

Society of St Vincent de Paul can provide financial help (including for rent, security deposits, lot rent, etc) to the zip codes of 23060, 23059, 23228, 23233, or 23294 from the parish at 4491 Springfield Road Glen Allen VA 23060. Tenants, homeless, and other working poor who are outside that region can get referrals too other housing assistance. Telephone - (804)997-4489

Henrico County Housing Resource Line assists the homeless, struggling families or those close to eviction, and others with housing needs. Learn about homeless shelters; grants or loans to pay rent, security deposits, or moving costs; utility bill help to stop evictions; motel voucher programs and more. Call 804-422-5061.

Commonwealth Catholic Charities – May be able to provide financial assistance for a past due rent or mortgage payment. For rent assistance the applicant needs to have a pay or quit or unlawful detainer notice. Any housing or rent assistance is offered as part of the Commonwealth Catholic Charities HELP Program. They also help people with Aids and/or HIV as part of the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA).  Address is 1601 Rolling Hills Drive Richmond VA 23229. Call (804)285-5900.

Richmond, Senior Connections, The Capital Area Agency on Aging may be able to offer assistance to seniors and people who are over 60 years of age. Rental and housing assistance is targeted at those who are facing a short term financial crisis. The non-profit can help seniors apply for a number of other government assistance programs as well. 24 E. Cary St., Richmond, VA 23219, dial (804)343-3000




Central Virginia Legal Aid Society is based at 101 W Broad St, Richmond, VA 23220. They help senior citizens, low income families, minorities, and the poor. Call 804-648-1012 to speak to a free lawyer or assistance. They can help with applications to section 8 low income housing, eviction prevention help, housing discrimination and more.

Home Ownership Program (known as HOP) is run by the Richmond, Southside Community Development & Housing Corporation. It can help people find a new home. Address is 1624 Hull St., Richmond, VA, 23224. Call (804)231-4449

Interfaith Services of Henrico County helps the community with emergency rental assistance funds and grants. 8600 Dixon Powers Dr., Henrico, Virginia 23228. (804)285-5986

Eastern Henrico FISH Inc. runs an Emergency Help program. Dial the Richmond non-profit at (804)257-7730. Several services are available. You can only get rent help at most once every six months. You need to be able to document your hardship/emergency, and even food, clothes, or other aid may be offered too. Find more details on rent and other services from FISH of eastern Henrico.

Saint Joseph's Villa partners with others as part of Flagler Housing & Homeless Services. This is a rapid rehousing program. The homeless or evicted can receive emergency financial aid for paying security deposits, linkage to non-profits, low income housing, and other support, such as budgeting. The goal is to help the homeless gain stability and pay their rent on a new home. Call (804)553-3258.

A free homeless, eviction, and foreclosure referral hotline is available in Henrico County. Low income tenants can learn about everything from free government grants to pay back rent to how to get help in eviction court, their legal rights as tenants, or find a local transitional housing program or free motel voucher. Call 804-972-0813 for information on emergency rental assistance and eviction prevention services.

CAP Partners Community Action is an anti-poverty fighting agency. Grants, housing, assistance with employment or rent, motel vouchers, and other aid is offered. Most of the clients are in or near poverty or working poor in Richmond. More on rent help from CAP.

VA Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation. The Richmond number is (804) 378-4099. Hispanics, legal or illegal immigrants and minorities can get free legal aid. This addresses housing discrimination, benefits including section 8 rent vouchers, documentation, and more.







Assistance for stopping evictions and moving/relocating is available from programs such as the statewide HPP. Henrico County tenants that need support to pay some of their rental arrears or advice on contesting a landlords pay or quit notice can apply for help. More information on Henrico County homeless prevention.

Legal Aid Justice Center provides free legal aid for various civil issues, including housing. Tenants can meet with attorneys when they are faced with an eviction. Get help dealing with landlords, unsafe apartments/housing and more. (804)643-1086.

Virginia Supportive Housing is offered in Richmond, and they run the Homelessness Intervention Program. It can only possibly help an individual or family who is faced with an imminent eviction. 1010 North Thompson Street # 200, Richmond, VA 23230, phone (804)525-1950 Ext 1

Henrico County Department of Housing and Community Development is based at 501 North Second Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. The agency works with the state, landlords, and property developers on homeless prevention. Grants can help pay rent, create affordable housing in Richmond, and otherwise keep the low income and working poor housed. Phone (804) 371-7122 or (804) 646-1262

Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority is the Henrico County as well as city of Richmond public housing authority (PHA). They are based at 901 Chamberlayne Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23220. The PHA will process HUD section 8 housing choice vouchers for paying rent, which is a government income based program.

  • There are also home buying services, case managements, lists on affordable apartments, and low income housing for families in poverty or the elderly. Private landlords work with the housing authority to list apartments, including for people with bad credit in Richmond VA. Telephone - (804) 780-4200.

The American Legion Department of Virginia operates a Temporary Financial Assistance Program, in which the funds may be used to help pay rent or other bills. The office address is 1708 Commonwealth Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23230. Applications are processed at local American Legion offices in Henrico County. The main number is (804) 353-6606.




Feed The Future, Ltd. – The program was originally created years ago in partnership with the Richmond Department of Social Services. Advice, referrals, and information on housing is offered to low income, unemployed, and homeless. The charity is at 4046 Crockett St, Richmond, VA 23228-4114.


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