Help with rent in Berks County Pennsylvania.
Find information on Reading and Berks County Pennsylvania rental assistance programs. Some of the charities, churches, or government organizations can help by providing direct financial assistance for paying housing costs, including back rent, moving costs or security deposits. Other agencies will help by offering free legal consultations to tenants, section 8 housing vouchers, or even just referrals.
Every year thousands of Berks County families and individuals face eviction. The non-profit organizations as well as government agencies below often do a great job in helping people. Grants, loans, legal aid and other support can help with paying rent when they are faced with a financial hardship or crisis.
Non-profits across the area will partner with various charitable as well as government agencies to encourage the coordination of rental assistance programs and other social services for people of all ages across the region. While unfortunately not everyone will be able to qualify, and funds are always limited, any tenant, senior, or disabled person that is facing eviction needs to contact one of these Berks County Pennsylvania locations for any available solutions. Or find national programs that help with an eviction, as they can be an option too.
Berks Community Action Program, Inc. (BCAP) is located at 645 Penn Street, Reading, Pennsylvania 19601. A wide number of services and rental assistance programs are offered to help low income individuals across the region. There may be grants paid directly to the landlord-property owned from the Housing Assistance Program. Case workers from BCAP also provide help in applying for federal and state of Pennsylvania government benefits.
The non-profit also provides payments for mortgage arrearage and rent expenses for home as well as trailer owners, security deposit assistance, and even utility assistance that can help prevent and/or end homelessness. Other services include general housing assistance, budgeting, low-income home buying resources and case management. Call 610-376-6571 or (610) 375-7866.
- BCAP also operates the Budgeting Counseling Center. This offers a limited Housing Assistance Program. A small number of qualified tenants, who participate, can have some rent help as the non-profit will make some payments directly to the landlord. They focus on long term support, budgeting, etc. and combine that with emergency rental assistance. The address is 247 N 5th St., Reading, PA 19601. Call (610) 375-7866.
Boyertown Area Multi-Service Inc. is at 200 West Spring Street, Boyertown, Pennsylvania 19512. Telephone number (610) 367-6957. The non-profit helps with the coordination of social services and government programs for people of all ages in the greater Boyertown area. The non-profit provides services such as rental assistance, food pantry, energy, and access to senior center. Covers the regions of Boyertown School District, Amity, Oley, District, Hereford, and Pike Townships.
Catholic Charities – The charity provides community support services and parish outreach. Some resources include housing assistance, case management, and possibly emergency rent assistance. All programs have a goal of helping families and individuals attain self-sufficiency. Counselors from the church in Berks County work to empower and advocate on behalf of the poor. There are also resources, including housing support, for immigrants. Location is 234 Grace St, Reading, Pennsylvania 19611. Call (610) 376-7144
Centro Hispano Daniel Torres - Berkshire Building. Location is 501 Washington Street, Reading Pennsylvania 19601. Dial (610) 685-1265. Can provide referral to community services. Spanish speakers can learn about rent assistance, ESL programs, and get any needed help for housing discrimination.
Salvation Army has multiple sites in Berks County. The locations are below. There may be limited funds for rent or utilities (to stop evictions), substance abuse programs, free motel vouchers, homeless shelters and more. Focuses on crisis intervention. The non-profit charity provides rent and housing assistance, and a number of other services for those in an emergency. The Berks County Supportive Housing Program also helps homeless and disabled families find at first short term, then permanent solutions to their homelessness. Other resources include disaster services.
- Hamburg Social Service office - 700 S Fourth St, Hamburg, PA 19526. Call (610) 562-8440
- Reading Corps Salvation Army. 301 South 5th Street, Reading, PA 19602. Call (610) 373-5208.
- The Salvation Army of Kutztown offers emergency rental assistance and funds for other needs, such as security deposits. Other resources include medications, utility programs, shelter, and information on low income apartments. The location is 658D Noble Street, Kutztown, PA 19530 and phone number to call is 610-683-7790.
- Other locations and resources are offered too. More on Salvation Army assistance Berks County.
Service Access Management (phone (610) 236-0530) offers low income, tenant based rent help. It is a priority system for those in need. Income subsidized homes, apartments, and more from TBRA. The address is 19 N 6th St, Reading, Pennsylvania 19601.
United Community Services – 1251 North 5th Street, Reading Pennsylvania 19601. Phone (610) 374-3319. United Community Services builds partnerships to help assess community needs and develop strategies to meet those needs. UCS connects families to needed resources, helps workers improve the workplace, and prepares youth for apprenticeships in the building trades.
Berks Coalition to End Homelessness provides the following direct services. The HPRP - Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program is administered from 831 Walnut St, Reading, PA 19601. This is a rental and utility assistance program for those who are being evicted or those who are already homeless. This is a federal program and relies on an annual allotment of government grants. To schedule an assessment to see if you are eligible, please dial 610-372-7222.
Opportunity House Rent Assistance – Resources include the federal government Homeless Prevention Rapid Rehousing Program (HPRP). A focus is on people faced with eviction and who are about to become homeless. People who are currently homeless can also receive help. The office is at 430 N 2nd St, Reading, PA 19601 based, call 610-374-4696. Applicants need to meet income limits.
Reading Community Development Department – They help with housing in the community, including development and advocate for the community. Grant programs, information on affordable apartments, home buying loans and other support is offered. Call (610) 655-6211. The larger county region is also served by this program. Call (610) 478-6325 for information on countywide services. Location is 815 Washington St, Reading, Pennsylvania 19601.
The County Services Center (call (610) 478-3400 or (610) 478-6194), specifically the Human Services Coordinator, also administers homeless prevention resources as well as rental assistance programs.
Berks County Pathstone - Programs are only for seasonal farmworkers, migrants and rural disadvantaged tenants. Assistance ranges from money for paying rent or mortgages to shelter, client advice, energy help, and more. For more details on the resources, call (585) 340-3300 or 610-988-1675. Referrals may also be given to low income housing, rental deposit programs and other aid as part of Emergency Food and Shelter. The non-profit is at 121 South Second Street, Reading, PA 19602.
Emergency homeless prevention and rehousing for the homeless is offered. The Emergency Solution Grant Funds is a rental assistance programs provided by the federal government and run at a local level in Berks County. While resources are limited, this cash assistance is distributed on a one-time-basis to low income families and residents in need. Money can be used to pay for expenses such as rent or mortgage. If this is operating, more information or referrals may be obtained at 800-932-4616. Or find details on homeless prevention programs in Berks County.
Berks County Housing Authority main office is at 1803 Butter Lane, Reading, PA 19606, phone 610-370-0822. This government organization offers housing assistance to low-income, working poor and elderly individuals. The objective is to ensure decent, safe, and affordable housing. The PHA will also create opportunities for low income to become self-sufficiency and lead to economic independence. Subsidized housing, section 8 vouchers, and other emergency HUD aid/vouchers is available.
- City of Reading Housing Authority is another option. They also offer public housing and Section 8 HUD voucher programs. Location is 400 Hancock Blvd, Reading, PA 19611. Main phone is (610) 775-4813.
Bridge of Hope - Hannah Hope Ministries has on-site staff and church based mentoring services to empower and support homeless and at-risk single mothers. The charity will help them achieve permanent housing and financial self-sufficiency. So this non-profit is really focused on housing solutions for single parents in Berks County. Location is 300 Church St, Reading, Pennsylvania 19601, phone 610-568-1250. Click here for additional rental assistance single parent programs.
Human Relations Commission in the city only help people who live in the city. The address is 815 Washington Street, Reading, PA, 19601. Assistance or cash grants for paying back rent is only for residents that live within the city and that are facing eviction. Telephone - 610-655-6141.
Department of Public Welfare County Assistance Office - Cash Assistance – Works to improve the quality of life. Provides temporary cash assistance to very low-income families and individuals. Can help pay for housing, rent, utilities, food and clothing. Also a great place for referrals and to apply for other public aid, and in some cases the family will be issued a loan in an emergency for their rental costs. 625 Cherry St, Reading, PA 19601, main number 610-736-4211
Emergency Shelter Allowance (ESA) - Berks County assists renters with an eviction/pay or quit notice or a utility disconnection notice. Anyone near homelessness can apply for government grants for their rent, mortgages, or utilities. There is also information on permanent housing, homeless shelters, and short term accommodations. Call (800) 692-7462. The program is run from DHS at 625 Cherry Street, Reading, Pennsylvania 19602.
Mid Penn Legal Services can provide free legal advice and services for issues such as evictions and domestic issues. The pro-bono law firm is at 501 Washington St, Reading, Pennsylvania 19601, phone 610-376-8656
Family Promise of Berks County is located at 325 North Fifth Street in Reading. Occasional funds or loans for rent can be provided to low income families, including seniors and other that meet application conditions in place. The phone number is 610-373-3323.
Berks Coalition to End Homelessness has a phone number of (610) 372-7222. They give referrals to Emergency Rental Assistance Programs, energy help and more. There is also transitional housing, partnerships with charities, vouchers for motels or hotels and other services. The office is at 633 Court Street, Reading, PA 19601.
Service Access and Management only assists people that have CCBH (Medical Assistance) Insurance. If qualified, there is the HealthChoices Housing Plan. There is blended case management, limited rent or mortgage help, counseling and other assistance from 19 North Sixth Avenue, Reading, PA 19601. Main number is (610) 236-0530.