Assistance programs in Portage County.
Low income families can get help with bills from churches, charities, or government agencies in Portage County WI. Find help with rent or loans to pay security deposits, grant money to pay electric or utility bills, free groceries from food pantries, and even free medical or dental services. Also get transportation help, free mortgage or foreclosure assistance, job training, and other support. Get help in your area of Portage County WI.
Find organizations that offer financial help for bills, food, housing and more
Energy Services Inc helps low-income families with heating costs and summer cooling bills. They administer the low-income energy assistance program for residents of Portage County, which is known as WHEAP. A priority is on helping seniors and the disabled pay their energy bills to keep their power on, however others can apply.
In addition to grant money to pay an electric bill, there are other benefits offered. This includes free weatherization to update a home. Or the sick, elderly and low-income with young kids can get a free window fan or AC unit during the summer. The location is 1224 Strongs Ave, Stevens Point, WI 54481. Phone: (715) 344-5999
Portage County Community Action Agency is located at 2900 Hoover Rd Ste A, Stevens Point, WI 54481, and the phone number is 715.343.7500. They provide job training, rent help, government grants and energy saving programs.
- Energy savings are arranged. The non-profit will help homeowners by installing attic, crawl space, wall, water heater and hot water pipe insulation; sealing air leaks into the home. Or get free refrigerators or appliances, CFL bubs and more.
- Job and Employment Training - CAP Services, Inc. Skills Enhancement Program helps the unemployed, as well as working, low-income individuals acquire the training and skills they need to compete for higher paying jobs. CAP Services also helps the unemployed and recent graduates in Portage County.
- Financial help - While limited, this may be available from CAP Services or its partners. The Stevens Point agency may be able to direct clients to emergency grants to help with utility bills (as part of WHEAP), rental expenses, or food pantries. Anyone seeking help needs to be otherwise self-sufficient but facing a one time crisis.
- Housing support - The case managers work to prevent, or reverse, homelessness in Portage County. Clients can be referred to shelters or possible security deposit programs, and even more importantly, to case management to address the root cause of their hardship.
There are many other resources and programs available. Some of them are privately funded, and others rely on state of federal funds, even include CSBG. Click more on CAP Services assistance programs.
Salvation Army has social services in Portage County. Everything from free food to Christmas toys from Angel Tree, substance abuse services, rent money or utility help is offered from 1600 Briggs St, Stevens Point, WI 54481. They also give students free backpacks of school supplies, meals during the summer and more.
Free vouchers are also given by the Salvation Army. This can be for a hotel room or gasoline. Or get a homeless shelter, emergency rent or electric assistance, low cost summer camp and more. The charity also has a thrift store. Call (715) 341-2437
Stevens Point Saint Vincent de Paul operates a thrift store and free food pantry. The charity helps hundreds of families per year. There are groceries, holiday food baskets, and referrals to financial help for bills too. The faith based charity also provides job placement to some individuals that have referrals. The address is 2124 Rice St in Stevens Point Wisconsin 54482, call 715-344-7395. Or read more on Portage County WI St. Vincent assistance programs.
Interfaith Food Pantry gives out free grocery boxes, produce, holiday food baskets and some personal stuff, such as clothes. Low-salt food is offered and there is also a Meals on Wheels service from 2810 Post Rd, Plover, WI 54467. Call (715) 347-2689.
Evergreen Community Initiatives operates a free clothing closet for kids and food bank. The staff also gives referrals, case management, and helps people find and apply for benefit programs. Get shoes, school backpacks, detergent, and small furniture items too from 2151 Stanley St, Stevens Point, WI 54481. Dial (715) 252-7860
Stevens Point Housing Authority operates low-income, subsidized rent assistance. This is part of section 8 housing. The low-income and seniors over the age of 60 in WI will get help. The HUD section 8 helps pay a portion of rent based on the families income. The location is 1300 Briggs Ct, Stevens Point, WI 54481, or call (715) 341-3444, or look here for section 8 in WI.
More places for help in Portage County
Struggling families can get help from other organizations too, including money to pay bills, job placement and grants. The United Way in Stevens Point referral service, which is at (715) 341-6740, can offer solutions to other local charities or government programs.
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