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Ogle County assistance programs.

Get help with bills, rent, and find resources to become self-sufficient

Low and moderate income families and individuals can turn to the Tri-County Opportunities Council, which is the local Community Action Agency. The non-profit organization both strengthens and enables low and moderate income people to become self-sufficient over the long term. While this is occurring and people get back on their feet, they have programs that can provide short term assistance. They try to accomplish this through the attaining of necessary skills, motivations, knowledge, and employment opportunities as well as improving the conditions in which applicants live. While their main office is in Rock Falls, Illinois, they also have locations around the area and in Oregon in Ogle County Illinois. Contact them at 815/625-7830 to learn more or apply to any of the programs referenced below.

Energy assistance

A variety of programs exist, including the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). They were all designed to help eligible low and moderate income households pay for the rising cost of winter and summer energy bills. The components of the program include:

  • Regular assistance for bills - For regular energy bill assistance and one time payments, people can apply to this program and receive ongoing assistance.
  • Crisis and emergency payments - These payments are available to eligible households that are involuntarily faced with or experiencing a disconnection from their heating service or utilities. Aid is also available where the supplier refused to deliver fuel or if the person runs out of heating oil.
  • Furnace replacement - If the homeowner’s furnace or heating unit is not working or is dangerous or emitting carbon monoxide into the household, then it would be considered a furnace emergency and eligible for replacement.
  • The Cooling Program - Provides a one-time cash grant payment to the electric vendor on behalf of the household. Money is used to pay utility bills.





Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program- This federal government funded program is operated by Tri-County community action agency. It provides over three hundred low-income households each and every year with energy saving measures. The Weatherization program is a direct grant to qualified households. Energy saving measures installed in a home include, but are not limited to, insulation of attics, walls, repair or replacement of doors and windows, insulation in basements, health and safety measures and furnace work and repairs.

Emergency and Food Assistance - This supplies food boxes and other groceries to families on a periodic basis if they are struggling.

Income Management - Provides budget and debt counseling to low and moderate income families. Helps people in establishing better credit, assist them with setting up a household budget and gives ideas on the wide use of available resources, including credit card assistance programs. Learn more.

Scholarships - The organization also offers a scholarship program. Up to $1500 can be provided to qualified applicants.

All of the programs above, and more, are offered by Tri-County Opportunities Council. Call 815-625-7830.

Ogle County Salvation Army - The centers are located in Rochelle Illinois and across neighboring counties too. The non-profit offers the working poor, seniors, and others a number of assistance programs. Some examples are below, however call them for more information.

  • Food pantries, soup kitchens, and lunches.
  • Holiday programs, including free Christmas assistance and gifts for children.
  • Employment assistance and job counseling.
  • Social services, including some limited financial aid for utility bills, rent, and more.
  • Click here for more details and phone numbers.

Lifescape Community Services of Ogle - The organization has a strict focus on senior citizens as well as low income households with a disabled member. The agency can provide free home delivered meals and can help clients apply for benefits such as SSI disability, LIHEAP or caregiving. Other resources include the Brightside Adult Day Service and even income tax filing assistance. Read Lifescape Community Services programs.



By Jon McNamara

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