Newton County MO assistance programs.
Below you will find information on charities, non-profits, and private organizations in Newton County and Neosho Missouri that can help with bills, provide foreclosure counseling, and other assistance.
Rent, mortgage, and utility help
Economic Security Corporation of the Southwest Area provides low to moderate income families and individuals a variety of services including winter heating and summer cooling utility bill assistance, homeless assistance and prevention, counseling and case management, rental assistance, and the "Wheels For Workers" employment transport program. In addition a food pantry is available in some areas.
The agency also administers the federal government funded Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program. This program distributes funds to provide rent, mortgage, heating and utility bill assistance in some counties; funding is limited for the housing and energy assistance, so call for additional details.
Other assistance programs offered include Home Rehabilitation Programs, which provides rehabilitation repairs to owner occupied homes. They also run the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, which provides rental assistance to low to moderate income families and individuals.
The Newton County area is served by various ESC outreach offices. Seniors as well as low income families can receive referrals to the programs above and other support.
Call Economic Security Corporation of the Southwest Area, which serves Neosho and Newton County individuals. The phone number is (417) 781-0352, or find more information on Economic Security Corporation assistance programs.
Another option is St. Vincent DePaul. They can be reached at (417) 625-1085. This church facility offers low income families food, gasoline vouchers, utilities and heating oil help, and emergency lodging assistance.
Health care for uninsured
Southwest Missouri patients are services by Community Health Clinic. The non-profit facility provides both medical and dental services for people who live in Newton County and Southwest Missouri. Fees are based on a sliding scale, and different bill paying options are available. Dial (417) 624-5500.
Debt help and foreclosure assistance in Newton Missouri
Consumer Credit Counseling Services is a HUD-certified Housing Counseling Agency. Work with a counselor to receive free pre-foreclosure housing counseling and loss mitigation counseling. Gain help and advice in dealing with debts. Last, but not least, receive mortgage delinquency counseling. Also learn about the foreclosure process. Dial (417) 889-7474.