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St. Vincent de Paul assistance programs Middlesex County New Jersey.

Social Services from Society of St. Vincent de Paul will help low-income families, the poor, homeless and others in need. Short term, emergency financial help for housing or bills as well as free food boxes, clothes, case management and guidance is available. SVDP will help establish a plan of action to lead people back to an independent life. Find details on Saint Vincent de Paul assistance in Middlesex County NJ.

Services are extensive, however funding is limited from SVDP, including Lady of Mount Virgin Parish. SVDP relies on both partnerships and donations from the public in Middlesex County NJ. Based on the funding that is available, financial aid or more basic needs (such as food or clothing) may be available. In addition to that, the agency will try to direct the applicant to a program that will address their crisis.

Saint Vincent housing programs in Middlesex County New Jersey

There is a community initiative that was created to help homeless families or those on the verge of eviction in Middlesex County have access to transitional housing and accompanying outreach services. This may help them end their housing crisis.

The main focus of this project is to provide clients with a safe haven, including single adults or homeless families with kids During their time there, they will be given free clothing and food if needed and most importantly, one on one sessions with a family development specialist. These sessions will help establish a plan of action to address the crisis.

As there is a high population of homeless families in Middlesex County NJ, homeless shelters are often at capacity. Staff from Society of Saint Vincent therefore works consistently to try to find accommodations for a homeless family the very same evening of the day they receive the request for short term housing assistance.




For people in northern NJ and Middlesex County, quick and seamless re-housing from Saint Vincent is another goal of the grant. Funding targets a variety of client needs including short-term or medium-term rental assistance, money for security deposits, appropriate housing searches or placement and stability case management. Learn more on how you can get help getting an apartment.

Free food, financial help and material items

There is a free Food Pantry sponsored by Society of Saint Vincent churches, including St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church as well as Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Church. The center will assist low-income, needy families, including seniors or single moms. Based on contributions, the pantry is full of food from many resources including federal government USDA commodities, surplus produce and meats from restaurants and various community donations. This location also has much needed items for struggling families during an emergency such as personal amenities and diapers.

Local restaurants in Middlesex County often donate items to the food pantry for the vulnerable to use. This will tend to be restaurant grade meals, but they may be a day or two “old”. The center is open for people to use across the Middlesex County service area. Some of the local restaurants also offer free hot meals to people in SNAP food stamps. Look here for EBT approved restaurants.

For clients seeking long term employment who need free professional dress clothes or attire for say a job interview and work, they have access to The Career Closet. This service is available to clients that have a referral. The clothing passed out by Saint Vincent is free of charge for those who cannot afford professional attire and are seeking higher paying jobs.

SVDP will usually have free clothes generously donated by members of the community throughout the Middlesex County New Jersey. Clients of the center will work with a volunteer to find the appropriate dress to meet their employment needs.

Anyone that is wishing to donate to The Career Closet in an effort to help fellow members of the community, the location accepts current, stylish professional clothing suitable for a workplace environment. The items dropped off need to be clean, pressed and ready to wear.





Middlesex County NJ St. Vincent de Paul also has a thrift store. This too can help meet the entire needs of a struggling family. It used by both people living in poverty to more moderate income households as well. Maybe someone is just looking to save a few dollars, and this is the target audience of the thrift store. Donations are accepted by Society of Saint Vincent for gently used items in good, working condition that will be up for sale in the store and to support the inventory of the shop.

What may be for sale includes gently used clothing, shoes, coats for winter, small appliances, vintage items, in-store floral arrangements, jewelry, books, toys/games for children, lamps, dishes, etc. All of these items are available at low cost to participating shoppers.

ESG, or the Emergency Solutions Grant, has a main focus of giving very low to moderate income families one time help. The applicant will need to have some form of income to pay future costs on their own. There may be grants to use for homelessness prevention aid, such as back rent or unpaid utility/water bills that could lead to an eviction. There is help for those who would be otherwise homeless without the assistance from ESG

When it comes to utility bill help, LIHEAP is a program offers support to low-income households. It order to get this form of aid, the person must be by applying for an energy assistance grant that directly pays the company on behalf of the client. More on NJ LIHEAP.

Also, if a low-income household is eligible for LIHEAP, their homes may be qualified for the Weatherization Program. This too is run by partners of Saint Vincent. It will in effect make their home more energy efficient, thereby, lowering their total energy costs.

Whether it is LIHEAP or weatherization, funding for each participating household is dependent on household size, income, heat source and previous years energy usage. Also, availability of resources need to be considered as well when help is requested.

To determine eligibility for utility help, the following information needs to be provided by the candidate at the time of their appointment. Applicants to Saint Vincent parishes need address verification, social security cards for everyone in the home 18 years or older, photo identification, as well as verification of all sources of income/monies received by every household member for the three previous months to the month of the appointment.





Apply for Saint Vincent programs in Middlesex County

There are multiple parishes, each with limited resources. Referrals, financial help, stability and other programs are offered.

  • Our Lady of Mount Virgin Parish also offers immediate help with long term support. Call 732-356-2149
  • St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church is located at 7 Locust St, Carteret, NJ 07008, Call (732) 541-8946
  • Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Church is a food focused Saint Vincent location at 37 Plainfield Ave, Edison, NJ 08817. Phone: (732) 572-0977


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