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Rent assistance in Merced County.

Several agencies in Merced County provide rental assistance to low-income families facing eviction as well as rehousing (including deposit help) for the currently homeless. While these are financial resources that may be able to help with housing costs, it is important to note that most of them are focused on certain individuals or situations. Find how to get help with rent in the Merced County area.

For example, there may be instances in which only veterans or seniors may qualify for help with their rent, or maybe parents with kids or single moms can receive a motel voucher. The charities, churches and government agencies below may be able to assist.

If one agency can't help with a request for a security deposit or rent, then the staff at the non-profit may offer referrals to other Merced County programs.  Whether someone is homeless or on the verge of an eviction, the primary places for everything from emergency financial help to pay rental costs emergency shelters are below. In almost all cases, any funds are also combined with staff providing ongoing support to prevent future struggles.

Places that help pay rent in Merced County

Valley Crisis Center
Mailing address - 790 Loughborough Dr, Merced, CA 95348. Phone - (209) 722-4357
Only victims of domestic violence can use the housing resources, such as shelter. There is support for both women and children. First-last months rent assistance can be offered in some situations to help with the costs of moving to a safe home.

Catholic Charities affiliated churches
336 W Main St #1, Merced, CA 95340. Phone – 209-383-2494
Funds for rent or housing is very limited, and they may use loans in some cases. Other assistance includes payee services for seniors or disabled, basic needs such as free furniture for a tenant and more.




Merced County Community Action Agency
Location is 317 E. 15th Street, Merced, CA 95340. Dial 209-725-8188
Rental assistance programs range from ESG grants to homeless prevention - rehousing. Another program is the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS, which is the D Street Shelter combined with HOPWA.

Merced County Human Services Agency
2115 Wardrobe Ave, Merced, CA 95341. Call 209-385-3000
The government agency provide motel or hotel vouchers, grants for rental expenses, deposit help, and referrals. They also support CalWORKS clients. After the residents has found affordable, permanent housing, families can receive one time assistance with a security deposit as well as application fees.

Merced Housing Authority
Location is 405 U St, Merced, CA 95341. Call (209) 722-3501
The public housing authority has applications so Section 8, income based housing. Low-income families can get a private rental home or apartment. The Merced County agency also offers other housing resources.

Salvation Army
Main address is 1440 W 12th St, Merced, CA 95341. Call (209) 383-4225
The Christian charity has everything from money to pay back rent or utility bills to a free motel voucher for the unhoused. Or struggling tenants can get grant money to pay utility bills or storage costs. Learn more on the Merced County Salvation Army crisis service.

New Direction
Address: 3333 M Street, Merced, CA 95348. Main phone: (209) 205-3123

Housing and rent relief programs are run from 2115 Wardrobe Ave, Merced, CA 95341. Call (209) 385-3000
The government organizations provides grant money from General Assistance. The benefit provides funds to help prevent homelessness, which includes for back rent or a deposit. Or get other social services from the HSA.

Merced County Rescue Mission
644 W 20th St, Merced, CA 95340. For details, dial (209) 722-9269
Transitional housing is on site. They help homeless people (men and women) in Merced find a safe place to live with future assistance to offset moving costs, such as temporary rent payment help.





Central California Legal Services
Address is 1640 N St #200, Merced, CA 95340. Phone: (800) 675-8001
Free legal aid can help low income families facing eviction. Seniors who rent a home and that need advice can also get a free legal consultation.

3360 N. Hwy 59 Ste G-K, Merced, CA 95348. Phone: (209) 725-2125
The program is known as WrapAround. The goal of the non-profit is to immediately help people find an affordable apartment and pay the rent on it. Rent assistance is combined with long term support. There are also housing programs for Merced County residents under the age of 24.

Resources for Independence
710 W. 18th Street, Merced, CA 95340. Call (559) 221-2330
The disabled can call for housing programs. Emergency shelter, rent, low income subsidies, and job placement may be arranged. This is an addition to rent subsidized housing for people with a disability.

JMJ Maternity Homes
1694 Grove Ave, Atwater, CA 95301. Dial 209-769-7092

Pregnant women, including single parents, can apply for housing.

Veterans Rent Relief
Address is 340 E Yosemite Ave, Merced, CA 95340. Call 209-381-0105
Veterans and their families can apply for government grants and other support, ranging from emergency rent help to case management or legal aid. The HUD-VASH Program also helps vet in Merced County pay for storage costs, a hotel room and more.

Additional organizations that help pay rent

Anyone in need of additional housing resources (whether emergency or long term) has other programs to try. The United Way of Merced County - Mountain Valley provides free referrals to rental assistance programs, agencies that help people move and more. Dial 209-383-4242.


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