Assistance programs in Lenawee County.
Find churches, charities, and government assistance programs to apply at for financial help and more in Lenawee County. Low income families can get grants to help pay their rent, free food or healthcare, clothes for winter, free school supplies for their kids and more. Various assistance programs are offered.
Families can also get free furniture, information on mortgage assistance as well as home buying programs, debt counseling, cars and more. The charities offer everything from loans to grants to help families pay their bills, deposits, and more in a crisis.
Grants to pay for housing, rent, and utility bills
A new grant that is being awarded out of federal stimulus dollars will help the Lenawee County Continuum of Care provide utility bill payment and rent assistance for people who live in the county who are facing an eviction, are currently homeless or that are experiencing a housing crisis.
The grant is often provided annually as part of Emergency Solution Grants. Different non-profits may participate, however The Lenawee Emergency and Affordable Housing Corp. is the lead agency for the grant and is overseeing the program, with Family Counseling, the Salvation Army, and Children’s Services as partners distributing the funds.
Most of the grant will be available for rent assistance— but not mortgage help — and also utility assistance for county residents. The grant, which is formally called the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing, is for people who are facing an eviction, currently homeless and need rehousing and it is also for people who are now in housing but wouldn’t be able to make the next rent payment or pay utilities without some type of assistance.
Individuals and families who are in danger of becoming homeless or homeless can apply for rent or utility bill assistance from the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing grant by contacting the following local agencies and charities.
Lenawee Emergency and Affordable Housing Corp. (for rent assistance): 307 E. Church St., Adrian, MI email address is Call 517-264-0782
Family Counseling and Children’s Services (for Catherine Cobb Shelter clients): 220 N. Main St., Adrian, MI. (517) 265-5352
The Salvation Army (for assistance paying energy bills): 217 W. Church St., Adrian, MI. See more information below.
Community Action Agency - Lenawee runs a number of financial assistance programs for people facing poverty and the low income. Among them include
- Grants and assistance for utility and heating bills if someone is faced or receive a utility shut off notices. Help for propane and fuel oil payments is also offered. They also offer information on how to save money on utility bills for free.
- A free mortgage foreclosure intervention/prevention counseling program is offered. Well trained counselors help homeowners develop a plan of action to resolve their housing crisis and connect them with helpful government and community resources. They will also work with homeowners to go over options that are available based on their individual situation or needs.
- A clinic provides general medical care and free medical services for local migrants as well as dental, vision, and other health care services as needed. Services may be provided at office or on-site at migrant camps.
- The Weatherization Program provides energy related services and potential savings on utility bills to low income home owners and renters.
- Receive free income tax filing from VITA. This public service provides tax assistance and filing services at sites in Lenawee County by trained volunteers.
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) can not only provide money for utility and heating bills, but it can also offer provide water heater repairs, roof, or furnace replacements and repairs to eligible homeowners only.
The Lenawee community action agency can be reached at (800) 438-1845, and is located at 400 West South Street, Adrian, Michigan 49221. More information on Community Action Agency - JLH.
Lenawee Emergency And Affordable Housing Corporation offers services including the Dire Need for Veterans fund, which offers funds for paying for medical or dental emergencies, utility assistance, rent, transportation, and medications. Other programs include Year Transitional Housing/shelter, housing support, and information on government assistance. The office is at 307 East Church Street, Adrian, Michigan 49221, dial 517) 264-0782
Lenawee County Veterans Affairs is a place for information on federal and state of Michigan government assistance. Dial (517) 264-5335, or stop by 1040 South Winter Street Suite 2023, Adrian, MI 49221.
Michigan Department Of Human Services - Provides help to people who are faced with a disconnection. Any cash payments made may include the amount needed to restore or continue the service for at least 30 days. Money can be used to pay for the delivery of fuel and heating oil too. Location is 1040 South Winter Street Suite 3013, Adrian, Michigan 49221. Telephone (517) 264-6300. Read more on Michigan emergency assistance.
The Salvation Army of Lenawee can offer Clothing And Furniture, it can assists with payment of utility bills in shutoff status, Fresh Food Initiative, and has free Homeless Motel Vouchers. They also run soup kitchens and food pantries. Or the church gives out free Christmas gifts and toys to kids, school supplies to students, and other basic needs. Stop by 217 West Church Street, Adrian, MI 49221, call (517) 265-2038.
Tecumseh Service Club is located at P. O. Box 375, Tecumseh, MI 49286, call 517-423-7662. The non-profit offers financial assistance, including rent, utilities and fuel oil, and it can provide free food to those in need.
Eviction prevention for tenants is available. Find agencies to call for rent or security deposit assistance. Funds are available for residents ranging from senior citizens to single moms or the disabled. Anyone that is struggling can apply for support. Read rent help in Lenawee County.
Food banks and pantries - These non-profit centers in Lenawee provide emergency help. Services may be a box of groceries or meals on wheels for seniors. Volunteers can also direct families to long term support, such as SNAP food stamps. Click here Lenawee County free food pantries.
Free Clothes, furniture, and other free stuff may be given. This is often for low income families, but even those in a crisis (such as home lost to fire or DV survivor) can get help. This can be effective for keeping struggling families (kids and senior too) warm during the winter. Find how to get free clothes.
Mortgage and housing assistance in Lenawee County
The United States U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is providing additional grant money that will help the Lenawee Emergency and Affordable Housing Corp., and it will allow them to continue to offer housing assistance to local families. Last year over 1,000 families received aid. Contact them at the email of
Hundreds of thousands of dollars will go towards LEAHC’s Housing First program and to the local community members who are -in-need for rent and mortgage assistance. Also, find additional ways to get mortgage assistance. Click here for Michigan mortgage assistance programs.
Another large sum of money will go towards helping to pay for case management, counseling, and coordination. Case management and counseling services include working to meet state and federal eligibility requirements, and referrals to other government programs.