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Disability Determination Services.

Get information on Disability Determination Services, including details on the application process, phone numbers and centers near you. People who apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) due to a disability must have their cases evaluated by DDS to determine eligibility. Learn about the Disability Determination Services process below and how to get the status in your state.

Disability Determination Service centers are located in every state with the phone number for application status below. When someone applies for a disability (whether due to mental or physical needs), the application and claim goes through a multiple month review process that is led by a local DDS office. Disability Determination Services in your state operate in partnership with the federal government Social Security Administration field offices near you.

Initial review for disability is done by SSA office

The centers operate in a number of ways. The staff work closely with applicants that are filing for SSDI - Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Even if your application was denied and needs to be appealed, the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review, which is a part of DDS, plays a key role in that process too.

When filing an initial claim, what generally happens is that representatives from a Social Security (SSA) office will obtain someone’s application for disability benefits. They receive this by telephone, from the person filing at the office, in person, or online. So applications for disability benefits need to go to the social security office first, and this is where people should begin the process when applying for financial assistance. It is also possible to get legal help when filing or dealing with DSS, and locate pro bono SSI lawyers near you.

So the first review of an application is done by a representative that will work at a SSA field office, and this person is responsible for verifying non-medical eligibility requirements. They will review information such as employment status, age, Social Security coverage, income, or the applicants marital status. The SSA field office then sends the case to the Disability Determination Service (DDS) center in your region near that will be in your state for evaluation of the disability claim.




Steps of Disability Determination Services

After that first step above is complete, then what happens is the DDS will take the application for disabled it from there. These are state agencies that are responsible for developing and reviewing medical evidence. The staff will also make the initial determination on whether or not a claimant is qualified as disabled and/or if they are found to be blind under the law. There are many activities undertaken at the DDS center near you and applicants can learn what step their disability application is by calling an office near them at the phone numbers listed below.

Medical evidence gathering is done by Disability Determination Services. The local centers request medical records from the sources provided by the applicant. This may include doctors, hospitals, clinics, an employer, or other healthcare providers. Sometimes, if the existing medical records are insufficient to make a determination, DDS may arrange for a consultative examination (CE) at their expense.

The centers, including a Medical Relations Officer near you, will do their best to obtain evidence from the applicant’s doctors or medical sources first. If that doesn’t work out, and say the information is insufficient or unavailable, then the Disability Determination Service will set up a more thorough consultative examination. They may use doctors, independent sources, trained medical staff, or others as part of this process.

DDS will hold a review by disability examiners and medical consultants. To make the decision, a number of factors are assessed. They will review extensive information, medical records and variables. The final decision as to whether to approve SSI or SSDI benefits is made by your Disability Determination Services office. It really comes down to whether the applicant is able to work based on what their experience and training would dictate. Disability examiners and medical consultants at DDS review the gathered evidence. They assess the medical condition, how it impacts the individual’s ability to work, and whether it meets the SSA's definition of disability.

They will also strongly consider whether the person can work in the future and find future employment when considering the person’s disability. So the process is very unique, and no two cases are the same. This is why an advocate can help in the process, as they will ensure you are treated fairly and no discrimination or bias occurs.

The next step is making the determination. Based on the evidence, as noted above, the DDS case worker will determine if the applicant is disabled according to SSA standards. This decision is based on medical criteria and, in some cases, vocational criteria.





In some cases, the local disability examiner will contact you directly. This may occur by mail, phone, or in some cases an appointment at the office. They may request additional information, need to clarify your application, or ask questions.

The staff from the center will ensure the application is closely reviewed. They closely focus on the employment issue as well, as this should be the deciding factor in whether approving or denying the application. For example, even if someone is able to communicate, walk, and manage their own life, they may in fact be considered disabled if there is no employment or work available given their abilities.  Learn more on work program for disabled adults.

However someone with diminished mental capacity or mobility may not qualify for SSDI disability benefits if there is plentiful employment in their field that is available given their abilities. Another twist is that in some cases, an applicant may found to be qualified by Disability Determination Services based on their symptoms alone.

Notifications to the applicant originate from Disability Determination Services. After this comprehensive process is completed, the DDS centers returns the case file to the Social Security field office for appropriate action, notification and further review or sign off. Whether the application for SSI or SSDI was approved or denied, the claim is then returned to the originating SSA office to finish processing.Disability Determination Services

If the case manager at your state’s DDS office found that the claimant is disabled, the federal government SSA completes the process from that point going forward. They will decide the cash benefit amount to pay out from  Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

.Note, if your application was denied, both SSA and the Disability Determination keep this on record for any possible appeal or lawsuit from an attorney. If the claim is denied, the applicant has the right to appeal the decision, which involves several levels of review. If an individual is approved for disability benefits, their case may periodically be reviewed by DDS to determine if they continue to be disabled.

How long is disability application review process by DDS

When applying, many people want to know how long will their case file be at the local DDS office. Unfortunately there is no official timeline. It general, the application will be reviewed, analyzed, and at the office for as long as it takes to make a decision. While timeframes vary, the DDS review process may be anywhere from 3-6 months, or even longer. If you appeal and it needs to be reviewed again, then that will add a few more months to the process. But it is possible to get financial help, money from the government and more while waiting, and locate how to get cash assistance while waiting for disability.

Some disability cases are more complex than others. For example, claims involving multiple medical conditions or rare diseases may require more extensive review from Disability Determination Services and gathering of medical evidence. Approval time frames also depends on volume of applications, accuracy of application, state rules and other factors.






Phone number for Disability Determination Services near you

If you want to call the Disability Determination Services center, you can do this. Find DDS phone numbers that will be near you for your state below. Medical or Professional Relations Officers will provide the status of a disability application as well as what step it is in.

While there are security protocols in place, in rare cases an applicant may visit their local office in order to speak directly to the examiner who is processing your claim or to bring additional documentation or evidence. In addition, the main Social Security Administration phone number is 1-800-772-1213, and they also have information on disability approvals.

Alabama: Disability Determination Service - Birmingham call 800-292-8106 or in Mobile dial 800-292-6743

Alaska: DDS center is based in Anchorage at 907-777-8100. Or call 800-577-3334.

Arizona: Disability Determination Services Administration in Phoenix dial 800-352-0409 or in Tucson call 800-362-6368 for the Medical Relations Officer. They are both involved in collecting medical and employment data from people filing for SSI or SSDI.

Arkansas: Disability Determination for Social Security Administration based in Little Rock is at 501-682-3030.

California: There are multiple Disability Determination Service Centers, and the numbers are below.

  • Clovis - Call 559-440-5200 or 559-297-2610
  • Disability Determination Service Division in Oakland is at 510-622-3506
  • Roseville dial 916-774-4100
  • San Diego call 858-674-3300 or 619-278-4550 or 619-278-4300 for the Professional Relations Officer
  • Sacramento Professional Relations Officer phone number is 916-515-4400 or 916-285-8900
  • Stockton main phone is 209-472-2391

Colorado: Disability Determination Services - 303-368-4100. There is also a toll free phone number of 800-332-8087 for the latest states of a disability application.

Connecticut: Bureau of Disability Determination Professional Relations Coordinator is at 860-466-6100

Delaware: Disability Determination Services - Medical Relations Officer phone number is 302-324-7600

Florida: Division of Disability Determinations has multiple centers as well as medical officers as part of the DDS application process. The numbers are below.

  • Jacksonville DDS center call 800-821-8122
  • Miami Professional Relations Officer dial 305-596-3020 for status of SSI or SSDI approval process.
  • Orlando and Orange County call 800-342-2065,
  • Pensacola phone number is 866-209-2095
  • Tallahassee Disability Determination Services - Call 800-488-4222
  • Tampa DDS customer service is at 813-806-8950




Georgia: Disability Adjudication Services is the name of the program in GA. The customer support numbers are.

  • Athens Professional Relations Officer can be reached at 800-282-7485
  • Dalton area dial 855-706-1128 for DDS
  • Savannah call 800-992-3511
  • Stone Mountain Disability Adjudication Services (DDS office) is at 800-252-7485
  • Thomasville number for information is 800-282-7485

Hawaii: Disability Determination Branch - 808-979-7000

Idaho: Disability Determinations Services medical and Professional Relations Officer is located in Boise at 208-327-7333 or 800-626-2681.

Illinois: Disability Determination Services has a main center in Springfield. The phone number is 800-225-3607

Indiana: Disability Determination Bureau - 317-396-2000

Iowa: Disability Determination Services Bureau - 515-725-0700 or 800-532-1223.

Kansas: DDS office and medical officer / reviews are at 785-267-4440 or 800-685-0122 

Kentucky: The KY Disability Determination Services Frankfort office can be reached at 502-595-4404 or Louisville DDS is at 502-782-1576.

Louisiana: Disability Determination Services - Baton Rouge 225-925-3522 or 800-256-2288 and the Shreveport center is at 318-869-6400.

Maine: Disability Determination Services - 207-287-9600.

Maryland: Disability Determination Services Medical Relations Director phone number is 410-308-4336.

Massachusetts: Disability Determination Services - 617-727-1600 or 800-882-2040 in Everett. There is another DDC office for application processing too, and that is in Worcester at 508-752-5001 or 800-551-5532.

Michigan: DDS, or the state Disability Determination Services, has multiple locations. They are below. Each has a customer service number for applicants.

  • Lansing, dial 800-366-3404
  • Detroit area DDS is at 800-383-7155
  • Kalamazoo phone number is 800-829-7763
  • Traverse City - Call 800-632-1097

Minnesota: Disability Determination Services - 651-259-7700 or 800-937-6469.

Mississippi: Disability Determination Services Center for intake is at 601-853-5577. They review SSI and SSDI applications, medical records and more.

Missouri: Disability Determination Services has multiple application and customer service centers. They are noted below.

  • Cape Girardeau Professional Relations Officer, part of Disability Determination Services, is at 573-290-5710
  • Jefferson City - Call 573-751-2929 or try 573-751-2890 for the Director for Medical Services
  • Raytown Disability Determination Services - Call 816-743-8800
  • Springfield DDS processing center is at 417-888-4070
  • St. Louis - Call 314-416-280 for the DDS Professional Relations Officer

Montana: Disability Determination Bureau is at 406-444-3054 or 800-545-3054

Nebraska: Disability Determination Services - 402-471-2961





Nevada: Bureau of Disability Adjudication is the name of the DDS center and program. Call 800-882-4430 for details on SSI or SSDI.

New Hampshire: The local Disability Determination Service office can be contacted at (603) 271-3341 or 1-800-266-8096.

New Jersey: The DDS program, and assessment process, is known as Division of Disability Determinations. The centers are listed below

  • Newark - Call Tel: 973-648-6971, 973-648-4062 or 973-648-4578
  • Trenton Division of Disability Determinations is the main office with medical reviews, case workers and moire at 609-943-4421

New Mexico: Disability Determination Services office in Albuquerque has a Professional Relations Officer at

New York: Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance is the statewide DDS agency. There are multiple processing centers.

  • Albany Medical Relations Officer is at 518-473-9320 or 800-522-5511
  • Bowling Green Station Division of Disability Determinations - Call 212-240-3456
  • Buffalo NY phone number is 716-847-5007 or 800-522-5511
  • Endicott - Dial the Medical Relations Officer from DSS at 607-741-41951

North Carolina: The state Disability Determination Services has an official hotline for information on claims. Call 1-866-542-8113

North Dakota: Disability Determination Services - Call 800-543-2048 or 701-328-8700

Ohio: The program is known as Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities or the Bureau of Disability Determination. Call 800-282-2695

Oklahoma: Disability Determination Division - Call 800-877-9977 or 405- 419-2200 for claims and application status.

Oregon: Disability Determination Services - Call 503-986-5100 or 800-452-2147

Pennsylvania: There are local Bureau of Disability Determination centers. People should call the center in their area for status.

  • Greensburg Medical Relations Program Manager is at 724-836-5100
  • Harrisburg has a DDS Medical Relations Program Manager at 717-783-3620 or 717-425-7900
  • Wilkes-Barre is at 570-301-5629 or 800-432-8039

Rhode Island: Office of Disability Adjudication and Review - Call 401-222-3182

South Carolina: Disability Determination Services and local division offices are noted below.

  • Charleston call 843-953-0335
  • Greenville - Call 864-242-1950 or 864-282-4056
  • West Columbia Professional Relations Coordinator is at 803-896-6400, 803-896-6708 or 803-896-6799.

South Dakota: Disability Determination Services - Phone 605-367-5499 or 800-658-2272

Tennessee: Disability Determination Services - Dial 800-342-1117 or 615-743-7774 for applications status for SSI or SSDI application status. There is also a social security office available.

Texas: Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services is part of the Disability Determination Services - Phone 800-252-9627

Utah: The DDS (Disability Determination Services) office is located in Salt Lake City. Call 801-321-6500 or 800-221-3493




Vermont: DDS center is at 802-241-2463 or 800-734-2463

Virginia: There are several Disability Determination Services offices through VA. Call a local center below.

  • Fairfax County - Call 703-934-7408
  • Richmond DSS is at 804-367-4707 or 540-613-0344
  • Southwest Regional Office has information on multiple counties from Roanoke, VA. Phone 540-857-7754
  • Tidewater Regional Disability Determination Services Office covers the eastern part of the state. Call 757-466-3312

Washington: Division of Disability Determination Services center in Olympia (call 360-664-7500 or 800-562-6074) or a DDS Spokane office is also at 509-329-2500 or 800-572-5299.

West Virginia: Division of Rehabilitation Services has multiple review offices for disability applications. Call the Professional Relations Officer in Charleston (304-343-5055 or 800-344-5033) or try the DSS center in Clarksburg, WV at 304-624-0200 or 800-344-7813.

Wisconsin: Disability Determination Bureau is pat of the Division of Medicaid Services. Call 608-266-1565

Wyoming: Disability Determination Services - Dial 307-777-7341 or 800-438-578


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