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Our Just Future housing and financial assistance programs.

Programs run by Our Just Future (formerly Human Solutions), are extensive, however a primary goal is to help the homeless or people facing eviction in the Portland OR area. Get everything from transitional housing to funds for back rent, storage cost help, Workforce development and more. Or learn about Direct Services to Homeless Families Program. Get help from Our Just Future.

Case managers from the Multnomah County based organization are committed to helping the less fortunate. The goal is to help people, whether homeless now or very low-income, get a place to live in the Multnomah County or Portland region.

Housing solutions from Our Just Future

The agency will work to assist homeless families in Portland Oregon. They offer emergency as well as transitional and permanent housing. Clients will also be enrolled into case management services and can benefit from tenant education. In addition, there is ongoing employment support to help families not only overcome homelessness, but also to reduce their risk of becoming evicted again in the future.

Staff from Our Just Future always work hard to ensure that all of the local homeless families are treated with respect and provided with services they may need. There is guidance to help people overcome all of their obstacles to success. The idea is to give clients the support and guidance as they work toward self sufficiency. Once that has been achieved, the non-profit can help people achieve permanent housing stability, and even explore programs to pay rent or security deposits. Find other details on rent assistance in Portland Oregon and Multnomah County.

One key resource is the Direct Services to Homeless Families Program. The non-profit strongly believes that having adequate housing is a basic human right. So to ensure this occurs, they help the family make the transition into permanent housing as rapidly as possible. It will also protect their rights during this process. Then, the agencies supportive services assist people with stabilizing the situation and maintaining their new home.




Our Just Future runs affordable housing complexes including low income apartments, in East Portland, Gresham and Fairview. The centers offer quality apartment living for families who are making the transition into a more permanent home. The majority of the units Multnomah County have multiple bedrooms. The tenant will need to pay a portion of their income for rent and participate in budgeting and other classes, but the bottom line is the units can help the homeless. There are also section 8 HUD vouchers for stability, and look here for information on section 8 income based houses in OR.

Additional assistance from Our Just Future

Resident Services are available at each location to ensure that families remain stable. Tenants will also benefit from their social, educational, and employment services, both within Our Just Future and throughout the wider Portland Oregon community. It will also address basic needs, such as rent and utility assistance, food, clothing for work, and self-advocacy.

As noted, providing clients with long term, stable housing is the main priority. Our Just Future will offer this, as well as support for addressing any underlying challenges. To be eligible for their services, or to move into an apartment, clients must meet income restrictions. While it can change, it generally is limited to people with a maximum income of 60 percent of Area Median Income. In actuality, many of the residents earn much less than that, and it is typically earning about 30 percent of median.

In order to assist families in Mid and East Multnomah County region that are just one unexpected bill away from having to choose between food and paying the rent, Our Just Future also offers Safety Net resources. This include a combination of grants and other financial support. Services range from include Anti-Poverty Education, one-time Rent Assistance, and Energy Bill Assistance.




The Our Just Future Employment and Economic Development Program is for both homeless and very low-income job seekers. Clients come from many backgrounds and are often faced with significant barriers to finding and retaining living-wage employment.

They may have limited education, criminal records and/or a lack of basic skills training. Others are faced with underemployment or long term unemployment. Services include basic education, skills training, and follow-up job coaching. The programs are set up to meet the individual needs of each participant, and include the following:

Living Solutions from Our Just Future is a combination of job training and placement in Multnomah County. The support is for those who are not well-suited for traditional employment programs, with the goal of placing participants in living-wage jobs. Services include basic education, skills training, and follow-up job coaching. There are other programs too to help people find work, including from home or their apartment. Look for great work from home type jobs.

Peer to Peer Workforce Development is mostly for immigrants and refugees in Portland Oregon. Staff from Our Just Future address needs of the newcomers. People are often impacted by limited English skills and other barriers, so the mentors partner with them to provide support. Or they can meet with free lawyers for help with immigration status or consultations, and find a free lawyer on the phone in OR.

Welfare recipients can look into Community Works. This is a service for those who wish to discontinue their dependence on government assistance. It helps people make this possible by providing underserved job seekers coming from diverse backgrounds with support services, such as loans for tuition or the subsidized work program Jobs Opportunities Basic Skills Plus (JOBS).

Phone number

Our Just Future has two offices in the region. As noted, the homeless, working poor and people with no money are a focus. They are as follows.

  • 10550 NE Halsey St, Portland, OR 97220, dial 503-548-0200
  • Another site is at 124 NE 181st, Gresham, OR 97230, telephone 503-405-7875


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