Fairfield County Connecticut Salvation Army assistance programs.
Families in Bridgeport, Danbury, Stamford, and Norwalk Connecticut can contact their nearby Fairfield County Salvation Army center for assistance. Case managers can provide social services, information or referrals to emergency rent assistance programs, homeless prevention, free Christmas toys programs and much more. There are also free school supplies for students in Fairfield County, bus passes for work, and transportation resources from the Salvation Army. Some of the Fairfield centers may be able to offer direct cash assistance for basic needs and bills.
Financial help, food, and meals from the Salvation Army
Homeless prevention includes case management and the possibility of limited amounts of financial assistanc for back rent or energy billss. Funding is limited, and a number of conditions need to be met by applicants in order to qualify. Priority is given to families with children, senior citizens, and people who are most at risk, such as the disabled.
The goal of the Salvation Army is to stabilize the family’s housing and help people achieve both self determination and self-sufficiency. Some locations in Fairfield County will offer rent payment, heating or utility bill assistance on a once per year basic, and it will normally only be a small dollar amount of up to $100. All funds are limited and come with qualifications, and assistance is offered to address specific housing issues such as energy bills or rent. Recipients can’t normally get funds for both of those needs. Find other emergency rental assistance programs in Fairfield County.
Nonperishable food, groceries, canned goods and other items are provided to Fairfield County families and individuals who are in need of emergency assistance or who are struggling to feed their families. A food pantry is open at most centers for limited hours. Many centers also provide items like free bread as well. There are also limited delivery services, from Meals on Wheels, that the Salvation Army will help arrange for the elderly and disabled in Fairfield County.
Fairfield County is a major commuter region and is expensive to live in. The Salvation Army will try to help with employment and transportation needs. They also work to entourage affordable housing and/or shelters in the region. To this end, there may be such assistance as free train or bus card.
Free holiday assistance and Family Stores in Fairfield County
The Fairfield County Salvation Army's Angel Tree program provides new toys or clothing for children and teenagers. It is driven by the generosity and donations of people and businesses across Stamford, Bridgeport and the community. Gifts will usually go to children who are under the age of 12 or so.
How it works is a sponsoring corporation or company will place a Christmas tree in a secure, high-pedestrian traffic area. People who participate in the program will remove one or more tags of local children from the tree and purchase appropriate toys or gifts for the child.
The sponsoring business or organization also serves as a collection point for the gifts that are donated. They will usually provide secure storage until a Salvation Army volunteer can collect the gifts for distribution.
Holiday food and meals are offered too. Not only can families and children receive gifts per above, but a free meal may be distributed. As noted, the primary gift program for children and the struggling in the county is the free Angel Tree service.
Adopt-A-Family is another holiday program. Each year, the Salvation Army centers in Fairfield and towns such as Danbury operate this unique program for needy families. Donating sponsors contribute to the program from the Human Services Bureau, and families can receive items like winter coats, school supplies, toys, or other needed items.
Salvation Army thrift stores are scattered across Fairfield County Connecticut. The centers may provide and accept vouchers, and low income families can get help in an emergency situation. Items distributed can include furniture (such as beds), personal hygiene items, work or school clothing, and much more.
Salvation Army Centers in Fairfield County
The county encompasses many cities, towns, and village. The Salvation Army has multiple locations in Fairfield County to serve them. There will be low cost Family Stores, emergency financial aid for rent or heating bills, free food from pantries and other social services at the centers. Almost all of this is combined with case management to help end poverty.
Bridgeport Corps (covers cities of Trumbull, Stratford, Monroe), 30 Elm Street, Bridgeport, CT 06601, dial (203) 334-0995 Special programs offered here are After School Programs, Emergency Disaster Canteen, and Elderly Meals Programs.
Danbury Corps Community Center, 15 Foster Street, Danbury, Connecticut 06810. The phone number is (203) 792-7505 Special Services include Homeless Prevention Program, School Readiness Program, After School Programs
Danbury Temple is the Hispanic Ministry, 15 Foster Street, Danbury, CT 06810 (203) 792-7505. Also holds ESL Classes.
Norwalk Corps Community Center, Norwalk, CT 06850, telephone (203) 866-2125. Additional services here are After School Programs, Hispanic Ministry, Food pantry, and ESL
Stamford Corps Community Center, 198 Selleck Street, Stamford, Connecticut 06904, call (203) 359-2320. Offers After School Programs and Emergency Disaster Canteen.