Help with rent in Clark County Ohio and Springfield.
The Clark County Ohio government Family Services office as well as charities combine resources to offer emergency rental assistance to tenants that are in a crisis as well as funds to help with security deposits. The goal is to both prevent homelessness as well as rehouse individuals that do not have a place to live. Other housing and rental assistance in the Springfield OH area near you, listed below, include legal aid to tenants, section 8 or motel vouchers and back payment help.
When applying for rent help, any financial help comes with conditions. The applicant needs to be able/willing to work or be in job training/part time role. Free budgeting classes, case management, and self-sufficiency is also required. The funds available in Springfield Ohio for immediately paying rent are limited to what donations and government grants are available, so many tenants will be turned away.
When all funds are used up, or if the applicant is not qualified, they can always seek a loan. Or they can move into transitional housing until they get back on track or apply for HUD section 8 low-income housing vouchers in Clark County. In either case funds for paying a deposit, back rent, or even energy bill will always give priority to the most deserving that show the ability to sustain their home or apartment on their own.
Find how to apply for rent assistance or deposits in Clark County OH
Sacred Heart Catholic Church – Saint Vincent Location is Address is 209 W Lake Ave, New Carlisle, Ohio 45344. Call (937) 845-3121 The church only supports the Bethel township area. The process to apply for rental assistance takes several days. Phone applications are needed and a home visit may take place before any money to help with rent is paid out.
Clark County Department Of Job and Family Services 1345 Lagonda Ave, Springfield, OH 45503. Call (937) 327-1700 Only people in risk of losing their job due to a housing issue can apply for rent, mortgage, or energy bill assistance. The program in question is Prevention, Retention, And Contingency (PRC) – CCDJFS. Grants are given to Clark County Ohio for bills, such as rent or transportation, if it may impact a job. Much of the aid goes to households with children, including single moms or dads.
Clark County Veterans' Service Center Address is 120 S. Center St., Springfield, Ohio 45502. Dial (937) 521-2030 Veterans, military members, and their families can get financial assistance. It includes for rent, transportation, low interest rate loans for housing costs, and much more. They also offer HUD VASH for veterans in Clark County as well as rental payment assistance from SSVF. Or rehousing, grant money, and hardship funds.
Interfaith Hospitality Network - Norm's Place 501 W. High St., Springfield, OH 45506. Dial 211 first. See below. All applicants need a reference from the United Way 211 service. Call there first. The Housing Stability program can help pay security deposits, moving costs, or rent. The non-profits phone number is (937) 322-1029 or dial (937) 521-1071.
Springfield District Council Of St. Vincent De Paul 228 Raffensperger, Springfield, OH 45505. Call (937) 322-0838 Dial only between 10:00-10:30 am on Tuesday or Friday. Funds can help with housing costs, including shelter or back rent.
LAWO Springfield (877) 894-4599 A pro-bono law firms that covers Clark County. Everything from eviction help to referrals, debt and credit issues are addressed for free. Lawyers will give free legal advice to low-income renters to help them stop an eviction or address housing discrimination. The applicant needs to be very low income or a senior citizen.
Enon Emergency Relief Committee Address is 105 North Scott Street, Enon, OH 45323. Call (937) 864-5555 They only help town residents. Get everything from financial help for rent or utilities to furniture for an apartment and household stuff. Funds for housing are limited.
Sheltered and Hartley House Location is 440 W. High Street, Springfield, OH 45506. Dial (937) 521-1071 The Clark County OH Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program offers emergency help for rent, mortgages, and housing costs, including security deposits. There is rehousing, free motel vouchers and other support.
Salvation Army The faith based charity is at 15 South Plum Street, Springfield, OH 45506. Telephone: (937) 322-3434 As funds are available, get emergency rental or utility bill assistance. They help families with a reduction in hours, job loss, and other struggling tenants pay the bills and get back on track. More on Salvation Army Springfield Ohio programs.
Springfield Metropolitan Housing Authority Address is 101 W High St, Springfield, Ohio 45502. Phone number is (937) 325-7331 The PHA processes applications for state of Ohio Section 8 HUD vouchers. This is income based housing in which some of the rent is paid using federal government monies. There are emergency section 8 income based homes and other programs.
Project Woman Shelter 525 E Home Rd, Springfield, OH 45503. Main phone - (937) 328-5308 This is an emergency homeless shelter for victims of violence or abuse. Meals, short term housing, legal aid, and other support is given.
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