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Society of St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati assistance programs.

Financial assistance for expenses such as rent and utility bills can be provided by Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Cincinnati Ohio. Other resources including free household items, furniture or food may be distributed too. SVDP also provides free RX for the low-income, senior care and more. Find how to get help from St. Vincent in Hamilton County OH.

As with most charities and non-profits, funds from the SVDP parishes are limited and not everyone will be able to qualify. Referrals will be given too as needed, including to clothing closets, transportation services and other places. Low-income families, single moms and the elderly receive help from the Society of St. Vincent in Cincinnati or Hamilton County Ohio.

Cincinnati Ohio area St. Vincent emergency financial assistance programs

Hardship funds from the SVDP parishes are offered, but is limited. Assistance from these programs, including rent, water and energy bills, is limited to people and families who are on the path to financial stability. Requests and applications will be reviewed for one or more of the following expenses.

  • Individuals may be able to receive assistance with ongoing housing expenses such as monthly rent.
  • Funds and information may be available to provide help for paying their Waterworks, heating bills or Duke Energy bill.
  • Qualified individuals may be able to get help with their security deposit or first month’s rent too.
  • If work attire, electronics or transportation is needed, then Saint Vincent parishes will help with car repairs, gas vouchers or other needs. Find more details on free gas vouchers.

Utilities and rent money can be paid out by appointment only. A number of applications are sent to St. Vincent de Paul in Cincinnati. Various forms will need to be complete. All financial aid is limited.

A number of other assistance programs and financial resources are administered too. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Cincinnati and Hamilton County Ohio is a non-profit organization that may be able to help people facing economic, spiritual, or an emotional crisis. They can be able to directly provide or refer people to programs that offer assistance.




Bus transportation is available as well. If you need transportation to a job or doctor appointment, bus tokens are offered to qualified people. Most transportation assistance is disbursed and used up in the first week of the month. It is only for local Hamilton County Ohio travel. Find a host of other bus pass assistance programs.

Free household items in Cincinnati, furniture, and clothing may be provided by Society of St. Vincent de Paul donation centers and thrift stores. What often happens is during visits to the homes of low income families in need of help, volunteers from the charity see that people have a need for basic items such as beds, work or school clothing, kitchen supplies, or personal hygiene items. When those visits occur, qualified Cincinnati families will be given vouchers to purchase those items at no charge to the family.

The Saint Vincent charity will try to give free furniture, couches, beds and the like out the low income and working poor. however, based on inventory and donation levels (as well as the applicants income), there may be some minimal fees involved. Find a listing of additional charities that give free furniture.

The Cincinnati Society of St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry operates for families living in the zip codes that end with 02, 03, 14, 19, 25, 29 and 32 only. Clients of the program can pick the groceries and food that they want. There is produce, shelf stable groceries, eggs, dairy, infant formula for low-income parents and other goods. Many volunteers support this resource.  Applicants need to apply in person at their Bank St. Outreach Center. Or dial 513-421-0602.

Pharmacy, medications and pharmaceutical care is for those who could not otherwise afford their health care or prescription medication. Dial (513) 562-8841 information. This can help kids, parents, the elderly or sick people. Generally generic medications are offered. Low income and uninsured people in Hamilton County can benefit from the St. Vincent de Paul Charitable Pharmacy.

Thrift stores in Cincinnati are available from Society of Saint Vincent. For example, those families or individuals who can't afford to shop at full-priced retail stores may be able to get bargains from Hamilton County St. Vincent de Paul stores. These locations can help them care for themselves in a way that preserves their dignity by providing high quality, new or gently used but affordable goods in clean and well-lit environments.





Help for seniors in Hamilton County OH from Saint Vincent de Paul

A number of programs may be offered for elderly or senior citizens who live on fixed incomes or who fall into low income conditions. Saint Vincent also helps people over the age of 60 who have income from social security or a pension. Both immediate financial help, care giving, and even companion ship is offered.

Saint Vincent also works with Agency on Aging to help the elderly. Together they give out free meals or healthy, USDA food or commodities. There can be help for caregivers or money to keep the heat on during the winter. Or even get companionship from local classes or recreational trips with other senior citizens. Learn more on OH Area Agency on Aging programs.

Phone number for SVDP programs in Hamilton County

A number of people apply for help every day. While representatives from the agency or a local SVDP parish will do the best they can to fulfill every request, many people may not qualify or funding may run out. If St. Vincent de Paul can’t fulfill your need, they may be able to refer you to other non-profit organizations, local volunteer groups or government assistance programs in the greater Cincinnati Ohio region.

To learn more or to apply, call or stop by Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1125 Bank Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214-2130. Call (513) 562-8841. Everything from financial help to low cost or free items are available.


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