Catholic Charities assistance programs in Baldwin County Alabama.
Catholic Charities offers a number of services to the low-income, working poor, and others. Baldwin County area families can receive case management, emergency help with bills or rent, financial support and more. Find information on the Catholic Charity Baldwin County AL resources.
Case management is offered. A social worker will evaluate the client’s financial situation. If they are found to be eligible for help, Catholic Charities may be able to offer assistance. This can include referrals and follow-up. The charity will work closely with you in an effort to remove barriers to self-sufficiency and help people gain a new job (or higher paying one). The center also maintains bulletin boards for job opportunities and other resource agencies for clients. A priority of the case management is to prevent homelessness in Baldwin County.
Short term emergency financial assistance can be paid out for a number of needs. Eligible families can get free food, clothing, rental assistance, funds for utilities and more. The location will also distribute Project SHARE Funds and any government money from FEMA. They may be able to help with paying utility bills and may offer some short term medical bill assistance. The center will offer case work and management services (per above) as part of any emergency aid. If Catholic Charities can't meet your needs they will try to provide referrals to who can.
Project REACH is known as Resources for Educational Advancement of Children. This assistance program serves school-age children from low-income households throughout Baldwin County Alabama. It can, among other things, offer free school supplies and financial assistance of fees to help students and children transition into the new school year. Having an education is critical, and Catholic Charities will do what they can to help ensure that occurs.
Free medications may be provided from Ozanam Pharmacy. This program is also offered in Baldwin County. Low income and the uninsured can apply for this Catholic Social Service. While funding varies, up to 6 months of prescription drugs may be offered. The pharmacy also works with national pharmaceutical charity programs to establish qualifications and continuity. While it can help a with a number of needs this program primarily helps with maintenance medicines.
Project Christmas will give children, home bound persons and elderly free food, toys and gift items. It runs annually and was created to help share the joy of Christmas to the less fortunate. Each qualified child or teenager will receive up to three brand new gifts or items for the holiday. Catholic Charities also runs a special project with Catholic Ladies of Charities for home bound persons, including the elderly. It will provide them with holiday bags filled with gifts or needed items.
Therapeutic Counseling is offered on a sliding fee scale in Baldwin County Alabama. The Catholic Charity program is staffed by a master’s level therapist who is also a Licensed Professional Counselor. Any counseling provided is a process for understanding difficult life challenges. Fees charged to patients will be based on a sliding scale.
Immigration assistance is offered by Catholic Charities as part of U. S. Board of Immigration Appeals (DHS). They provide low cost legal assistance and representation in immigration matters. Highly trained and accredited staff offer help with pathways to citizenship as support in family reunion matters. Staff from Catholic Social Services work with all Alabama residents regardless of their immigration status.
Explore opportunities for permanent housing in Baldwin County. Clients can access case management and can also sign up for social support services. A focus is on adults (and their families) who are both homeless and disabled. The housing programs are paid for by HUD.
Disaster relief services are available. Staff, using the help of many volunteers, will facilitate emergency financial assistance, information and referral services. Catholic Charities also works closely with the United Way, and a number of resources tend to be available. The Bay Area Food Bank is also another partner organization. Victims of a disaster can receive clothing, household goods, personal hygiene items and more. Those who were impacted, evacuees, and others can all benefit from the available resources.
Catholic Social Services Thrift Shop will sell gently used goods at very reasonable prices. Many people say they are the best prices in all of Baldwin County. The store will sell household items, adult and children’s clothing and accessories, kitchen accessories, furniture, decorative items, books, games, baby items, toys and etc. Stop by for a bargain.
Phone number to apply for help from Catholic Charities in Baldwin County
The main Catholic Charity location is at 23010 Alabama 59 Robertsdale, Alabama 36567. Call (251) 947-2293 for details.
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