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Assistance programs Arkansas, Cleveland, Grant and Lincoln County.

The charities, churches and government organizations below give immediate financial help, grant money, and free items to low-income families. Get assistance with rent or electric bills, free food or groceries, medical or dental and more. Find financial help near you in in Arkansas, Cleveland, Grant, and Lincoln County.

There are also many seasonal and free items given out. Whether it is applications to Christmas toys from Angel Tree, job training services, or school supplies / backpacks, items are offered. Or free vouchers help people get what they need.Li

Emergency help for rent, bills and food items

Grant County Spirit of Sharing - May be able to provide free food, rent help, and assistance with utilities. They help the low-income, disabled, elderly and others from 1685 US-270, Sheridan, AR 72150. Call (870) 942-7373.

Arkansas Department of Health, Community Clinic Southeast Region - This is a local community clinics that provides the low income, people with limited or no health insurance, and others who are struggling with access to health care. Get specialized treatments, general checkups, and other medical aid. The location is 1616 S. Madison, DeWitt, AR 72042. The main number is 870-659-2056.

Lend a Hand Food Pantry, which is based in Star City, provides a free food and grocery pantry. Get fresh or canned food, formula, baby items and even hygiene supplies. The location is 502 Church St, Star City, AR 71667. Call (870) 370-0500

Overcoming Faith Worship Center provides low cost food, and works closely with Feeding America and other partners. Dial (870) 628-4736. Basically they provide low cost food and groceries to anyone who needs help, regardless of the person’s income. The charity is at 1521 N Lincoln Ave, Star City, AR 71667.

Gould Community Service Corporation - Provides food assistance for individuals and families of limited income in the community. Gould Arkansas. There are also free holiday food baskets, including at Christmas and Thanksgiving. The location is  305 S Mississippi St, Gould, AR 71643. Call (870) 263-4059.




Regional Salvation Army Centers advocate on behalf of the poor, they may have basic needs, and limited financial help in counties including Lincoln, Grant and others. Most of the support in Lincoln and nearby counties in material, which may be goods such as free school items, Christmas toys, or a box of food. They can also refer families to rental deposit programs, applications for energy assistance, loan programs and other forms of aid. Locate Lincoln County Arkansas Salvation Army.

DHS offices help people in poverty, the elderly, working poor and others. There is government grant money, CHIP or Medicaid insurance, and SNAP EBT cards for food. Or get SSI applications, elderly care, income based child care and more. Learn more on Arkansas DHS food stamp applications.

  • DHS Clevaland county is at 201 5th Street, Rison, AR 71665-0465. Call 870-325-6218
  • Grant County benefits from Human Services Department are at 16 Opportunity Dr, Sheridan, AR 72150. Phone: (870) 942-5151
  • Lincoln County DHS is at 101 West Wiley Street, Star City, AR 71667-1128. Call 870-628-4105

Community action grant money to pay bills in Cleveland, Grant and Lincoln County

Pine Bluff Jefferson County EOC, Inc. - This is the community action agency that supports all of these Arkansas Counties. They can provide advice, emergency financial assistance, and try to help the low income become self-sufficient over the long term.

  • Emergency aid - The low income and qualified families can get funds for helping them in a crisis. Assistance can help with utility bills, rent help, clothing, as well as free food and groceries.
  • Low income energy assistance program - Known as LIHEAP, this program can provide qualified individuals with a cash grant to pay their energy bills. They help seniors, the disabled and low income in Lincoln, Arkansas and other counties pay their power bills. Money can prevent a disconnection or pay a regular monthly bill.
  • Medications - Vouchers and other aid can help people get access to medications. There are also referrals to free dental and medical for the low-income and uninsured.





  • Job finding and counseling - The community action agency has programs and counselors that can help people find jobs and develop career skills. There are free work clothes, supplies such as cell phones or Apple Smartphones and more. Find government agencies for a free iPhone.
  • Weatherization - This a federal government funded program that provides free energy conservation updates to peoples homes.
  • Advice - Just call Pine Bluff Jefferson County for general advice, information on government programs, budgeting skills, and various forms of help. For example, learn about payday lending laws.

Many other resources are offered, including hardship grants, free personal or household stuff and more. Call the Pine Bluff Jefferson County EOC, Inc. at (870) 536-0046. Click here more details on Pine Bluff Jefferson County community action.


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