Anderson, Coffey, Franklin, Lyon county assistance programs.
Find financial help from grants and loans. Local charities, churches, non-profits and the government in Franklin, Anderson, and nearby counties can help low income families. Funds can help with paying energy or heating bills, rent, security deposits and other housing costs. Agencies in Lyon and other counties can also offer free health or dental care, transportation, debt help, foreclosure prevention services, and other aid.
ECKAN is the local community action agency, and the programs they offer provide financial help and counseling to people in Anderson, Coffey, Franklin, and Lyon Kansas. The resources offered include:
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) assistance program offers rental assistance to low-income families, enabling them to obtain affordable, high quality housing with private landlords that limits the amount they need to pay for rent. More on Kansas section 8 housing.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) - Free food, including fruit, canned vegetables, fresh juice, peanut butter, meat, cereal, pasta, and nonfat dry milk can be provided.
Weatherization - This program can help both homeowners and renters conserve energy. Assistance is provided at no cost to those who own their own home, as well as those who rent, who qualify under the low income program guidelines.
Head Start and Early Head Start resources and services are offered through preschool, child care and/or home visitation type services. The Head Start program may be able to offer low-income children and families comprehensive and intentional support, all of which is designed to promote self sufficiency, healthy growth and development, and success for future experiences for qualified children.
Call ECKAN at (785) 242-7450 to apply for help or advice. Or more details on East Central Kansas Economic Opportunity Corporation assistance programs.
Columbus Clinic - This facility is based in the region of Kansas and focuses on the low income and people with no or limited health insurance. The main goal is to provide comprehensive medical services, dental and health care to individuals regardless of their ability to pay for their bills. (620) 429-2101.
Coffey County Resource Center (phone number (620) 364-5701) works with local churches and the city of Burlington Kansas to provide emergency financial assistance (rent, housing, and utility) as well as advice and information.
A local Salvation Army branch serves all areas of Kansas including Anderson, Coffey, Franklin, Lyon. Dial (800) 336-4547. They administer an emergency crisis financial assistance programs. Services offered by the non-profit agency include help for paying rent, Funds for energy bills and utilities, free food, Gently new or used discounted clothing, Vouchers for Prescriptions, Christmas, School Supplies, etc. Other services include distribution of USDA commodities, emergency shelter, emergency transportation, clothing and household items as available in thrift store, toys for children, and other miscellaneous aid.
Flint Hills Community Health Center of Emporia Kansas helps deal with health care issues and promotes the well being. 620-342-4864.