Free food banks and groceries in Allen County Indiana.
Find a listing of food banks and free emergency pantries in Allen County as well as Fort Wayne Indiana. The distribution centers provide free or low cost food, meals, groceries, and services to the low income as well as people with no money. Some examples of what people can receive from a pantry near them today include breads, fruits, vegetables, canned groceries, meats, milk, baby formula, and much more. Find a free food pantry near you in Allen County IN.
There are programs for the elderly, such as home delivered meals, as well as other support, including including emergency boxes of groceries. Or get free dog or cat food for low-income families in Fort Wayne. There is also a phone number at the bottom of the page for other food assistance programs.
In addition to the church or charity run pantries providing perishable and government surplus food, many of the locations can also offer other support, such as Christmas and Thanksgiving meals, holiday gifts and a free drive thru pantry that is open today. The food banks across Allen County can also provide information to seniors, unemployed, and working poor on other resources and assistance programs that can help them in the area as they work through their hardship. Or find other places for free food giveaways near you.
Places for free food in Fort Wayne IN area
Adventist Community Services Location - 228 West Lexington Avenue Fort Wayne, Indiana 46807 Main phone number - (260) 745-1594 Services offered include a food bank. Also learn about other local resources, charities, and non-profits to call for help.
Associated Churches Of Fort Wayne And Allen County. These charities partnered together to create the Food Bank System. The churches listed below are all part of the Allen County Association of churches that provide food, meals, and groceries to members of the community. There may be personal toiletries, stuff like laundry detergent, clothes, and baby formula or diapers too. The phone number of each and every church is below. Each location will be open limited hours, and only have limited amounts of aid that can be provided. The main phone number is (260) 422-3528, or some churches have their own number below.
- Woodburn United Methodist Church - 4300 Becker Road. Woodburn IN 46797. Call 260-632-5313
- Saint James Lutheran Church provided by Associated Churches of Fort Wayne and Allen County is at 1720 Indiana 930, New Haven IN, 46774. Call 260-749-5232.
- Emmanuel Lutheran Church is at 800 Green Street, New Haven IN 46774. Dial 260-749-2163
- Saint Matthew's Lutheran Church pantry and soup kitchen at 2305 Goshen Road, Fort Wayne IN 46808. Phone - 260-483-9312
- Maplewood Mennonite Church - 4129 MapleCrest Road, Fort Wayne IN 46815. Call 260-485-8512
- Anthony Wayne First Church Of God
(260) 422-3528
- Beacon Heights Church Of The Brethren
Phone - (260) 422-3528
- Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Call - (260) 422-3528
- Calvary Third United Presbyterian Church
(260) 422-3528
- East Allen Family Resource Center
(260) 422-3528
- East Wayne Street Center
Dial - (260) 422-3528
- Emanuel Lutheran Church
Call (260) 422-3528
- Faith Journey is at (260) 422-3528
- First Christian Church
Telephone - (260) 422-3528
- Harlan United Methodist Church, 16434 IN-37, Harlan, IN 46743. Dial (260) 422-3528 or (260) 657-5364
- Heartland Community Church
Telephone - (260) 422-3528
- Huntertown United Methodist Church
Call (260) 422-3528
- Leo United Methodist Church
Dial (260) 422-3528
- Maplewood Mennonite Church. A food bank and soup kitchen is at 4129 Maplecrest Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46815. Call (260) 485-8512
- North Christian Church
(260) 422-3528
- St. Alban's Episcopal Church. Call (260) 422-3528
- St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Main number - (260) 422-3528
- St. Matthew's Lutheran Church
(260) 422-3528
- St. Joseph Catholic Church - Hessen Cassel
(260) 422-3528
- St. Patrick's Catholic Church
Telephone - (260) 422-3528
- Faith Lutheran Church, 1700 E Pettit Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46806 Dial (260) 422-3528
- Trinity United Methodist Church. 609 Putnam St, Fort Wayne, IN 46808. For hours, call (260) 422-7924
- Union Baptist World Changing Ministries
Phone - (260) 422-3528
- United Faith Presbyterian Church
(260) 422-3528
- Waynedale United Methodist Church, phone (260) 422-3528
- Wayne Township Trustee, Food bank number - (260) 422-3528
- Wellspring Interfaith Social Services - (260) 422-3528
- Woodburn United Methodist Church - Dial (260) 422-3528
Wellspring Interfaith Social Services There are multiple churches, charities and non-profits that are part of Wellspring. The poor, single moms, elderly, and others can get help. Get cereal, vitamin, ingredients, and other social services, even information on cash aid as well as SNAP food stamps and EBT cards.
- 2215 South Hanna Street, Fort Wayne IN, 46803. Call 260-422-6618 There is a free emergency pantry that makes regular distributions of food, ingredients, sandwiches and more. A mobile pantry and clothing closet may also offer hygiene items, diapers, and even baby formula.
- Wellspring on Wheels - Dupont Estates, 10002 Wheatfield Lane, Fort Wayne IN, 46825. Phone - 260-422-6618
- Adams Township Trustee is at 1125 Hartzell Street, New Haven IN, 46774. Phone: 260-422-6618
- 1316 Broadway, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. The main phone number is (260) 422-6618. Emergency groceries are combined with other social services for the working poor.
Salvation Army - Emergency Assistance Food Pantry and Financial Help 2901 North Clinton Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46805. Primary phone - (260) 744-2311 Emergency assistance can include food, thrift store, shelter and more. Other services offered are holiday meals and gifts, such as Angel Tree. The non-profit may also offer limited help for paying electric bills and rent, and other social services and financial aid. Many resources are available, even including help in applying for Food stamps. Free Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas food baskets are offered too. More on Salvation Army assistance programs Allen County.
St. Peter's Catholic Church Address is 518 E Dewald St, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46803. Dial (260) 744-2765 There is a free food pantry with groceries, perishable items, snacks for students and more. Also free household and personal hygiene products may be offered, including detergent, soap, and other goods.
Faith Lutheran Church - Faith and Light Food Pantry 1700 East Pettit Avenue, Fort Wayne IN, 46806. For hours, dial 260-745-2565 There is Filling, shelf-stable foods, Dry Rice/Pasta/Box Dinners, groceries give away sometimes daily, snacks for students and other help.
Crossroads Food bank Bank 207 S State St, South Whitley, IN 46787. Telephone- (260) 723-5127 Canned groceries, shelter stable food, canned or frozen meat and more is offered. There are holidays means, Ensure for seniors.
Saint Peter's Catholic Church Information is 518 East DeWald Street, Fort Wayne IN, 46803. Call 260-447-3696 Provides fresh fruits, vegetables and other produce. There are dairy products, paper goods, laundry detergent, soap and other food items to those in need on a first-come, first-served basis.
Lifehouse Forest Park Campus Food bank address is 2100 Kentucky Avenue, Fort Wayne IN, 46805. Main number is 260-637-3798 A free pantry with dry and canned goods, paper products, holiday boxes, birthday snacks, and personal toiletries to those in need.
Saint Therese Catholic Church 2304 Lower Huntington Road, Fort Wayne IN, 46819. Call 260-747-9139 Low income families can get free nonperishable food.
Jackson R. Lehman Family YMCA A free food pantry and soup kitchen at 5680 YMCA Park Drive West, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46835. Dial (260) 755-4949
Fort Wayne - Avalon Food Pantry Food pantry address - 1500 Lower Huntington Road Fort Wayne, Indiana 46819 Main phone number - (260) 747-1531 Boxes of groceries are passed out by volunteers. They may contain baby formula, non-perishable food, and more.
Community Harvest Food Bank Of Northeast Location of the free food pantry is 999 East Tillman Road Fort Wayne, IN 46816 (260) 447-3696 This regional food bank is part of a wider organization of centers for the working poor. The pantry provides food to local charities, non-profits, churches, and other centers. The locations they provide this support to then distribute it to the needy. However Community Harvest can be a good place to call for information or referrals. They also have information on surplus USDA commodities or state of Indiana programs such as SNAP food stamps.
New Hope Worship Center Fort Wayne, Indiana 46815-4458 (260) 441-8685 The food bank is open one day per week. It can help those families that are facing a crisis with groceries, hygiene items, and other support.
East Wayne Street Center Location 801 East Wayne Street Fort Wayne, Indiana 46803 Phone number - (260) 422-6502 Currently offering a food pantry that is open Monday and Wednesday from 1pm to 3pm. There are also free adult education classes and there may be free clothes too, as resources and donations allow.
Community Action Agency of Allen County and Northeast Indiana offers support. This includes government aid, like SNAP food stamps, WIC vouchers, USDA applications and job programs. They help families in poverty with short term needs and long term support. More on food help from Community Action Agency of Northeast Indiana.
Franciscan Center, St. Anthony's Food Pantry Main address is 4643 Gaywood Drive Fort Wayne, Indiana 46806 Phone number - (260) 744-3977 Services include free groceries, hygiene supplies, as well as seasonal (Thanksgiving and Christmas meals) in Allen County.
His Blessings Food / Clothing Bank 1222 E. Wayne Street Fort Wayne, IN 46803 (260) 580-1570 Can provide gently used clothing, food and other help for low income residents. There is assistance for students, senors citizens and Allen County families.
Queen of Angels St Vincent de Paul Society 1500 W State Blvd Fort Wayne, Indiana Telephone - (260) 482-9411 Social services are run from this Allen County charity. A free food pantry, thrift store, and clothing bank are on site. Volunteers help the vulnerable, including disabled and seniors, to ensure they have food and basic needs.
Love Church 1331 E Berry St Fort Wayne, IN 46803 (260) 422-8961
Fort Wayne Pet Food Pantry Address is 2502 Church St. Fort Wayne, IN 46809 Phone: (260) 478-4851 As the name implies, they give out free or low cost pet food. Dogs or cats may get kibble, treats, bones, and surplus, donated items. Most of the items are for seniors or the elderly. Even find out about free pet food delivery for seniors.
Inasmuch Ministry (Broadway Christian Church) 910 Broadway Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Call the food bank at (260) 422-3498 for information. Get items such as cereal, soup, peanut butter or jelly, tuna and more. They also offer free holiday meals in Allen County, deliver some meals to the elderly and provide kitchen supplies too, even maybe pots and pans. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter food and meals are offered too.
Miss Virginia's Mission House Address: 1312 South Hanna Street Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802 Telephone - (260) 426-0176
The Church On Fire, Tabitha's House Clothing And Food Bank Location: 9019 Stellhorn Road Fort Wayne, Indiana 46815 Phone number - (260) 485-6084 Both free or low cost food and clothing may be distributed. There may also be back to school supplies as well as free winter coats, boots, and other clothing items.
Wayne Township Trustee Main office - 320 East Superior Street Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802 Dial (260) 449-7000
Fire House Food Pantry Address is 2322 Hobson Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46805 Call (260) 444-4071 Free meals as well as a box of food may be passed out.
Harvester Missionary Church Fort Wayne, IN 46803-3824 (260) 424-5533 Hot meals are served. There may also be some free groceries (canned or fresh) from the pantry.
Springfield Township Trustee Address - 11021 Roberts Road Harlan, Indiana 46743 Call (260) 657-3422 Runs the general assistance for this Allen County Indiana town. Food and other aid, such as medical, financial, career counseling, and much more may be provided.
Grace Point Church of the Nazarene A free food bank and soup kitchen is at 8611 Mayhew Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46835 Phone: (260) 485-2110
Eel River Township Trustee 3925 Mccomb Road Huntertown, IN 46748 Phone number - (260) 637-0238 The town offices in Allen County can offer everything from food stamp applications to vouchers items at a grocery store. Social workers are on site for working poor families and those living in poverty.
Perry Township Trustee Po Box 643 Huntertown, Indiana 46748 Call (260) 449-3748 for general assistance.
Additional free food assistance programs in Fort Wayne and the County
For more information on both non-profit as well as government programs in Allen County, dial 260-447-3696 for referrals. A regional network, including Feeding America in Allen County, can offer referrals to free soup kitchens or food pantries near you. Or clients can learn about Commodity Supplemental Food Program, SNAP food stamp intake sites or the low cost Meals on Wheels service. There are also services for children, such as summer meals and more.
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