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Vermont uninsured health care programs.

Patients and low income families in Vermont who are uninsured or whose health insurance will not pay all of their bills can look into several government sponsored or non-profit programs. The state works with medical providers, hospitals, and the federal government in an effort to provide free or low cost medical care to as many patients as possible.

Many of the assistance programs will cover the basic health care needs of the uninsured. This can include providing check ups, prescription medications, and cancer screenings. Families can also get referrals to more specialty care when needed. Some of the health care may be offered on a sliding fee scale and individuals may be required to pay some money towards their premiums or deductibles. The primary resources for the uninsured in Vermont are listed below.

Catamount Health Insurance Plan offers a wide range of comprehensive health insurance to residents. It is available for individuals and families who are not eligible for other state or federal government sponsored plans. Applicants also need to have been uninsured for at least 12 months or more or they need to have been signed up for a high deductible plan. Exceptions can be made in certain cases. The program can pay for hospital visits, chronic disease care, doctor visits, prescription drugs and other bills. Some premiums may be due. Call 800-250-8427 for details.

CHAP - Catamount Health with Premium Assistance is another one of the state's comprehensive health insurance plan, however this may offer some financial assistance for paying premiums. Get help for paying doctor bills, hospital costs, screenings, checkups, and other costs. Premium payments and a sliding fee scale in effect consider the applicant's household income and family size. Telephone number is 800-250-8427.

Children's Integrated Services / CIS / Early Intervention is for toddlers, newborns and infants in Vermont. Children under the age of 3 may receive care for audiology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, vision and speech tests. 800-649-2642

Dr. Dynasaur is the name of a program that provides low-cost or free health coverage for teenagers under 18, children and pregnant women. Some of what is paid for includes doctor visits, prescription medicines, dental and skin care, hospital visits, mental health care, immunizations, lab work, prenatal vitamins, and more. Call 800-250-8427.




Vermont's ADAP is the AIDS Medication Assistance Program. Federal government FDA approved medications may be distributed for free to patients with HIV and/or AIDs. 802-863-7245.

The DCAP HIV Dental Care Assistance Program will offer assessments, checks, and tests for patients with HIV/AIDS who do not have health insurance. Call 800-244-7639 for intake.

HIV Insurance Continuation Assistance Program will pay the health insurance premiums for qualified low income and uninsured individuals. Aid is offered if the individual can no longer work due to their illness or who are at risk of losing coverage. 800-882-2437.

WISEWOMAN / Ladies First Heart Stroke Screening is offered for low income and uninsured females. It can assist with preventing, delaying or will provide control over cardiovascular and other chronic diseases. The program also includes free advice and tips on a heart-healthy diet/lifestyle. Receive medical referral as appropriate to non-profit health clinics. 800-508-2222.

Vermont Medicaid will pay the entire, or the majority, of medical bills. It is available to people in Vermont who need comprehensive medical care, including, but not limited to, physician visits, hospitalization, prescription medicines, vision and dental care, lab & x-ray services,  emergency ambulance. This is a federal government grant program for the very low income, and call 800-250-8427 for details.

The PCIP Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan is offered for residents who were previously denied private health insurance. It is is offered by the state of Vermont in partnership with the federal government U.S. Department of Health and Human Services organization. Phone number is 866-717-5826.




PACE, or the Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly in Vermont, is an assistance program for people who are age 55 or older. The objective is to help them to continue to live in their homes. All applicants need to be age 55 or older, need to qualify for Medicaid coverage under the institutional financial eligibility standards, and be in the area of a PACE site. Seniors can be provided free or low cost primary or specialty care, prescription medications, physical & other therapies, and more. The medical bill assistance program is a Medicare/Medicaid resource. Call 802-241-1228 for details.

Medications and vaccines for children are offered from the Vaccines for Children Program (VFC). There may be a fee involved. Families will need to call a local clinic, which works with the state on the program. A number of diseases and medical conditions are addressed. 802-865-7755

Vermont Chronic Care Initiative – VCCI is financial assistance in managing health care for those with a serious and chronic medical condition. Medical social workers and registered nurses will try to encourage healthy behaviors and help with related issues such as food security, housing and transportation to doctor or medical appointments. Dial 802-879-5900.

Vermont Dementia Respite Program will help coordinate financial assistance and cash grants for respite care to families with a household member having related dementia or Alzheimer's Disease. Most of the aid is for the person providing respite care. 802-871-3065.

The VHAP Pharmacy assistance program will help people who are not enrolled in public insurance, such as Medicare. It can help pay the bills for expenses such as eye exams and prescription medicines. The applicant needs to be age 65 or older or disabled and they can't currently have have prescription drug insurance other than Medicare Part D. Telephone: 800-250-8427. It is also offered in combination with Vpharm, which can also help with paying for part D premiums and prescription copays and it is offered for current Medicare beneficiaries.




By Jon McNamara

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