Stark County Ohio free holiday assistance programs.
Charities and the department of social services in Stark County provide low income households with help at the holidays. Each of the non-profit organizations focuses on a different need, with some giving free Christmas gifts or others providing food or serving hot Thanksgiving or Christmas meals. The major programs are Toys for tots as well as Angel Tree. The gifts range from toys to clothing, books, meals delivered to senior citizens, and much more.
The primary agencies to call are listed below. Each has their own application process, but they run off of donations. There is a need for toys for boys and girls, holiday food baskets, volunteers to sort and pack boxes (or serve hot meals) and even Salvation Army bell ringers.
Stark County Job & Family Services (SCJFS), Children Services Division - For children from families who are on public assistance, they can apply for resources. This social service has several Christmas assistance programs associated with it, as follows. Stocking Stuffers has free personal items, toys at Christmas, school items and even candy. There are no age limits. Working with charities in Stark County, including the Salvation Army, the Adopt a Child program works for kids under the age of 11. Volunteers pick up toys and gifts for the kids, and clothing comes in various sizes too. Talk to your social worker for details on any holiday help.
A Community Christmas P.O. Box 20050 Canton, Ohio 44701 Phone: 330-454-3841 This charity adopts a couple hundred children each year. They can be given free winter coats, small Christmas presents, and other items. There are also Mitten as well as Giving Trees as a coats for children service at the organization.
Catholic Charities Diocese of Stark County Ohio Main address is 800 Market Ave N Canton, Ohio 44702 Phone: (330) 491-0896 There are yearly Thanksgiving and Christmas programs run. Special holiday events as well are available for families. Turkey dinners, toy drives for kids, gift cards, and other supplies are all available. A number of churches participate as part of this group, and low income families, the poor, homeless, and others can apply for assistance at the holidays.
Toys for Tots Alliance and Minerva, Total Living Center, and the Massillon Police Department’s Shop with a Kid program all participate. This US Marines resource is available for children under the age of 13. What may be offered includes games for kids, clothing items, free Christmas gifts for boys and girls under the age of 13, and much more. Bikes, games, books, winter jackets, Legos, sporting goods and countless other free gifts for children and teens. Find details on applying here.
Stark County Salvation Army 420 Market Avenue South Canton, Ohio 44702 Phone number is (330)453-0159 Several free holiday assistance programs are available from the church as well as other social services. The thrift stores sells low cost goods and there is also Angel Tree available. Free Christmas toys, gift cards, clothes and more for low income families. Other holiday programs include free Thanksgiving turkey meals and food baskets at Christmas. In addition to the seasonal services, there is also emergency financial aid for paying some critical bills, shelter, and other housing programs. More on holiday assistance Salvation Army Stark County.
Christ Presbyterian Church A food pantry and clothing bank is at 530 West Tuscarawas Street Canton, Ohio 44702 Call (330) 456-8113 Various low income assistance programs are run. There may be Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas meals and free food baskets. Children can get small gifts or stocking stuffers at Christmas, and there may be free decorations or gift cards for parents. Also find free clothes, winter attire, and groceries.
St Johns Catholic Church Address - 627 Mckinley Avenue NW Canton, Ohio 44703 (330) 454-8044 A free food pantry is on site. Christmas meals, ingredients, soup kitchen and more is offered.
ICAN in Stark County There are several ICAN offices that help the poor, homeless, immigrants, and unemployed among others. Free food (including at the holidays), hot meals, toys, and even financial help may be offered. They may give out free boxes of food, Thanksgiving turkey dinners, and other assistance. One is Love Inc, but there are other resources too. Find Stark County ICAN assistance programs.
SVDP of Stark County Location is 322 Third Street SE Massillon, Ohio 44646 Phone (330) 844-2714 Parishes help the poor, elderly, immigrants, and less fortunate. Free holiday food, small Christmas gifts, furniture and more is free or low cost.