Assistance programs Southwest Texas.
Financial help, free stuff, and social services are available in the counties of Edwards, Real, Val Verde, Uvalde, Kinney and Zavala County. Low-income families will get help with rent, electric bills or free food, groceries and medical care. Get financial assistance near you in SW Texas.
Other resources are offered too. Non-profits, charities, and government grant money will help pay the bills as well as assistance with employment, legal needs, and debt relief. Or get free seasonal support in Southwest Texas, including free school supplies for kids, Christmas toys, or summer snacks. Find details below.
Community action hardship grants in SW Texas
Community Council of Southwest Texas, Inc. offers several services and assistance programs for low income families and migrant/farm workers. There are several offices in the region as noted below. Programs are offered for all income qualified residents in the area, including Edwards, Real, and Zavala County.
- Utility bill assistance can help those households facing a disconnection. A partial payment may be made, as funding allows.
- The non-profit can also process applications for weatherization. This was created to help low income and working poor families save on their household energy costs. Local contractors use federal government funds install new windows, doors, appliances, heating systems, insulation, caulk, and more.
- Housing programs include section 8 vouchers as well as eviction prevention services. There will also be financial help for renters to stop an eviction. Or find additional organizations that help with rent.
- Low income families, seniors, and children can access a free food pantry for groceries, hygiene supplies and other goods.
- Case management, information on job training, and education.
The main office is at 713 E. Main, Uvalde, Texas, 78802-1709. Call (830) 278-6268. However, as indicated, they support all of southwest Texas, provided income and other conditions are me by applicants.
The Community Council of South Central Texas is another regional non-profit agency for struggling families in Val Verde and nearby towns. They offer aid from the block grant program, which is paid for by federal government funds. This organization may also offer information on local resources, state of Texas, and other state and local government assistance programs.
- Work with a case manager to deal with a long term solution to your hardship. The agency works to end the cycle of poverty and/or homelessness. While you partner with a specialist from the agency, explore emergency assistance programs such as food, rent and energy bill help, and more. All assistance is also available for Spanish speakers too.
- Other self-sufficiency type resources are available, such as information on regional job training programs in Edwards County. Immigrants and other can also enroll into education programs, such as GED training and English as a second language. Transportation is arranged too, as there are referrals to free greyhound bus tickets.
Other programs are available for a crisis or long term needs. The Community Council is located at 205 N King St, Seguin, TX 78155, call (830) 303-4376. Or find other hardship grants from TX community action.
Financial help for food, bills, and housing
The Salvation Army also has offices in southwestern Texas. They help the less fortunate both nationwide and locally. Numerous social service, referrals, and emergency financial is provided too. They also give out free items, including groceries, back to school supplies or Christmas toys from Angel Tree. If the location can’’t help you, then the office may have referrals to other programs in the region.
- They run a food pantry in partnership with other local charities. While very limited, financial aid may be offered as a last resort for people facing homelessness or a disconnection of their power. Christmas and holiday meals and gifts may be served as well. There mis also a homeless shelter or free vouchers, including for gas. As the goal is to provide gasoline for employment or education, and get details on free gas vouchers needed now.
A focus is on seniors, low income families with children, and the disabled. The Salvation Army also helps single moms in SW Texas. One of the main offices is at 201 Holdsworth Dr, Kerrville, TX 78028. Phone: (830) 315-5762.
Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries provides free emergency food boxes and groceries. The non-profit can provide the less fortunate with food and resources such as clothing, groceries, household items, Thanksgiving meal box, adult diapers, personal hygiene items, Ensure, and low sugar groceries for diabetics.
Some of the items and assistance can even be delivered by Family Mentors to families and individuals in need. In addition, low cost, gently used clothing and free furniture/household items are available. The agency focuses on helping people gain self-sufficiency, employment, and help them get back on their feet. Location is 38 Cascade Cavern, Boerne, TX 78015. Dial (830) 755-5200
Val Verde Community Action Agency, or the BCFS Health and Human Services, is at 712 E Gibbs St, Del Rio, TX 78840, helps with public assistance. There is applications to Medicaid insurance from the government or SNAP food stamps. Or access housing, rent help, and other benefits. Phone: (830) 768-2755
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid has free, pro-bono attorneys for low-income families, migrants or immigrants and seniors. Get help stopping an eviction, access to naturalization services, and government benefits help. The free attorneys help with civil issues from 200 Evans St, Uvalde, TX 78801. Call (956) 996-8752
Uvalde Memorial Hospital has a free clinic for medical, dental, and behavioral health. They help the uninsured, patients on Medicaid and others get care. Free eye exams, physicals, emergency dental and other support is at 1025 Garner Field Rd, Uvalde, TX 78801. Phone: (830) 278-6251, or locate additional low-income medical bill assistance programs.
Regional food banks and free pantries in southwest Texas
First Baptist Church Alliance is a leading non-profit to call for groceries, free food, and maybe holiday assistance. The main center is at 220 N High St, Uvalde, TX 78801. Call (830) 278-6283. They also offer referrals and other support.
Uvalde Food Pantry is based at 211 Evans St, Uvalde, TX. Call 830-278-5223. Free groceries, personal toiletries such as soap or hand sanitizer and other items are offered.
Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry can offer hot meals and bags of groceries to low income families and seniors. The address is 400 E Chapoy St, Del Rio, TX 78840.
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