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Free food banks, pantries, and groceries in San Mateo County.

Find details on free food pantries and soup kitchens for low-income families in San Mateo County. Residents who need help getting groceries or that may be facing hunger can turn to a local pantry or food bank near them today which are listed below. There is also a phone number at the bottom of the page for additional food and hunger prevention programs in San Mateo County.

The free, emergenct food distribution centers operate in cities and towns across the region, and they provide meals, groceries, lunches, and emergency assistance to qualified individuals. There are also free Meals on Wheels for the homebound as well as elderly. The locations will do their best to not turn anyone away. Some of the San Mateo pantries can direct residents to other food assistance programs as well, including CalFresh or WIC.

Many pantries distribute food boxes as needed to the low income, seniors, unemployed, and immigrants in San Mateo County. Some centers can also serve a hot meal for lunch or dinner, but this is only at select locations. Some of the charities operate soup kitchens, and this is where that form of aid comes from. Help is available to Spanish, Chinese and other languages.

Many of the food boxes passed out contain non-perishable items, but from time to time fresh fruits, vegetables, breads, and meats may be offered. Normally a family can only use the services of a pantry in San Mateo County a limited number of times per year, so be aware of any terms or conditions that apply. In addition, do not hesitate to explore programs such as CalFresh (food stamps), USDA summer meal programs, and other government commodities.

Places for free food and groceries in San Mateo County

Coastside Hope
99 Avenue Alhambra, El Granada California, 94018, (650) 726-9071
Offers food and other human services for local residents. Some of the emergency services include free food boxes, casework, Brown Bag food program, Meals on Wheels for the homebound and the Family Harvest Program. Other aid can be rent help and even immigration counseling. There is pasta, free infant formula in San Mateo County, meat, Ensure for the elderly and more.

Daly City Community Service Center
350 - 90th Street, 1st Floor, Daly City California 94015. Call for hours (650) 991-8007




Fair Oaks Community Center
2600 Middlefield Road, Redwood City CA 94063. Main number is (650) 780-7500

Grace Covenant Church Abundant Harvest
Address of pantry 740 Del Monte Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080. Call (650) 589-6797
Only open first Saturday morning of the month, and the center distributes free food, groceries and even fresh produce to the needy. A lottery service is used to determine who gets help first.

North Peninsula Food Pantry And Dining Center Of Daly City
31 Bepler Street, Daly City California 94014. Call (650) 994-5150
Need to make an appointment to use the food pantry. The center distributes emergency food boxes (as needed) in northern San Mateo County California. A hot meal is also offered a few days per week.

  • Another location for meals (breakfast, dinner, etc) is at North Peninsula Neighborhood Services Center, Inc., 600 Linden Avenue. South San Francisco, CA 94080

Pacifica Resource Center, A Project Of The Tides Center
1809 Palmetto Avenue, Pacifica CA 94044. Primary telephone - (650) 738-7470
Offers social services, including food, clothing, and maybe limited financial aid for items like medications or bills.

  • Puente De La Costa Sur. Puente Resource Center, 620 North Street, Pescadero CA 94060

Salvation Army
Both of the Salvation Army locations above administer a number of programs and social services. Some of what is offered includes a food pantry and clothing closet. Thanksgiving and Christmas meals and gifts may be distributed. Also call for referrals or applications for programs such as HEAP, rental assistance, and other aid.

  • Redwood City Corps Salvation Army, Address is 660 Veterans Blvd., Redwood City CA 94063. Call (650) 368-4643. A leading church based charity in San Mateo County. The free food pantry has groceries, baby formula, and more. There are also Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, applications to food stamps, and other benefits.
  • Another free pantry is at 300 El Camino Real, San Bruno, CA 94066. Call (650) 583-3589





Samaritan House
Main address - 4031 Pacific Boulevard, San Mateo CA 94403. Call (650) 347-3648
Need to call to make an appointment. They have a free soup kitchen for meals, food pantry open today and other services. Get Cereal, soap, laundry detergent, toilet paper, canned groceries and more.

Ecumenical Hunger Program
Main address: 2411 Pulgas Avenue, East Palo Alto, CA 94303. Call 650-323-7781
Many assistance programs are offered. They operate a clothing closet, food pantry, back to school supplies, women's and children's support group, Christmas food baskets, and offer referral to other agencies. There is also free furniture, hygiene items, diapers, and more.

Saint Vincent De Paul Society Of San Mateo County (SVDP)
50 N B St, San Mateo, CA 94401. Phone - 650-343-4403
Free basic needs are given. Assistance includes financial aid, but there is also groceries, meals for the homeless, and food programs for single moms and kids. Immigrants and Spanish speakers can also get help from the church. More on Saint Vincent San Mateo County.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Silicon Valley - San Mateo Counties
Call 408-266-8866
The center distributes non-marketable and surplus food to nonprofit agencies, charities, and churches that provide meals or food boxes to low-income individuals and families. Also, the Food Connection provides information, advice and referral to persons in need of food.

  • Low-income seniors, age 60 or over or disabled persons age 55 or over, can get help from the Brown Bag Program.
  • Another service is Partner in Need, or PIN, which is a program for low-income people and families, and they can receive food in exchange for volunteering three hours at the Food Bank.
  • The Produce Mobile provides vegetables and fresh fruits in low-income neighborhoods.
  • Kids NOW provides weekly meals, food, and so called "kid friendly" groceries to low-income children in San Mateo.
  • Last, but not least, Family Harvest Program provides educational services and food for low-income families with minor dependent children.





Macedonia Church of God in Christ
Address is 66 N Claremont St, San Mateo, CA 94401. Call (650) 342-4456

New Vision United Methodist Church
A free food bnk is at 450 Chadbourne Ave, Millbrae, CA 94030. Phone - (650) 697-8300
The charity has a food pantry with dry and canned goods, perishable items, holiday meals, paper products, and personal toiletries. The elderly, disabled and people, regardless of their religion, can get help. Get items such as Dried macaroni, Ham, Turkey, and similar goods.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center
Location is 725 Monte Diablo Ave, San Mateo, CA 94401. Call (650) 522-7470
Assistance programs include a free soup kitchen for the homeless, food pantry and other goods.

Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día Latino-Americana de South San Francisco - South San Francisco Latin-American Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Address: 540 Miller Ave, South San Francisco, CA 94080. Call (415) 299-5232

Hillsdale United Methodist Church
Assistance is offered from 303 36th Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403. Main intake number is (650) 345-8514
Free items such as fruits, canned meats, and fruit juices. Some pet food may be offered as well based on donation levels.

South Hayward Parish
A food pantry and soup kitchen is at 27287 Patrick Ave, Hayward, CA 94544. Call (510) 785-3663

San Carlos Adult Community Center
Location is 601 Chestnut St, San Carlos, CA 94070. Telephone for details is (650) 802-4384
Seniors and disabled in San Mateo County can apply for free home delivery of meals. There are USDA commodities such as milk, meta, cheese and dairy. Or learn about benefits, health and wellness classes and other goods.

First Presbyterian Church
Main address: 194 W 25th Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403. Telephone - (650) 345-1633

St. Anthony's Padua Dining Room
Address: 3500 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park California 94025
Dial (650) 365-9665
The Clothing Distribution Center distributes free work, school, winter coats, and other clothing items to women and children. The St. Anthony's Padua Dining Room provides free hot lunches in San Mateo County. Seasonal aid includes Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter meals.

St. Francis Center
151 Buckingham, Redwood City California 94063. Phone number is (650) 365-7829
Needy families in Menlo Park and Redwood City can get two bags of food per month. Clothing can be provided too.







Additional free food programs near you in San Mateo County

There are dozens of other places for free groceries or meal sites in the county that may be near you. Food pantries, soup kitchens, places for Christmas or Thanksgiving meals, and non-profits work to end hunger. In addition, benefit programs (including food stamps, CalFresh, USDA meals) are also available from the state of California as well as federal government.

There are many options. The non-profit Second Harvest helps prevent hunger as well as other agencies. For more details on how to get free groceries, food, and other support call 800-984-3663.


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