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Assistance programs in Loudon and Roane Tennessee.

A large number of churches, charities, non-profit organizations and government agencies support individuals in Loudon and Roane Counties. Find assistance programs for paying rent, energy and utility bills, free food and health care, and services such as foreclosure and debt counsling. Information on your options can be found below.

Financial help for bills, rent, housing, food and other critical expenses

Volunteer Support Committee of Loudon Tennessee ((865) 458-4100) can offer qualified low income individuals with emergency financial assistance for rent payment once per year.

A few different locations of Good Samaritan Center of Loudon County are around the region. Call them at (865) 458-5541 to apply for rent help. This non-profit also can provide emergency help for rent and other bills. An food pantry is also located at the center.

Greenback TN area residents can call the Greenback Empty Stocking Fund at (865) 405-0219. The center provides one time cash grants and financial help for paying bills in the form of one time support for expenses such as water and electric bills, rent assistance and payments, mortgage, etc. Provides up to $250.00 in cash grants to qualified low income people.




Catholic Charities of East Tennessee mostly provides food, but other forms of limited assistance may also be offered to those in need of help. They definitely offer free counseling, and information on debt and foreclosure prevention programs. Dial (865) 882-0558

Salvation Army of Loudon County has limited amounts of emergency assistance. As with most services there are conditions that need to be met in order to receive financial assistance for utility bills. The Salvation Army offers this aid at most once in a 12 month period, and in addition the assistance is limited to 3 times in a five year period.





After deducting the amount to be vouchered or aid provided by the Salvation Army, the balance of the bills must be paid in full by the individual or family. Only then will the voucher be offered. Lenoir City Tennessee. Call (865) 986-1692. In addition note that the Salvation Army also has a Roane TN office that can also provide emergency assistance. Dial (865) 882-7711.

Mid East Community Action Agency - The non-profit provides financial assistance with utility deposits for homeless persons transitioning into permanent housing. Emergency assistance for medications and rent is also offered.

Some of the other services offered by the community action agency include LIHEAP (low income energy assistance) which is a grant program. Head Start for children can offer education and health care. USDA commodities can offer free food. And also counselors from the agency can direct homeowners to Tennessee HUD foreclosure counseling agencies, as well as debt reduction and credit repair non-profits. Dial the Kingston agency at (865) 654-0451.

First Baptist Church of Kingston, which is at 215 North Kentucky St, is only for Roane County and members of the parish Very limited vouchers for paying rent to stop evictions, loan programs, and funds for utility or electric bills. Phone (865) 376-6041.

New Life Family Worship Center is a church that runs a free food bank. It is open Tueday 3:00pm - 6:00pm. Groceries, referrals to SNAP food stamps, Christmas help or referrals only to financial aid (rent/energy bill help), etc. may be offered. The address is 8735 Hwy 72 N Loudon Street in Loudon, Tennessee 37774. Phone (865) 458-5300.

Sliding fee health and medical care

Children up to age 18 may be able to get reduced cost health care from Loudon Pediatric Clinic. Dial (865) 458-5666 to speak to a counselor or medical professional. TennCare patients are also accepted.




Food pantries in Loudon and Roane TN

This food bank, Rockwood Ministerial Association, provides free food and groceries to the low income and needy in the community. Call the center at (865) 354-1750. They are located in Rockwood Tennessee.

South Harriman Baptist Church also serves the residents on Roane with free food. Dial (865) 882-1816


By Jon McNamara

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