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Salvation Army Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, and Wetzel County assistance programs.

Basics needs, including food, clothing, free school supplies, financial aid, and shelter, from the Salvation Army in the region of Roane, Ritchie, and Wetzel County are used to help families living in poverty. There is also help for individuals facing a short term crisis, including a medical emergency or job loss. Any programs from the Family Service Center in the region are combined with long term case management services for breaking a cycle of poverty or despair.

The programs administered, even including free Christmas gifts, from this office are part of their Family Services. The faith based, Christian organization is one of the region's leading centers for anyone that is in a hardship, and people of all ages, races, or religions can seek help. However applicants will need to be actively working to overcome their crisis by taking steps towards self-sufficiency.

Food assistance programs

One of the main goals is to always feed families in the region. There is free food for children, home delivered meals for seniors and the disabled, holiday meals, and free boxes of groceries for the entire Wetzel and Tyler County region. All sorts of programs are used for preventing hunger.

All of these resources are run out of the food pantry or soup kitchen. These two locations are volunteer operated, but are used as the source of the various services that focus on addressing the regional lack of affordable food. What is provided at each location varies, not only by hours, but also by the type of aid provided.

-Free food pantry – This passes out boxes of canned groceries, perishable items such as fruits or bay formula, and dairy, meats, and more
-Soup kitchen – This Salvation Army service feeds the hungry. Clients include the homeless, low income, and those seeking a free Thanksgiving or Christmas meal.
-Main center – As part of the social services available, clients can apply to public aid such as WIC vouchers or SNAP food stamps.

Salvation Army in Ritchie region financial help

In very limited cases, the Salvation Army may be able to help provide temporary relief for a crisis. Most of the money available from the Salvation Army for paying bills, rent, or medications is paid out in small dollar amounts. The availability of funds also comes and goes throughout the year.

The Salvation Army Center in the region will focus on solving a crisis. This means that a family facing homelessness may receive assistance for their rent or utility bills. Another example of when family Services may help is offering vouchers to pay for medications or a bus pass to get to a job interview in Tyler or Roane County. Other requests for financial aid are assessed on a case by case basis. Or clients can find lower income financial assistance programs.

Salvation Army social services in counties including Ritchie

Other programs are administered too, mostly around basic as well as seasonal needs. Using donations from the community from such programs as Adopt a Family or Back to School fund raisers, children from low income households may be given free Christmas toys, backpacks for schools, uniforms and more. There is also a senior citizen holiday gift and meal program.

The Ritchie and Roane County Salvation Army provides help in times of disaster, both natural or man made. The first responder organization will give shelter to those impacted, replenish their clothing or furniture, and also feed responders and others that are impacted by the event.





Case workers also advocate for the less fortunate. Whether this involves trying to place a senior citizen into supportive housing, or providing information on affordable medical care or prescriptions to the under-insured, referrals may be given. The Salvation Army Center in Roane is a leading resource for people that are in need of support or counseling.

Apply for assistance programs and social services

When seeking support from any assistance program administered, even including something as simple as requesting a box of food, an intake process will take place. Applicants need proof of income, residency, and information on what caused the crisis. There should also be identification and case workers from the Salvation Army in the region need to understand what the long term solution is, so a plan needs to be in place. For more information, the phone is (304) 343-4548.

By Jon McNamara

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