Rent assistance in Pitt County NC
Housing assistance programs in Pitt County range from rent payment help to stop evictions to security deposit assistance, free legal aid to low-income tenants, section 8 HUD vouchers and more. Both apartment rent and mobile home lot costs can be paid. Find the main charities, churches, and government agencies to apply to for grant money, loans, or other support. Get help with paying rent near you in Pitt County
Charities, as well as social services in Greenville NC, also tend to focus on seniors, disabled, veterans, and single moms or dads. They often get priority for rent money, free motel vouchers, or eviction defense assistance. Any rental assistance is often combined with other financial help as well as short or long term case management.
The financial assistance programs are often limited, but even there is no rent help offered in Pitt County then referrals may be given. Or the low-income household may be given vouchers, such as from section 8 PHAs, which are also noted below.
Places that provide rental assistance in Greenville NC area
Pitt County Public Housing Authorities (PHA) There are two of them, both of which offer section 8 housing choice vouchers (HCV) to help pay rent on an affordable home or apartment. The tenant will need to pay about 30% of their income for their housing. The PHAs also offer public housing, self-sufficiency, and other services.
- Farmville Housing Authority is based at 4284 Anderson Ave, Farmville, North Carolina 27828. Call (252) 753-5347
- Greenville Housing authority has income based homes in the city. Location is 1103 Broad Street, Greenville, North Carolina 27834. Call (252) 329-4000
- Ayden Housing Authority address is 4316 Liberty Street, Ayden, North Carolina 28513. Call (252)746-2021 for information on low income housing.
- Other resources are offered too, even including section 8 vouchers in NC in an emergency.
American Veterans Chapter 37 assists veterans only as well as their families with many needs, including housing. The office is 2805 Cemetery Rd, Greenville, NC 27858. Based on resources, there may be financial help to pay rent, security or utility deposits, interest free loans or storage costs. They also help with applications to Department of Veterans Affairs benefits, including for disabled veterans. Call (252) 493-4954.
Churches Outreach Network assists the elderly and disabled only, including with grants for rental payments, utilities, and other housing. Call (877) 218-4247. The goal is to ensure the most vulnerable have the support they need. Caregivers can also apply at the 1206 Evans Street, Greenville, NC 27834 for the Elderly Tough of Heart Program, and home modifications may also be combined with rent help.
DSS Emergency Assistance Programs from Pitt County Department of Social Services mostly focuses on utilities, but that can also be effective to stop an impending eviction. However, low income families close to eviction, or with a pay or quit notice, may sometimes being given cash aid to pay rent to keep them safe and housed. Address is 203 Government Circle, Greenville, NC 27834. Dial (252) 902-1110 for information on rent relief from the government. More on Pitt County DSS.
Salvation Army of Pitt County and Greenville has number housing resources. Call (252) 756-3388 for details. They range from funds to pay back rent to transitional housing, free motel vouchers, homeless shelters, and even free furniture. Any payment does to the landlord of the home as per the Emergency Assistance. The charity is at 2718 South Memorial Drive, Greenville, North Carolina 27834.
Churches in Pitt County Several churches provide emergency rental assistance and other programs that help pay bills. The resources are very limited though. Single people or families with kids in the Pitt County region as well as seniors often get priority for rent help.
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church is located at 401 E 4th St, Greenville, NC 27858. Call (252) 752-3482
- The Memorial Baptist Church provides limited financial help, including with rent, from 1510 Greenville Blvd SE, Greenville, NC 27858. Call (252) 756-5314
- St Peter Catholic Church helps the low-income and homeless from 2700 E 4th St, Greenville, NC 27858. Main phone: (252) 757-3259
- Philippi Church Of Christ has short term housing and partial immediate rent help from 3760 Philippi Dr, Greenville, NC 27834. For information call (252) 752-7205
- Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church and the Family Life Center is at 1095 Allen Rd, Greenville, NC 27834. Dial (252) 752-41
- Anointed Ones Church of Deliverance International address is 4271 Edge Rd, Ayden, NC 28513. Call (252) 746-2722
Community Crossroads The charity partners with social services to help stop homeless, and this includes grant money to pay rent or moving costs. Any support is combined with case management from the Continuum of Care. More details are here.
Pitt County office of Legal Aid of North Carolina is at 301 Evans St, Greenville, NC 27858. Lawyers help low income tenants and seniors with an eviction or utility disconnection notice. For information, dial (252) 758-0113.
Short term housing assistance in Pitt County is offered by the following organizations. People, or families, that get help will also be able to apply for security deposit and first months rent help when they move.
- Seeds of Change Shelter Plus Care is for the homeless with a disability. Grants, loans for rent, furniture, and other housing resources are offered, including to adults on SSI. Location is 1103 Broad Street, Greenville, NC 27834. Call (252) 329-4000.
- Community Crossroads Center homeless shelter is an emergency, overnight program based at 207 Manhattan Avenue, Greenville, North Carolina 27834. Phone - (252) 752-0829.
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