Assistance programs in Orange County North Carolina.
Find how to get help with bills, including grants to pay rent, utility costs, water, mortgages, free food or groceries, and more in Orange County. Financial assistance from the charities, churches and non-profits below in Hillsborough and the county is combined with other support services, ranging from job placement to debt advice, free budgeting advice, and even supplies such as clothing or free gasoline vouchers for work.
Food, groceries, and nutritional assistance
Carrboro-Chapel Hill Meals on Wheels, Inc. (phone) provides food aid in the form daily meals to the homebound, disabled, and /or elderly in the community. The main intake site is at (919) 942-2948.
Another resource in Orange County and Carrboro is the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. The locally based Food Bank works through a network of 800 charities, non-profits, and other partner agencies. Together they feed tens of thousands of people at risk of hunger in 34 North Carolina counties, including Carrboro. Call (919) 875-0707 for referrals.
Information on child care assistance programs
If you need assistance finding or paying for child or day care expenses, contact Child Care Services Association, Inc. at 919-967-3272. The non-profit agency provides qualified individuals with access to high quality child care by offering both child care and teacher scholarships, as well as free referral services. There is also information on North Carolina and federal government programs, research, advocacy and technical assistance.
Orange County NC low income financial assistance programs
Get access to financial assistance for bills and rent, and referrals, from the Inter-Faith Council for Social Services. Telephone number is 919-929-6380. The non-profit offers programs that feed the hungry in the community. They also provide shelters the homeless and provides financial assistance for every day expenses, and it also offers support for low-income and homeless families and individuals in the local community.
Orange Congregations in Mission, which can be reached at 919-732-6194, provides free food, gently used and discounted clothing, shelter, as well as possible rent assistance. There is also help with medical needs for the disadvantaged and low income.
Women’s Center is another agency that provides qualified individuals with a broad array of supportive services and resources, and the agency focuses its programs on women and families. Some of the services they provide include career and financial counseling, advice for reducing debts, legal information services, support groups, educational workshops, and adolescent programs. 919-968-4610
Orange County North Carolina Salvation Army has locations in the region, including in Hillsborough. A number of resources are administered to those who need assistance, including some financial aid. However resources are very limited. The organizations may have some or all of the following.
- Basic needs such as clothing, food, or vouchers for furniture.
- Limited financial aid including rent or electric bills.
- Holiday assistance may be offered in Hillsborough, including Christmas and Thanksgiving meals and gifts. Programs like the Angel Tree also operate.
- Also learn about job training programs and public assistance in North Carolina.
- They also provide free back to school supplies as well as clothes to students from K to 12.
Read more on the services offered. The location is in nearby Durham Salvation Army.
CPCA - Central Piedmont Community Action is part of the nationwide network of non-profits that is committed to helping low income families. While the main goal is addressing employment and self-sufficiency, they have information or referrals. Orange County families can get details on many assistance programs including loans for paying bills or rent.
Case managers can direct clients to low income housing, and provide referrals to government grants from CSBG for expenses such as rent, energy bills, or a security deposit. Weatherization and HARRP are free resources for energy conservation.
A number of resources are offered too. CPCA also offers Head Start, information on food stamps and many other services to families in Hillsborough and nearby towns. Find Central Piedmont Community Action programs.
Orange County families can turn to Housing for New Hope. The charity administers some services in the county as well as nearby towns. The focus is on addressing housing issues, including preventing evictions, rehousing the homeless, and coordinating emergency rental programs. The center runs shelter and transitional housing units, can help seniors and the disabled, and provide other needed aid. Many of the resources are run in partnership with local churches and charities. More on Housing for New Hope.