Minneapolis and St. Paul area St. Vincent de Paul assistance programs.
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul of the Twine Cities provides services to Minneapolis and St. Paul families. Programs include outreach, assistance with paying bills or free basic needs, referrals, information on employment, and more. Most of the resources are paid for from the sale of goods at the thrift store. Volunteers work with the charity and its churches in an effort to help the poor, unemployed, and less fortunate.
Find how to get financial help or assistance from SVDP in the Twine Cities below. As the agency can help with emergency bills, including housing, transportation or utilities. There are also free items such as clothes, hot meals, an Employment Ministry and other services. Resources are offered across Hennepin County and nearby regions.
Get assistance for paying bills, help for IDs, transportation and other support
The financial assistance offered is wide ranging and examples are below.
- Transportation can include bus cards/passes for those with new jobs. A voucher for gasoline may be provided too. It can be used for a short trip around Minneapolis – St. Paul. Or look into a bus ticket to an out of town burial for an immediate family member.
- Free cars can be arranged by SVDP as well for workers or job-seekers in the twin cities. They are usually new or used autos. Learn more on where to get a donated car for free.
- The St. Vincent thrift store can offer vouchers for clothing and house-wares, including furniture applications.
- DCEH Bicycle program is for qualified adults with documentation of medical appointments, employment, education, treatment, or those who need it for a job search.
- Get help in obtaining and/or paying for identification fees, such as Minnesota driver’s license, birth certificates, or state identification cards.
- Rent assistance, especially if someone would be homeless without support.
If the charity or its churches can help you, then get referrals to other non-profit agencies. For examples, learn about places in Hennepin County for job searching and other services. You will also need to apply for help in person at the Outreach Ministry. You will need proof of residency, picture ID, and other supporting documentation.
Short term housing is provided by the St. Vincent de Paul Families Moving Forward program. Many churches and Twin Cities area religious organizations house families for up to one week. Some of the beneficiaries have recently been evicted or had their home foreclosed on. Other services, including help in finding a new home and paying the rent for it, may be offered. There is also eviction prevention assistance including rent help in MN.
Self-sufficiency is also offered by St. Vincent and its social workers. This can include job postings, information on regional or government job training and education programs and much more. The charity wants to ensure people can make it through their hardship and get back on track for long term support too.
Get free items and supplies from the SVDP in Twine Cities
A free Shoe Ministry is available. Over the years thousands of winter boots, shoes, sneakers, and more have been provided to children, individuals who need proper footwear for a job, and students before they go back to school. This program is offered across Hennepin County and the city of Minneapolis and is also administered by volunteers.
As part of this program, those who are eligible may be issued a free shoe voucher that is redeemable at local retailers such as Kmart or Wal-Mart. Not only that, but as funding provides the society may provide bus tokens for the shopping trip.
Other self-sufficiency includes all or parts of the following. Self-worth can help build self-esteem. Goal setting will ensure people stay on track in their job search, credit repair, or other activity. Information on nutrition and healthy relationships are provided.
Food pantries, including programs such as Meals on Wheels, provide free groceries or hot meals in St. Paul as well as Minneapolis. The free emergency food pantries are run in partnership with St. Vincent and other charities or non-profits. Locations are scattered across Minneapolis.
There are also free workshops held and arranged by SVDP staff. The classes discuss healthy cooking, shopping for discounts and even how to use expiration dates of groceries and more. As in general the dates on groceries and food is arbitrary. Learn more on how expired foods are safe to eat.
The Meals-on-Wheels program can deliver low cost meals to senior citizens and older residents of the downtown area who are not able to prepare a meal or shop for food for themselves. Loaves and Fishes is a service that cooks meals for the low income and less fortunate. It can assist hungry neighbors. Volunteers are always needed by your church to cook or serve a meal. Another nearby location that will help feed the hungry is Faith Lutheran Church, which is based at 499 Charles St, St. Paul in the Frogtown area.
Several other locations around Hennepin County help the needy. The Higher Ground Shelter Meal is staffed by Basilica volunteers who both cook and serve a hot meal for hundreds of people per month. They also assist homeless men at nearby shelters. A local Sandwich Ministry can serve coffees, sandwiches, meals, and more to the hungry, including children, elderly, and the homeless.
Last, but not least, Opportunity Center Meal operates from the Catholic Charities Opportunity Center which is located at the corner of 17th and Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis.
Job training and career counseling in Minneapolis and St. Paul MN
The Society of Saint Vincent Employment Ministry provides individualized support to people seeking a career change or those that are experiencing unemployment. In order to become a member of The Basilica's Employment Ministry program, an appointment and interview will need to occur.
If you are enrolled, you will be able to work with a job coach. They will offer self-assessment, resume writing, interviewing, transitions, and more. Some resources provided may include resources for job search and skill development, Employment Ministry Workshops, Community networking, and information on job openings.
Various workshops are also available in Minneapolis and the Twin Cities region. These will also be focused on helping job seekers and/or the unemployed. They are all held for free. Some of the sessions may be held at Saint Andrew Lutheran Church as well as Wooddale Church. St. Vincent de Paul also works closely with government programs and organizations such as the Minnesota WorkForce Center.
Resources are offered for job search in Hennepin County Minnesota. Examples include resume and interview feedback. Or sign up for workshops, training, job clubs, and searching services. Broadband Access Project can offer free computer training and access to broadband internet service. Women Venture is the name of a resource that offers career development and transition courses for women that reside in Minneapolis.
Contact information from St. Vincent Parishes in Minneapolis and St. Paul
There are two main SVDP parishes and locations in the Twine Cities. They include free District Council as well as a Thrift Store. The district office gives information on financial help, housing, and social services from 2939 12th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407. Call (612) 722-7882. There is also the St. Paul Thrift Store at 461 7th St. W., St. Paul, MN 55102 Call (651) 227-1332