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Saint Vincent de Paul assistance programs Lexington and Fayette County.

Society of Saint Vincent De Paul provides free items, food, and limited financial assistance in the Lexington Kentucky area. The charity, and its churches, help the low-income with their basic needs, both financial and material. Find help from the Society of St. Vincent De Paul in Fayette County KY.

Working to prevent hunger and offer some other basic needs, the various churches known as Saint Vincent rely on donations from the community and some government programs in order to meet its goal. They administer food programs for senior citizens as well as children, and provide support around the holidays.

Other services from the SVDP churches (Queen of the Holy Rosary and Cathedral of Christ the King) in Lexington Kentucky include free Christmas assistance as well as applications for government benefit programs such as SNAP food stamps.

Get free food, personal stuff or meals

In an emergency, a free client choice food pantry is available. This can be used by low to moderate income families to stretch their budgets. Or if a family has a crisis, such as a job loss or medical emergency, then the pantry can also provide some free groceries, personal toiletries and other items during that time.

Members of the Fayette County Kentucky community can turn to the local Saint Vincent Food Pantry for wide variety of items. There will be groceries, such as canned soup, rice, breads, and more. While all applicants will need to meet income conditions, in general visitors to the pantry are provided with a three-day supply of free food. Ideally what is passed out will be nutritional, but this too will depend on donations.

SVDP can offer intake for a few federal government programs that are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. One, the TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance) will pass out items monthly. This is generally for very low income families. Anyone from Saint Vincent and its churches is eligible to apply, regardless of age, race or gender. However they will need to meet USDA income guidelines.




Case workers at Cathedral of Christ the King Saint Vincent can help people apply for SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. This was formally known as Food Stamps in Kentucky. This benefit can provide the client with an EBT card that can be used to shop at a local store. It will in effect give the family additional dollars for their monthly food budget. More on EBT card in Kentucky.

Staff can offer advice on the application process. In some cases, the team from the agency will offer direct assistance with completing the necessary forms for SNAP. The process may take weeks, so during that time frame the client can use the pantry that is referenced above.

Children and the elderly can normally enroll into the CSFP (Commodities Supplemental Food Program). This service will normally pass out items on a quarterly basis. A focus is on feeding senior citizens as well as young children in Lexington Kentucky.

Another program for the elderly in Fayette County are the Senior Dining Centers. These locations, including at Cathedral of Christ the King, will offer free meals five days per week. Not only that, but there is fellowship, workshops, and fun coordinated. This is for those 60 years of age or older. However there can be an exception made on age if a person is younger but is also accompanied by a senior.

Hours and days of operation of any dining center in Fayette County vary, so please call. While anyone will be served that needs a meal, there is a suggested donation. This will help defray costs of the program, but it is not required. Any donations of any dollar amount is greatly appreciated by SVDP churches such as Cathedral of Christ the King as well as Queen of the Holy Rosary.

Saint Vincent free or low cost Home Delivered Meals are for the home bound. This can be someone who is disabled or elderly. Meals on Wheels provides nutritionally sound food for seniors age 60 and older who are unable to prepare their own meals or make it to a grocery store. If someone is ill or has had a surgery, then temporary delivery may be provided in those cases too.




  • In some cases, frozen food items are delivered to clients, especially around the holidays. This can be quickly reheated to feed the senior when a fresh meal is not available. This Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Meals on Wheels service can really help older individuals in Lexington KY who might not eat adequately. It can assist them to remain healthy and independent in their communities.

Seasonal assistance

Free holiday help from SVDP churches in Lexington can be arranged. Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets from Fayette County will help feed struggling families. Volunteers work with local businesses, churches, and other groups to keep this program running.

In addition to a holiday meal, the non-profit will help to find free Christmas gifts and toys for children. There may be clothing passed out at Christmas in Lexington Kentucky or other support provided. Hundreds of families from the community are normally assisted each year.

Saint Vincent financial help and thrift store programs in Lexington

The SVDP thrift store has everything from clothing to furniture and Personal Hygiene Packs. Based on the level of inventory, the store provides individuals and families with goods from the store such as clothing or personal hygiene items. While anyone can shop there, if an applicant's income is low enough then a voucher is given so they can buy the item for free. As there are free supplies too, including free car seats for new moms.

Other assistance may be arranged by SVDP in Lexington Kentucky as well. Some of them are noted below, but these programs will be less common.

  • Temporary Shelter can be used for a night or two, and the guest will also be able to partner with a Housing Resource Specialist for long term support.
  • Direct financial aid may be offered from time to time in small dollar amounts, such as for utility bills.
  • Vouchers for medications.
  • Referrals to social services in the Kentucky area, as St. Vincent addresses long term needs too.




Contact information for St. Vincent in Lexington

There are multiple parishes that are part of the Conference of the Society of Saint Vincent. The charity can offer those resources and referrals. To learn more try the following.

  • Cathedral of Christ the King is at 299 Colony Blvd, Lexington, KY 40502. Phone: (859) 268-2861
  • Queen of the Holy Rosary is also part of Saint Vincent. The address is 601 Hill N Dale Rd. Lexington, KY, dial 859-266-8003


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