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Free Christmas and holiday assistance Knox County Tennessee.

Get a list of the leading charities and churches in the Koxville TX region that provide free Christmas gifts, holiday meals (including Thanksgiving turkey dinners), or that operate Angel Tree or Toys for Tots programs. Volunteer, charities and businesses from across Knox County Tennessee collect toys and boxes of food from the public. Those goods are then passed out to the needy.

Find where to get free Christmas presents or gift cards. Or sign up for holiday meals (including at Thanksgiving, Easter or Christmas). Or find the free Toys for Tots applications among other resources in the Knox County area. The generosity of the community will often allow a child to get a free toy (such as Legos, video games, dolls or clothes and more) to open under the Christmas tree. Maybe the family will now have a meal.

There are resources available, such as the CARE 365 Christmas program as well as Adopt a Family from the Salvation Army. Any type of resources (such as clothes, gifts, and presents) are generally given out on a first come and served basis to the low-income, elderly, or single moms among others. The number of families assisted will be based on the donation levels.

Whether it is a toy for a child under the age of 15, a free Turkey for Thanksgiving meals, or other Christmas gifts, the main charities to try are below. Do not hesitate to apply, as thousands of Knox County Tennessee families that are facing a crisis benefit from these holiday programs.

Places in Knox County that help low-income families at Christmas

CARE 365 Christmas
Address is 407 Canton Hollow Road, Knoxville, Tennessee 37934. Phone - 865-966-2273
They need volunteers and donations. Not only may a present be given to a child, but volunteers will often deliver Christmas gifts to the needy, including senior citizens and the homebound in Knox County.

Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee
Location is 2400 Piedmont St, Knoxville, TN 37921. Call  (865) 546-3500
Home Delivered Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Meals are for the homebound. A small donation is appreciated. Senior citizens and the disabled may be given a frozen Christmas meal and a visitor to check in on them as part of Meals on Wheels.




Knox County Family Resource Center
1714 Mingle Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee 37921. Phone - (865) 594-1192 or 865-594-1328
Volunteers distribute donated toys, clothing, food, and toys at Christmas to qualified, low income families.

Knox County TN U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program
Struggling parents with children under the age of 17 can apply. Get free, gender specific toys, such as dolls or toy trucks, matchbox cards, sporting goods, chrome books, Legos and more. The main office is at 2101 Alcoa Highway, Knoxville, Tennessee 37920, however families need to enroll online. If qualified, there may be toys, games, and other gifts provided to children under the age of 13 as well as infants.  Apply here

Salvation Army Seasonal Programs
Multiple locations
There are a few centers in Knox County. As part of the Social Services run by the charity, one program is Adopt a Family. This means that struggling parents or the unemployed can sign up, and maybe their child will be given a toy or a gift card. They also run the Angel Tree as well as Adopt a Family program in Knox County. Or the entire household will be given a free box of food for preparing a Christmas meal or Thanksgiving turkey dinner. Find Knox County Salvation Army programs.

Mission of Hope
Location is 6030 Industrial Heights Dr NW, Knoxville, TN 37909. Phone: 865-584-7571
Basic need programs range from free Christmas toys to Back to School. Children from households living in poverty or facing an emergency can be given a gift, clothing, winter hat, and more.

Angelic Ministries
1218 N Central St, Knoxville, TN 37917. Call (865) 523-8884
They have free low cost cost items for the working poor, unemployed and others. Some of it is seasonal for Christmas. Get free winter coats, stocking stuffers for kids, decorations, hygiene supplies and other goods.

Catholic Charities of Knox County
The various churches give out free food boxes and serve meals to the low income, unemployed, and struggling families. Or get gift cards, free Christmas gifts, games or books, Thanksgiving turkey meals, furniture, and even financial aid. More on Catholic Charities Knoxville.





Gods Place
Main address - 6119 Chapman Hwy, Knoxville, Tennessee 37920. Call (865) 604-8077
Low cost toys, gifts, clothing, furniture and more can be sold during the holiday months. They operate a Thrift Store, so while items may be sold, they do need to be bought by the parent.

All Saint Catholic church is part of SVDP
Address is 620 N Cedar Bluff Rd., Knoxville, TN 37923. Call 865-531-0770
This is part of Saint Vincent de Paul. Programs for the low income, elderly, single moms include a free food pantry and clothing bank, both of which may have small toys (including at birthday or Christmas), food baskets, meat, turkeys, stocking stuffers for kids and more.

Love Kitchen Inc
2418 Martin Luther King Jr Ave, Knoxville, TN 37915. Call (865) 546-3248
Free holiday food boxes and meals are offered to the homebound, elderly, homeless or unemployed. There are Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas meals, turkeys and the toppings, and small gifts as well.

Shepherd Of Hope Food pantry
Location is 225 Jamestowne Blvd, Knoxville, TN 37934. Phone - (865)966-9626
The pantry can have holiday ingredients, groceries and other food.

Empty Stocking Fund
This is run by the local newspaper. The goal of ESF is to provide toys or food to the low income in East Tennessee or Knox County during the holidays, including both Christmas and Thanksgiving. Call (865) 524-2521, or the email is


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