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Klickitat and Skamania County assistance programs.

Get help for utility bills, free food, and other financial assistance

Washington Gorge Action Programs - This is the community action agency for both Skamania and Klickitat counties. Assistance programs that are available for eligible families and individuals who find themselves in a crisis or emergency include access to emergency food boxes, rental assistance, emergency energy, utility, and heating bill assistance, etc., through the WGAP office. In addition to this financial aid and support, referrals to other local non-profits, charities, and crisis intervention and emergency service programs is also available from the community action agency.

The nonprofit WGAP agency is the leading place to go to for food in the area. The provide free food banks in Klickitat and Skamania counties. Low-income families and individuals are eligible to pick up a free Food Box at most once per month. The type and amount of groceries and food in a box varies but generally there is enough food and other items to last for three to twelve nutritionally balanced meals depending on the size of the family who needs assistance.

Home repairs and maintenance is also offered. The Home Repair and Rehabilitation Program that is offered by the Washington Gorge Action Programs was created to help very low-income homeowners with necessary repairs to make their home safe and health for their occupants.

Energy assistance - This program can provide individuals with emergency utility and heating bill assistance, grants, and other financial aid.


Weatherization - The federal government funded Weatherization Program is designed to assist low to moderate income households in making their home more energy efficient and helping them save money on their utility bills.





Information - Community action agencies are also a great place to contact for information and referrals. Well trained counselors have information on a variety of assistance programs. Call them to learn about grant programs, rent assistance options such as homeless prevention and rapid rehousing, food banks, and community clinics. Click here for more background on community action agencies.

Call the Bingen based Washington Gorge Action Programs at (509) 493-2662. Or click here.

White Salmon Seventh Day Adventist Community Services ((509) 493 - 3309) provides food and clothing to people in need of help.

Goldendale Food Bank - This local charity organization may be able to offer low-income families and individuals a free Food Box up to once a month. The food and groceries that are in one of these boxes will vary but in general there is enough food for three to twelve nutritionally balanced meals. Goldendale Washington (509) 773 - 5220




By Jon McNamara

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