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Food banks and pantries in Jefferson County Arkansas

Many of the free food pantries in Jefferson County Arkansas are run by churches. This also means that they rely both on volunteers from the community as well as donations to help them feed the working poor and hungry in the community. Groceries, meals, clothing, and applications to SNAP food stamps or baby formula from WIC are available from the locations below. Or get referrals.

When it comes to a bag of groceries, this is usually provided at a low cost or for free. The contents may be everything from perishable food to household supplies, such as cleaning products and more. The Jefferson County food banks also try to offer special programs such as a free Christmas, Easter, or Thanksgiving meal or food basket.

If you or your family are struggling to determine how to provide your next meal to your family, call a charity below for intake.

Places for free food and groceries in Jefferson County AR

Breath Of Life Christian Academy - Church
1313 South Pine Street
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
(870) 541-0341

Christian Baptist Church
Address is 1016 Highway 104
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
(870) 247-0031
The church has a food pantry for less fortunate Jefferson County families. Everything from groceries to a box food or Christmas meals may be served.

Delta Network
Main address: 2512 East Harding Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
For service from the food bank, call (870) 804-6253




East Side Baptist Church
Food pantry and soup kitchen address is 1605 Wisconsin Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
(870) 536-0990
Programs range from a clothing closet to food pantry as well as low cost thrift store.

First Trinity Church Of God In Christ
302 South Juniper Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Dial (870) 541-0054 for hours.
Soup, cereal, rice, and non-perishable food may be passed out by volunteers.

Harvest House
200 West Harding Street
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601

Hosanna Christian Church And Ministries
Address: 2512 Harding Street
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
Dial (870) 535-8994
Churches in Jefferson County partner together to feed the hungry. Clients of the emergency food pantry range from children to the elderly.

House Of Bread
500 South Main Street
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
(870) 872-2196
They have an emergency intake line. Hot meals, fresh fruits, vegetables, and other resources are provided.





Neighbor To Neighbor
Main address is 1419 Pine Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71611
(870) 534-2883
The charity has a food pantry, shelter, and clothing closet. Everything from Christmas meals to summer snacks for low income students are offered.

New Bethel #1 Outreach Ministry
1320 North Magnolia Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Call (870) 536-4066

New Morning Star Baptist Church
1026 Missouri Street
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
Main phone - (870) 535-6183

Old Morning Star Church
Address: 3116 Port Road
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Telephone number - (870) 534-1413
Free food, groceries, dairy items, and more is offered. Clients tend to be working poor or underemployed.

Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church
1801 South Indiana Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
(870) 535-3056
Volunteers serve meals to the low income and homeless in Jefferson County. Or get referrals to shelter or government food stamps and other aid.

Share A Prayer And A Word Church
PO Box 6096
Pine Bluff, AR 71611
For hours, call (870) 535-7729




The Salvation Army - Pine Bluff Center
Main address: 501 East 12th Avenue
Pine Bluff, AR 71611
Phone: (870) 534-0504
The non-profit may have grants for certain bills or living costs. Other resources range from the thrift store and food pantry to Christmas meals or gifts from Adopt a Family. Learn more on Arkansas Salvation Army emergency programs.

Upper Room Christian Church
Address is 1100 South Cypress Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71611
Phone - (870) 850-0348

Wheeler Chapel Missionary Church
Main address - 3519 Wheeler Chapel Road
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
Dial (870) 692-7266 for Intake to this Jefferson County food pantry.

World For Christ Church
Location - 510 Rhinehart Road
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Main phone number of the pantry is (870) 535-9322

Redfield United Methodist Church - Care And Share
210 River Road
Redfield, Arkansas 72132
(501) 397-5165
The Care and share program may help with everything from food to funds for electric bills or vouchers for medications.





River Road Baptist Church
Location is 723 River Road
Redfield, Arkansas 72132
(501) 397-2976
The pantry may have Canned Fruits or Meats, baby formula for new moms, and other support.

More free food programs in Jefferson County

For more details or referrals, residents can dial 501-565-8121, which is the AR Feeding America Food Bank. Some of the other programs include surplus USDA Commodities, the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), summer meals, and more.


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