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Hillsborough County New Hampshire Society of Saint Vincent assistance programs.

The less fortunate in Hillsborough County New Hampshire can receive support from the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul church parishes in both Manchester and Nashua. The charity organization, including Saint Patrick and St. Pius X, is a source of information on local assistance programs. In some cases a client can get help in applying for financial aid, such as government grants or other resources for low income families.

Housing resources from SVDP in Hillsborough County

Emergency homeless shelters are available across Hillsborough County for individuals and families. The capacity is limited though. When possible, these shelters offer several days of temporary housing in Manchester or Nashua and supportive services. Other housing support is arranged too.

In addition, Saint Vincent de Paul Hillsborough County family transition program (FTP) helps people recover from financially induced housing crises. As part of this, FTP case managers work to secure independent housing for low income or homeless clients and connects individuals with community resources. The agency also arranges for stabilization services. Locate other homeless prevention and rapid rehousing in New Hampshire.

Financial aid is also a part of what may be available. Society of Saint Vincent de Paul also helps qualified clients pay security deposits and/or rent expenses, and home-based case management is provided for up to one year. There may be SVDP parish funds to help pay utilities or keep the power and lights on.

Through the emergency assistance program, Saint Vincent de Paul clients can obtain financial support. Staff from the agency interview applicants and refer them to the appropriate local agencies. This program, designed for individuals who have fallen through the cracks of society, helps lower income families identify their core problems and then work toward resolutions of those issues.

All monetary aid as well as cash grants comes with responsibility. Anyone seeking help must be able to demonstrate a desire to become independent, and clients who do not follow through on agreed-upon plans to achieve self-sufficiency will not be eligible for additional assistance.




Hunger prevention, free food and meals from Society of Saint Vincent

Hillsborough County New Hampshire individuals and families in need of food can turn to Society of Saint Vincent de Paul for food assistance. Each month, the agency distributes non-perishable groceries, including dry goods and canned food from a pantry. There may also be household paper products, baby food and diapers. All of this and more may also be distributed along with the groceries in Hillsborough County.

When qualified, people can receive free groceries up to six times per year. Furthermore, the local soup kitchen in Manchester New Hampshire has freshly prepared meals and produce each week when provisions are available. All food provided by Interfaith is given on a per-family basis rather than a per-individual basis.

During the holiday season, Society of Saint Vincent coordinates the distribution of food, clothing and small gifts to poverty-stricken community members. These holiday baskets are provided for Thanksgiving, and food baskets and gifts are passed out as well for Christmas.

Various civic groups and individuals donate the items for the baskets, and the agency supplements baskets as needed. Dozens of families may be supported each year. These baskets are not factored into the limit on the receipt of groceries. Find other free Christmas gifts and holiday help in Hillsborough County NH.

SVDP in both Manchester and Nashua operates a thrift shop to provide quality merchandise at modest prices. The gently used goods sold at the St. Vincent de Paul facility include home accessories, clothing for persons of all ages, furniture, toys and books. The inventory at the store changes every day.

The money raised from the thrift shop supports the agency financially, with the proceeds going toward Saint Vincent de Paul crisis center and food pantry, both of which are referenced above. The centers also provides volunteer opportunities for civic and school organizations, churches, businesses, and individuals.

Resources for employment and financial stability

Educational and vocational services are offered by the agency and its local churches to help individuals obtain and maintain employment. Topics for life-skills classes include job preparation, credit repair, banking, budgeting and parenting. Life-skills classes may be mandated by case plans.





St. Vincent de Paul also holds literacy classes. These provide personal tutors to assist clients with basic reading and communication skills. Ongoing instruction is provided to help individuals prepare for general educational development (GED) exams.

At these centers, volunteer tutors pace students. They will assign people to sessions according to skill level. If and when needed, pretesting services are available on an individual basis. The job coaching is another program, and this not only prepares clients for interviews, but also helps them secure training opportunities. Or find how to prepare for an interview.

Society of Saint Vincent centers also have computer classes that feature instruction on the use of Windows operating systems. These workshops cover basic through advanced skills and are provided during both the day and evening.

English as a second language (ESL) classes are available across Hillsborough County. These will help speakers master the language. The introductory level is intended for individuals who have little or no command of English. Students at this level, who are screened by SVDP, work to develop a simple conversational ability.

People may graduate into the next step. This will be the intermediary level that features instruction on conversational and grammatical structures to help students achieve a greater degree of comprehension. The last step, which is the advanced level, combines conversational and grammatical structures so that students can achieve a proficiency in English. At this point it is hopeful that the student has enough skills for school and work environments.

Locations of Society of Saint Vincent de Paul parishes

There are two main centers in Hillsborough County, with referrals given. The addresses are Saint Patrick Parish, 29 Spring St, Nashua, NH  03060. Call 603-882-2262. Another church is at St. Pius X Parish, 575 Candia Rd., Manchester, NH 03109. For intake, call (603) 625-6775 or 603-622-6510.

By Jon McNamara

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