Rental assistance in Catawba County.
Tenants facing eviction in Catawba County can apply for emergency rental assistance, free legal aid, and other housing programs. The primary agencies to contact for help are below. Each has their own form of support, and they may offer everything from cash grants to paying rent, loans, or even support such as a homeless shelter or money to help with security deposits.
Many of the organizations are based right in Hickory North Carolina. However, there are resources all over Catawba County. In addition to providing help with rental arrears, there may be other funds focused on paying utility or energy bills, heating costs, and even water bills.
Whether a low income to moderate income Catawba County family is facing eviction due to unpaid rent or utility bills, or if the applicant is currently homeless and needs a place to live, there is assistance available. The primary charities, churches, and other sources of short term rent help are below.
Eastern Catawba Cooperative Christian Ministry, Inc. Main address - 245 E N St Newton, North Carolina 28658 Telephone number is (828) 465-1702 Churches make up this group. They support the eastern part of the county.
GHCCM, or the Greater Hickory Cooperative Christian Ministry 31 1st Ave South East Hickory, North Carolina 28602 Call (828) 327-0979 There is emergency financial assistance from the Client Services group at the charity. One resources allow, there may be funds to assist with a mortgage payment, back rent, moving costs, or utilities. Many residents, ranging from the working poor to underemployment, may get financial help for paying their rent.
Catawba County Social Services Government office: 3030 11th Ave Dr SE Hickory, North Carolina 28602 Main number - (828) 695-5600 The main government organization. The state does have an emergency cash assistance program, and that money can be used for paying rent and other housing needs. Some clients are given loans as well. Other programs, in addition to the rent help, include LIHEAP, food, and more. More on Social Services in Catawba County.
Legal Aid of Catawba County (828) 437-8280 Lawyers help with evictions in housing court, discrimination, and free legal aid for other housing challenges.
Salvation Army Resource Center in Hickory Main location is 760 3rd Av Pl SE Hickory, NC 28602 (828) 322-8061 One day a week some money may be available to help pay rent. There is also low-cost thrift store for furniture, shelter, case management, and other aid.
Family Care Center of Catawba Valley, Inc. provides transitional housing and shelter to families with children, including single moms. They also give food, case management, job programs, and eventual referral to security deposit assistance. 2875 Highland Avenue Northeast, Hickory, NC 28601. Call 828-324-9917.
AIDS Leadership Foothills Area Alliance Location is 1120 Fairgrove Church Rd Hickory, NC 28602 (828) 322-1447 HOWPA housing program is only for HIV-AIDs impacted applicants.
Hickory Public Housing Authority Address is 841 S Center St Main location is Williamsburg, North Carolina 28602-3611 (828)328-5373 The regional PHA – Public Housing Authority. They administer the section 8 housing choice voucher program, address family Self-Sufficiency, run low income apartments and public housing as well. All of these programs can offer help to people who struggle to pay their rent or energy bills.
Christian Community Outreach Ministries (CCOM) This charity is at 870 8th St NE Hickory, NC 28601 (828) 328-1803 Families with an eviction or pay or quit notice can apply for rent help. There is also clothing, employment services, counseling, and more. All this goes along with cash grants for rental expenses.
Sipe's Orchard Home is a shelter for youth under the age of 22. The location is 4431 County Home Road, Conover, North Carolina 28613. Phone 828-256-3324.