Hawaii uninsured medical care programs.
Uninsured families, or Hawaii residents that have limited health insurance plans, may be able to get coverage from other sources. The state and federal government offer several assistance programs for your medical needs. Additional resources may be administered by local health care providers, doctors, or directly by hospitals.
Individuals who do not have proper health or dental insurance can struggle to get the treatment that they need. So the state of Hawaii tries to help people access resources. This can include prescription medications, screenings, check ups, and more extensive treatment as well. The uninsured will often also need to meet income limits in order to qualify, however resources are available to those who need assistance.
The Hawaii Breast and Cervical Cancer Program will not only offer testing and screening, but it also provides other medial care and referrals to those who are diagnosed. So the uninsured can both be tested and sent for treatment if it turns out that it is needed. Call 808-692-7460.
CSHNP - Children with Special Health Needs Program - administers assistance for children with long-term or chronic health conditions. Call 808-733-9055 for information. It will help those who need specialized medical care. An extensive number of services are provided to families. They include, but are not limited to, newborn metabolic screening follow-up, hearing aids and related services, neurology and cardiac care, hearing and vision services, lab work, X-Rays and more. Some prescriptions may be filled as well for medications and eyeglasses, or funds can pay for travel costs.
The Mental Retardation/Developmentally Disabilities (MR/DD) program will coordinate services and in-home support. This will help people live as independently as possible in the least restrictive environment. The government program can pay for bills such as environmental accessibility adaptations, private duty nursing, specialized medical equipment and supplies and more. Main phone number is 808-587-3521.
A version of the COBRA program is officially called the Hawaii Insurance Continuation Program, or H-COBRA. This is used to pay the bills and health insurance premiums for people with HIV/AIDS who are COBRA eligible but cannot afford the premium on their own. 808-733-9360.
HSPAMM or Hawaii Seropositivity & Medical Management Program is another option for HIV and AIDs patients. This resource will pay for the physician visits and lab tests. The uninsured will have all of this paid for them. 808-733-9360
HIV Drug Assistance Program is another resource for qualified, uninsured patients. FDA approved medications can be offered for free, or reduced rates, to patients living with HIV. It can treat infections, address HIV-associated anemia and wasting, and lessen side effects of the condition. To get more details call 808-733-9360 for information and applications.
HIV/AIDS Community Care Program is both support and related services for both adults and children with serious medical needs. Some of the expenses paid for can include equipment, respite and attendant care, nursing, and even some local transportation costs. Main phone - 808-587-3521.
CHIP and Medicaid is offered as part of the Hawaii QUEST Program. It is managed health care and the state of Hawaii will pay all of the health plan costs for medical and mental health services. Some dental care can be paid out as well, and that is offered on a fee-for service basis. Enrollees of the QUEST program can also choose their own doctor from their plan network. 800-316-8005
Nursing Home Without Walls, or NHWW, is also known as the Home & Community Based Waiver Program. Regardless of your age, this program may be able to coordinate assistance programs for people with a disability or chronic illness. In addition to helping with paying the bills, case management can be provided to uninsured patients in Hawaii as part of the NHWW program. 808-832-5115.
The federal government Traditional Medicaid program, also known as Medicaid Fee-For-Service, is for low income and uninsured families. Children, pregnant women, the disabled and individuals who are aged, blind or disabled are the main recipients. Call 800-316-8005 for more information on this federal and state of Hawaii government assistance programs.
If you can't get insurance from any other source, then the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan may be an option. Some private carriers or employers will deny coverage to people with a serious and/or pre-existing medical condition, so this government mandated program may be able to assist you, provided it has funding. Hospital bills, medications, lab work, dental services, and physicals can all be paid for as well as other expenses. 866-717-5826
The Hawaii Vaccines for Children Program will offer medications and immunizations to children. Some minimal fees may need to be paid, including those that are the result of an office visit. The program is run from local clinics and medical providers, so patients will need to stop by a center near them. Assistance is offered for children under the age of 18 that come from a family that lacks health insurance or that has limited coverage. Call 800-933-4832 for details as well as the location of a center that may contribute.