Assistance programs in Greene County Ohio.
Find how to access assistance from local charities, non-profit groups, churches and other agencies. People who are in need of help and facing a short term hardship have many resources and services at their disposal. Get information on your options. Find a list of programs in Greene County that can help with paying rent or utility bills, or that may give out free food or heating oil or clothing. Or access job training programs, free foreclosure counseling services, get money to pay for security or utility deposits, enroll into free debt reduction programs, and locate other forms of assistance.
Food assistance
The AFL-CIO Labor Food Pantry is a place that union members and organized labor can turn to for aid. The groups provides emergency food and other forms of assistance to members of organized labor as well as other working families during times of crisis or hardships. Click here to find other union programs.
Another organization that offers food and other services is the Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley. The programs they administer assist all people who are in-need through providing professional counseling, foreclosure advice, emergency food assistance, foster care services, help with adoption, child abuse prevention, pregnancy counseling and parenting education, and funds to pay for child day care expenses. Call Catholic Charities of Greene County at 937-223-7217
Employment skills and advice
Greene County Ohio residents who need help finding a job can turn to Clothes that Work! This organization provides job interview advice and interview practice, offers work appropriate clothing and other related services to women, men and independent teens preparing for self-reliance. The goal of the agency is to build self-confidence and increases job opportunities and career skills. (937) 222-3778.
The Community Action Partnership of the Greater Dayton Area also offers job training to people who live in Greene County. They run the Work Ready Program, which provides job training. career development and needed support for individuals who are looking for work or starting a job or continuing employment and need additional skills. (937) 341-5000. Get more details on financial resources from Community Action Partnership.
Emergency services
Good Neighbor House is an agency that provides low and moderate income residents access to several services. The charity, which can be called at 937.224.3003 will help support low income families with food, free and discounted clothing, and household items. They also have an onsite health care clinic that serves the working poor with providing them with free or low priced medical, dental and vision services and health care. Click here for additional health care bill assistance services.
St. Vincent Hotel is another place that offers crisis assistance. The phone number is (937) 222-7349. Low income and others individuals and families who need help with bills can get shelter, rent assistance, free food, clothing, emergency assistance for bills such as utility and heating, transitional and permanent housing, case management, job training and vocational and academic opportunities. The programs focus on the homeless and unemployed individuals and families in the local area.
Greene Churches and Catholic Charities is a leading agency to call in the region for help. The organization offers a number of resources for the less fortunate in the area. While much of it is advice, case management, and free referrals, other assistance is more direct. This can include free food and meals, information on housing, and care for senior citizens. Specialists also work with immigrants in the region and can even help them find jobs in Ohio. Click here for programs from Dayton Ohio Catholic Charities.
Housing and rent assistance programs help tenants, renters, and the low income. Everything from eviction help to emergency grants or loans, legal support, and more is offered to stop homelessness. Or the funds can rehouse the homeless. Find more details on rent assistance in Greene County.
Salvation Army of Greene County is a leading non-profit. The organization operates nationally, but they have a local center in Xenia Ohio that covers the county. While resources are always stretched thin, there may be some financial assistance for preventing evictions or paying energy bills. Other services can include free food from a pantry and basic needs such as school supplies or free Christmas assistance. Case management and referrals to government programs such as food stamps are usually available too. Hundreds of Greene County low income and senior families turn to the center every month. Read Salvation Army programs.
Help for paying heating bills
Another resource offered by the Community Action Partnership of the Greater Dayton Area (phone number above) is the Winter Crisis Program, which provides individuals with up to $175 to pay winter heating bills, and will ensure service stays connected. Two other options for heating bill aid are the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) and the HEAP program.
Emergency financial assistance for rent, mortgages, medications, and energy bills
Bath and Fairborn Ohio residents can call Fish Fairborn for aid (phone (937) 879-1313). The non-profit can provide limited emergency financial aid and cash grants to those in need of help in the community. Assistance can include money for paying utilities, prescription assistance, rent or mortgage assistance, foreclosure prevention, etc. Limit set on amount received in 12 month period, so apply up to once per year.
Veterans and military members may receive assistance from Greene County Veterans Service. Call (937) 562-6020. Access assistance programs for veterans and their dependents. Get help with pension service connected disability, filing claims for education, debt reduction, burial, home loan guaranty, insurance expenses and claims, discharges, and medical benefits.
Also provides emergency cash and financial assistance for veterans and/or their dependents with proven bills and expenses that they need help for. May include (but is not limited to) financial assistance with prescription vouchers, utilities, food and groceries, rent, mortgages, basic necessities, etc.
Holiday programs - There are charities and non-profits that provide assistance at Christmas as well as Thanksgiving. Income qualified families can be given.
Jamestown Area Ministerial Association - Programs offered include. The group will provide traveler's aid on a case-by-case basis. The association may assist with infant/toddler needs (baby food and diapers), free food, personal products, gas and heating oil, utilities (water, electric and gas bills), prescription medications, and limited financial aid for a wide variety of situations, such as paying rent. Jamestown Ohio. (937) 675-7981
Debt reduction, budgeting, and foreclosure prevention
Family Services, Wright Patterson, is a non-profit credit counseling agency that provides consumers with one-on-one sessions and classes for foreclosure prevention, financial counseling, budget preparation and planning, mortgage assistance programs and delinquency solutions, debt management, and seminars on money management. (937) 878-7046
Food banks in Greene County Ohio
Some of the local food pantries, banks, and organizations to call for food, personal hygiene items, and other non-financial aid include.
- Beavercreek Fish - (937) 222-5444. Offers limited amounts of food.
- Liberty Worship Center - Provides food and general counseling and advice. Xenia Ohio based, but serve all of Greene County Ohio. Phone (937) 372-6034
- Xenia Area Fish - Get food up to once per month. The agency can provides groceries and food assistance to anyone in need. Call (937) 372-8441