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Food pantries and free groceries in Union County New Jersey.

Low income, struggling, and working poor families get help from a free food bank. Most of the distribution centers can provides low cost or free groceries as well as hygiene supplies to those who need help. A number of other assistance programs can also be offered. For example, many of the Union County NJ food pantries can also distribute baby food, diapers, or guidance on applying for SNAP food stamps. Find a food pantry in your area of Union County NJ below.

In addition to passing out groceries daily, the free pantry near you may also run on site soup kitchens for meals as well as offer holiday meals at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Most locations have conditions that need to be met by clients and they are only open limited hours. There is also a toll free number at the bottom of this page for more information. In addition, some free pantries also have a drive thru food bank in Union County or they give out pet food.

Charities and churches also help the elderly with Meals on Wheels, immigrants, and unemployed in Union County among others. Call or stop by a food pantry for emergency services, including free food, personal toiletries, guidance on EBT and fast food places, and other benefits.

Free food distribution centers in Union County

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Cranford
Address is 505 South Ave E, Cranford, New Jersey, 07016. Telephone number - (908) 276-2012 or (908) 497 - 3966
The center can provide free food vouchers from a grocery store for the unemployed, working poor, and disabled when available. In addition to the groceries and meals, additional emergency funds for bills may be offered, as funding allows. Get canned or fresh groceries or use the drive thru pantry that is open today for a free box of food.

Church of the Assumption
Address of church - 113 Coolidge Pl, Roselle Park, NJ 07204. Call (908) 245 - 1107




Community Food Bank of NJ
31 Evans Terminal Rd, Hillside, NJ, 07205. Call (908) 355 - 3663
This Union NJ food bank works with hundreds of non-profit organizations, churches, and charities in the region. People who need help need to contact those locations for help.

Cranford Family Care Association
Food center location is 61 Myrtle St., Cranford, New Jersey, 07016. Phone (908) 276 - 3530

Mt. Teman Church
160 Madison Ave, Elizabeth, New Jersey 07201. Call (908) 351-2625
A free food pantry is on site limited hours. Dairy, cheese, peanut butter or jelly, bread, meat, and other boxes of groceries.

Ministerio De Restauracion
Location of pantry is 163-165 Third St, Elizabeth, NJ 07206. Phone (908) 906-3023 or (908) 906-5249

El Centro Hispano Americano
525 E Front St, Plainfield, NJ, 07060. Telephone (908) 753 - 8730
They serve meals to Hispanics, Spanish speakers, and immigrants in Union County. Cultural meals or food too, including salsa, tortillas, and other items may be served. They also help immigrants and others apply for benefits, including food stamps or WIC vouchers.

Jesus Is Lord - Iglesia Jesucristo Es El Seņor
Main address is 201-223 Spring Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07201. For hours or referrals, dial 908-355-1335

Rahway Food For Friends
1221 New Brunswick Ave., Rahway, NJ 07065. Phone - (732) 381-7201
The free pantry may have some or all of the following. Clients include the low income, single mothers, disabled and more. Donations and volunteers help the charity feed the needy and lower income.





Linden Interfaith Lincs Food Pantry
14 Munsill Ave, Linden, New Jersey 07036. Phone (908) 925-2523
The charity has fresh produce to families with children as well as single adults. There is a soup kitchen for free hot meals, milk, dairy, and personal hygiene supplies like razors, soap, detergent and more.

Elizabethport Presbyterian Center (E'PORT)
184 1st St, Elizabeth, NJ 07206. Call for hours (908) 351 – 4850
Can provide free or low cost perishable food, meals, and other aid. Referrals and assistance for applying for government programs like SNAP food stamps or WIC can be offered too.

First Baptist Church of Cranford and Elizabeth
Main address - 402 Union Ave., Elizabeth, New Jersey, 07208. Telephone number - (908) 352 - 0519

Food pantry in Union County NJGrace Episcopal Church
Location is 221 E Jersey St., Elizabeth, New Jersey, 07206. Phone number is (908) 354 - 4694

Heard AME Church
310 E 8th Ave, Roselle, NJ 07203. Call the church at (908) 241 – 5588 for hours and details.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Primary address is 1571 S Martine Ave
Scotch Plains, New Jersey, 07076
(908) 889 - 2100

Jefferson Park Ministries
477 Madison Ave, Elizabeth, NJ, 07207. Dial (908) 469 - 9508

San Jose Episcopal Mission
The food bank is at 38 West End Pl, Elizabeth, NJ 07202. Call (908) 289-7070
The pantry will have items ranging from baby formula to surplus government commodities. Or get free groceries, cereal, pasta, and even cat or dog food for low-income senior citizens in Union County.

Bethesda French Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Location is 302 E 9th Ave, Roselle, NJ 07203. Phone: (908) 868-1594
The charity helps the homeless, unemployed and low-income with free food and hot meals.

Jewish Family Service of Central NJ
Primary address is 655 Westfield Ave, Elizabeth, New Jersey, 07208. Phone - (908) 352 – 8375
A number of services are offered in addition to food and groceries. Services and resources include a food pantry, children, individual, family counseling, substance abuse prevention, emergency financial assistance, career counseling, and information and referral.




Holy Trinity Rc Church
Address is 315 First Street, WestField, NJ 07090. Dial (908) 232-8137
A soup kitchen is offered as well as free food bank. They also serve Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.

New Covenant Church Of God
225 E. 7th St, Plainfield, NJ 07060. Call (908) 226-0223

Calvary Baptist - Manna From Heaven Food Pantry
324 Monroe Ave, Plainfield, New Jersey. Phone: (908) 273-4897
There are free filling, shelf-stable foods that are healthy.  Fruits, vegetables, pasta, breads, canned meats, and fruit juices. There is ensure for the elderly, household supplies and other items. The staff also direct clients to financial aid, clothes, and basic needs.

Rahway Community Action Organization
796 East Hazelwood Ave, Rahway, NJ 07065. Dial (732) 382-9311
The pantry may have Boxed Pastas, Canned tuna or salmon, Cooking oils, vegetables, and other free food items or even hygiene supplies.

Linden Interfaith Network for Community Service.
14 W. Munsell Ave., Linden, NJ, 07036. Telephone number (908) 925 – 2523
May have Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, and more, in addition to the food pantry. Seniors, the disabled and elderly, regardless of religion, can use the social services. Meals on Wheels, case management, education, and other support.

Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church
111 South St, New Providence, NJ 07974. Main number is (908) 464-7600

GRACE - Giving and Receiving Assistance for our Community’s Essentials
100 Morris Ave, Summit, NJ 07901. Phone: (908) 259-4744
They operate a food pantry for fresh or frozen food.

1126 Dickinson St., Elizabeth, NJ, 07201. Phone number - (908) 351 – 7727
Another one of the leading non-profit organization in Union County New Jersey. Distributes food, government surplus items, counseling, case management, and other support for low income and working poor families. They help people apply for SNAP food stamps, WIC and other benefits too.

Greater Refuge Church-Christ
600 Grant Ave, Plainfield, NJ 07060. Telephone: (908) 561-8255
Everyone from asylum seekers to immigrants and refugees will get help. A free emergency pantry is on site. Get frozen food, fresh fruits or vegetables and other goods. There are also personal toiletries as well as additional assistance programs in Union County.

Salvation Army, Plainfield Area Corps as well as Union County
615 Watchung Ave, Plainfield, NJ, 07060. Telephone number - (908) 756 – 2595
Both of the Union County Salvation Army locations in the county may have an onsite food pantry, thrift store, and other items like clothing and household items. They also serve free Thanksgiving turkey dinners or Christmas meals as well as food too.

  • Salvation Army, Elizabeth Corps is another location for free food or financial aid. The Address is 1005 E Jersey St., Elizabeth, New Jersey, 07201. Call (908) 352 - 7057. Or more on free food from Union County Salvation Army.







Shiloh Baptist Church
Main address - 95 Murray St.
Elizabeth, New Jersey, 07201
Call (908) 355 - 3777

St. John the Apostle
1805 Penbrook Ter
Linden, New Jersey, 07036
Call the church at (908) 486 - 6363

St. Joseph Church
Main address is 157 E 4th St., Roselle, NJ 07203. Call (908) 241 - 1250
Can offer food and information on shelter and can also provide guidance.

St. Joseph Social Service Center
118 Division St., Elizabeth, New Jersey, 07201. Phone: (908) 352 - 2989

Union County Department of Human Services
They offer public aid, government assistance, LIHEAP grants, and food benefits. There is Commodity Supplemental Food Program, housing, loans, food stamps, healthy eating or budget classes and much more. Continue with  Union County Department of Human Services assistance programs.

St. Teresa's Church
306 Morris Ave
Summit, NJ, 07901
Call (908) 277 - 3700
Services include clothes, free personal hygiene supplies, food, and more.

Masjidullah - Muslim Community Soup Kitchen
321-325 Grant Avenue, Plainfield, New Jersey. Phone: (908) 561-6797





Church Of The Living God
434 E 4th St., Plainfield, NJ 07060. Phone - (908) 757-0941
Everything from free boxes of groceries to snacks for kids, free food fir single moms and more. Also learn about USDA Commodities, Rice, Peanut Butter,  Muffin Mix, Beans and even Christmas food baskets or small toys.

Star Fish of Plainfield
631 E Front St. Plainfield, NJ 07060. Dial (908) 755 – 8888 for information on food assistance.

Additional free food assistance programs in Union County

The list above is just a sampling. There are many other free food pantries as well as soup kitchens near you for meals or groceries. Call 908.355.3663 to get referrals including to the Feeding America NJ food bank. There are also applications to surplus government commodity programs or free school lunch/breakfast programs. Or the homebound can even learn about Meals on Wheels.


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