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Free Christmas and holiday assistanc programs in Denver region.

Help is available at Christmas for a wide range of low income families in the Denver area as well as nearby counties. The main programs for residents include free Christmas toys from Angel Tree, holiday food boxes, Adopt a Family as well as gifts from Toys for Tots. Find how to get free Christmas help from charities in Denver, Arapahoe, Jefferson, Adams, and Douglas County.

Low-income households, single moms and the poor get prioirty for holiday help. There are also charities, non-profits or churches that give free Thanksgiving or Christmas meals, gift cards for food, Xmas trees and other support. The primary non-profits or charities that help the vulnerable at Christmas are below. If an organization can't assist, then the volunteers may have referrals to other places to turn to so that a child can have a present given to them. The resources, whether small gifts, winter coats, games, or toys are available across all regions.

Note that each of the holiday programs has terms and conditions in place. Some only help people in a shelter, others assist senior citizens. The enrollment period to sign up for help at Christmas usually takes place in the summer or fall, as that is when many of the Adopt a Family donation programs are rolled out to the community.

Places in Denver CO area that hellp at Christmas

Toys for Tots in Denver Colorado area
The enrollment process is online, and this gift giving program is run in partnership with organizations such as the Marine Corps. Both new and gently used toys are accepted from the public and then given to needy children. There may be Legos, dolls, sporting equipment, video games or consoles, books, clothes and more. They cover Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert, Jefferson and Boulder County. URL is

Dolls for Daughters and Toys for Boys - Run by Kenz’si Clauses
The address is 2230 South Fraser Street, Aurora, CO 80014. Call 303-353-8191 or 720-330-2804
A free toy shop is open one day per year. The location varies. Items are passed out on a first come and served basis to needy Denver children. There may be legos, stocking stuffers, hygiene supplies, and more.




Senior Answers and Services, Inc.  - Colorado Gerontological Society
Address is 1129 Pennsylvania St, Denver, CO 80203. Call 303-333-3482
Low income seniors are given free boxes of food for Christmas. Fruit, gifts, bread, and more. The elderly in Denver, Adams and nearby counties can be given free holiday groceries, Thanksgiving dinners and more.

Denver Inner City Parish
Address is 1212 Mariposa St., Denver, CO 80204. Phone (303) 629-0636
This is only for residents of the city/county of Denver. Each year they collect items, including Christmas toys or food, from the community and try to assist thousands of children. The entire family may be given food baskets, Christmas meals, small toys, and more. They also offer free Thanksgiving food or meal baskets.

Denver Rescue Mission
6100 Smith Road, Denver, CO 80216. Phone number – 303.297.1815
Based on donation levels, free Christmas toys, gifts, and food may be passed out to the homeless and vulnerable from the charity.

Community Ministry
Address is 1755 S. Zuni. St, Denver, CO 80223. Call (303) 935-3428 or (303) 936-0469
Christmas or Thanksgiving food boxes have the ingredients for a complete holiday dinner. Another program, the Sharing Tree, may offer a designated dollar amount of presents to children or teenagers.

Denver Santa Claus Shop
Location is 1200 Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80204. Call 720.944.3666
This non-profit works with DSCS, welfare and government agencies as well as charities to help children, single moms, immigrants, and low income families. Free Christmas toys, gifts, winter jackets, gift cards and more may be given to households that receive government benefits such as SNAP food stamps or cash aid. For information on how to get free Christmas presents, apply here.





Operation Santa Claus
Location is 12257 S. Wadsworth Blvd Littleton, CO 80125. Call (720) 308-1828
They run various adopt a family programs for the holidays. Free Christmas gifts or tree decorations, small toys for girls or boys, holiday food boxes and more. Get clothes, socks, games, books and so much more.

Servicios De La Raza
3131 W 14th Ave, Denver, Colorado 80204. For program terms, call (303) 458-5851
Teenagers and children under the age of 14 can apply for free Christmas toys. Based on donations all sorts of games, books, clothing items, and other presents for young boys and girls may be offered as part of Toys for Tots.

Volunteers of America Colorado Branch
 2877 Lawrence St, Denver, CO 80205. Phone - (303) 297-0408
A Santa Shop is for kids age 0 to 18. Games, books, free winter clothes, bicycles, trucks, Marvel figures and other Christmas toys may be offered.

Denver metropolitan Salvation Army locations
There are several centers. Resources for low income families range from Angel Tree/Adopt a Family to financial aid. Volunteers may also deliver a low cost (or free) Christmas meal to the homebound. They also server holiday meals at both Thanksgiving and Christmas. There are free gift cards for single moms for the holidays, toys, books, games for kids and other stuff. More on the Salvation Army in Denver County.

  • 1370 Pennsylvania Street, Denver, CO call 303-860-5460
  • 1701 33rd St, Boulder, CO 80301. Dial (303) 863-2191
  • 2915 N High St, Denver, CO 80205. Main number is (303) 295-2107
  • Adams County - 802 Quari Ct, Aurora, Colorado, 80011. Phone - (303) 364-1965
  • Jefferson region is at 1080 Birch St, Broomfield, CO 80020. Phone - (303) 635-3018.
  • Douglas - 18349 Lincoln Meadows Pkwy, Parker, CO, phone (720) 851-0202

Warren Village
1323 Gilpin St., Denver, Colorado 80218. Dial (303) 321-2345
The Warren Village’s Holiday Shop is only open to clients of the agency. They can “shop” for presents, games, books, gender specific toys and more for their child. Single parents/moms from Denver also use this resource.




Denver Children's Foundation (DCF)
Main office is at 8275 E 11th Ave #202684, Denver, CO 80220. Call (303) 832-8390
The non-profit runs a program known as Christmas for Kids. The kids can "shop" for the toys they want use a free gift card from the Foundation. A mentor to help guide the kid during this period is also available.

Comitis Crisis Center
Location is 2178 Victor St, Aurora, CO 80045. Call (303) 341-9160 or dial 303-898-5507
They offer Christmas help in Adams County. There may also be free winter coats for kids, small toys for teenagers or infants, support for single mothers and others.

Assistance League of Denver region
6265 E Evans Ave, Denver, CO 80222. Phone: (720) 638-3650
There is a low cost thrift store, free school supplies, some Christmas assistance for kids and other programs. Low income families and seniors can get free Christmas toys, gift cards, clothes, groceries, coupons for turkey dinners and many other goods.

New Vision Assembly of God
Location is 832 S 7th St, Grand Junction, CO 81501. Main Phone: (970) 640-1280
The church helps the poor, less fortunate, and disadvantaged.

Holiday help for migrant kids
The coutny as well as city of Denver work to provide free Christmas gifts, food baskets, clothes and more to children with immigrant parents or those seeking asylum. Applications at at Workforce Center, and call  (720) 913-1311.

Mile High Ministries
The Christmas store is at  913 Wyandot St, Denver, CO 80204. Dial (303) 839-5198
A free, low cost store for struggling families, single parents, the unemployed and others to “shop” at for Christmas gifts, There are free or low cost items that can fulfill holiday needs.

Location is 2930 Monaco Pkwy, Denver, Colorado, 80207-2851. Number is 720-945-0108
A toys for Tots affiliated organization for Denver County. Dolls, games, toy trucks, books, electronics, and many other free Christmas toys may be given based on donations.

Queen of Peace Parish
13120 E. Kentucky Ave, Aurora, Colorado, 80015. Phone: 303-755-9173 or (303) 364-1056
There is help at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Food boxes, groceries, Christmas presents and other assistance can be offered in Arapahoe County.




Catholic Charities of Denver and nearby counties
The charity provides free holiday assistance as well as year round help. Families can get low-cost items for a home, and kids free birthday or Xmas toys if qualified. There are free food boxes in Denver CO, Thanksgiving or Christmas meals, clothes, and other stuff for the poor, homeless as well as immigrants. Locate Catholic Charities Denver financial assistance programs.

Adams County Human Services Center - Let Your Light Shine - An Adams County Toys for Tots application site
Main office is 11860 Pecos Street, Westminster, Colorado, 80234. Primary Phone: (303) 227-2700

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Denver
There are over 15 in the area. Call a local center. Thousands of children are assisted each year from the holiday programs (both Thanksgiving and Christmas) that are run by this organization. There are also after school programs, educational material, and other help for kids or teens. The main intake number is (303) 892-9200.

Additional charities in the region offer help during the holidays. The charities and churches below, in counties such as Jefferson, Denver and Adams, provide free food, groceries, Christmas stocking stuffers and more. Many have food pantries or free clothing closets that assist the low-income, homeless and disadvantaged. Small Christmas gifts, presents and more may be offered based on donations.

  • Cleaves Memorial CME Church Food & Clothing Bank - Location is 2222 Marion Street, Denver, Colorado 80205. Dial 720-343-0387 or (303) 839-5683
  • Queen of Peace Catholic Parish - E Kentucky Ave, Aurora, CO 80012. Call (303) 364-1056 or 303-755-9173
  • Aurora Community Connection - 9801 E Colfax Ave, Aurora, CO 8001. Dial (720) 975-0147
  • Community Outreach Service Center - 2515 California Street, Denver CO. Call (303) 295 6180
  • Denver South Hispanic Fda Church - Address is 2005 S Lincoln St, Denver, CO 80210. Call (303) 934-7727 or 720-371-7973
  • New Life church - 19542 E. Parker Square Dr. Parker, CO 80134. Call 720-298-7200
  • House Of Hope Christian Ministries - 10255 E 25th Ave, Aurora, CO 80010. Dial (303) 364-1840
  • Heart & Hand Center location is 2736 Welton St  Denver, CO 80205. Call 720-598-2703 or (303) 757-2368
  • Trinity Services is at Aurora, CO 80047. Call (303) 696-2657 or 303-696-2657




Southwest Denver Coalition
Westwood Community Center, 1000 S. Lowell Blvd. Denver, CO 80219. Call 720-675-8313
Only low-income families in the SW part of the city can apply. Get help during the holidays, including thanksgiving or Christmas food baskets to stocking stuffer, free decorations, and small toys for kids.


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