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Rent assistance Cobb County.

Find financial assistance programs that provide help with paying rent and housing expenses (or security deposits) in Cobb County Georgia. Churches, charities, and government programs operate across the region. They offer hardship funds to pay rental costs, free legal aid to stop evictions, grants or loans for bills or back rent, or free motel vouchers. Get help with rent near you in Cobb County GA.

Low-income families, seniors, single moms and the disabled will get help paying rent in Cobb County or Marietta. Find information on homeless prevention programs and also locate ways to prevent an eviction from a leased home or apartment. Some information on local homeless shelters is also available. Most of the resources, including immediate rental assistance for tenants facing eviction, are targeted at the low income, elderly, disabled, with a focus on families with children.

As with most housing programs, funding is limited and there is often a waiting list, especially for section 8 vouchers. It is always recommended to call different non-profits to ask how to apply or for referrals to other local agencies. In addition, some of the rental assistance programs are offered by churches as well.

Cobb Counties organizations that help pay rent

Samaritan House – Those on the verge or eviction or homelessness, or who may be currently homeless, can access free job training, food, information on shelters, and more. The agency helps the homeless secure benefits such as government programs, housing, rent and security deposits. Call (404) 446-4689 or (404) 523-1239.

Community Action Center, Inc., phone number 404-256-4912, can provide emergency assistance to Marietta and Cobb County Georgia residents and low-income families. Furniture for an apartment, clothes, rent help, and other housing support programs are administered.

Decatur Emergency Assistance Ministry. DEAM provides financial aid, advice, rent assistance and other programs for those in need through the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Atlanta, off Ponce de Leon Street in the city. 525 East Ponce de Leon Avenue. Decatur, Georgia. 404-373-2300




The Sullivan Center – Some areas of Cobb County Georgia are covered by this agency. It may be able to provide financial assistance and/or cash grants for paying monthly rent, mortgage, utilities, cooling bills and transportation. Call (404) 753-0531

St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) – A number of assistance programs are offered to residents of central and north Georgia, including Cobb County and Marietta. The main helpline for SVDP rent, housing, and homeless resources is 770-552-6400 x6105. Other numbers to try in Cobb County include dialing (770) 425-5158, (770) 268-0996 or (770) 458-9607 or (770) 792-8026.

Marietta and Cobb County Housing Authority runs the section 8 HCV program, public housing, and self-sufficiency. There are also income based apartments and homes in Cobb County for low income families and elderly. Another option are emergency section 8 HUD vouchers for paying rent. The address is 95 Cole St NE, Marietta, GA 30060. Phone (770) 419-3200.

Cobb County Catholic Charities provides financial assistance for rent among other services. They help single mothers, women facing DV and immigrants in Cobb County among others. For information on rent assistance and housing programs, dial (404) 920-7725 or (770) 216-9420

Cobb County Senior Services helps the elderly, disabled, and senior citizens. Everything from meals to transportation to immediate, small dollar rent assistance or energy bill help is offered. There are multiple centers in Cobb County. The address is 1150 Powder Springs St., Marietta, GA 30064. Seniors can dial (770) 528-5355 for information on financial assistance for rent.

Referrals to housing programs are available from a couple different sources. There may be emergency, immediate rental assistance. Or the homeless can get free motel vouchers or information on shelters, there is financial aid (including for rent) for single moms, moving cost help, and other resources. Dial the Cobb County Georgia Coalition to End Homelessness at 1-877-243-1576 or the United Way at 404-614-1000.




Center for Family Resources is focused on the greater Cobb County Georgia region. Call them to learn about financial assistance for rent and housing needs. This program helps prevent homelessness. Up to $750 can be paid for rent as resources allow. Only can be used once per lifetime. Dial (770) 428-2601, or more details on financial assistance from Center for Family Resources.

Transfiguration Catholic Church is part of St. Vincent. They may have programs for the homeless (such as shelters), emergency grants to pay a portion of back rent, clothing, or funds for security deposits. Phone - (770) 977-1442

St. Thomas Apostle is a Cobb County St. Vincent church. Case managers can help with screening for government benefits such as section 8 housing, provide referrals to rental assistance or loan programs, and help with other housing needs. Call (770) 432-8579.

Julia Hands Of Love is a volunteer driven organization. There may be small dollar amounts of funds for security deposits, rent, and other housing placement services. Phone - (404) 877-9172.

Eviction prevention programs, which are based in Marietta and across the county, provide federal government grants for rent, housing support, and other aid. Some agencies may also provide motel vouchers, or tailor there programs for rental assistance to meet the demands of seniors or single moms among other groups. More on eviction programs in Cobb County.

STAR-C is an organization that works with landlords and government agencies in Cobb County to help with affordable housing and apartments. The goal is to help stop evictions, assist struggling families with finding and applying to rent assistance programs from charities or the government, and more. The main office is at 1335-D Canton Rd, Marietta, Ga 30066. For information, call 404-698-3781.

MUST Ministries is both a (1) homeless shelter as well as a (2) social service agency. The location is 55 Elizabeth Church Rd, Marietta, Georgia 30060. There may be emergency financial help for rent or bills, furniture, hot meals, job programs and more. Housing programs can help stop homelessness, and rent help is a part of that. Call (770) 790-3926 or (770) 426-7667. MUST is located at 1407 Cobb Pkwy. Marietta, Georgia 30062.

Georgia Legal Services - Free legal aid and advice for addressing unsafe housing. Other assistance can include landlord - tenant mediation services, help with resolving rent or deposit claims, and more. Call (404) 206-5175.

  • Or try Atlanta Legal Aid Society. The pro-bono also supports Cobb County. Families facing eviction can get help. Pro-bono lawyers or staff can assist with preventing an eviction or offer information on homeless prevention services. They also give form filling/application help for section 8 or disability housing. Call 770-528-2565 or (404) 524-5811

Cobb County CDBG Program Office can give referrals, as they work to ensure there is affordable housing in the region. Call (770) 528-1455 or (770) 528-4600. The agency provides rent assistance from the Homelessness Prevention Fund.







Sweetwater Mission - Christian Aid Mission Partnership/CAMP of Austell Georgia ((770) 819-0662) offers rent, food, and other financial aid for residents of Austell, Clarkdale, East Douglas County, Lithia Springs, Mableton and Powder Springs Georgia. the charity is at 6130 Hotel St., Austell, GA 30106.

Jewish Family and Career Services provides some financial assistance for paying bills, rent, and other expenses to residents of the metro-Atlanta area. In some instances, this non-profit will offer qualified families a zero percent interest rate loan for their housing and rent expenses. There is a Cobb County office at 1501 Johnson Ferry Road, Marietta, GA 30062. Call 770.933.0081 or (770) 677-9300

Salvation Army - Cobb County Service Unit can offer help to someone with an emergency within the last 90 days. Get financial support for paying rent or other expenses. There are also motel vouchers and other services. Address is 202 Waterman St., Marietta, GA 30060. Phone (770) 724-1652

Short term housing in Cobb County

The charities below combine homeless shelters, short term transitional housing, and stability services. Once stabilized, the client may be referred to permanent housing resources, including funds to pay security deposits or first months rent, storage costs and more.

Hagar House / Decatur Cooperative Ministries / DCM Transitional Housing. All of these charity organizations can provide transitional housing for working poor and low income families. 404.377.5365

Elizabeth Inn is a homeless shelter, transitional housing unit. The charity is based at 55 Elizabeth Church Rd NE, Marietta, Georgia 30060. Call (678) 218-4531.

Nicholas House – This center is a transitional housing shelter for families. The phone number is 404-622-0793.




Central Night Shelter.  Both free food, a soup kitchen, information on housing and shelter is offered for the homeless and working poor. The center is operated at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church downtown.


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