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Rental assistance in Clermont County

Get help with paying rent in Clermont County from a local charity, church, or government organizations as noted below.  Several organizations help low-income families maintain their housing. Emergency rental assistance is available as well as money to pay a security deposit or storage costs as well as low-income apartments. Find how to get rent assistance near you in Clermont County.

The agencies generally combine short term emergency assistance along with long term support, such as information on rent subsidized homes from HUD. Anyone seeking help for their rental payments will need to contribute to the amount that is due as funding is limited. The tenant may also be referred to specialty services (if they have an eviction notice) and this may be support from an attorney in Batavia or information on applying to government grants.

When the rent can't be paid, then some families may be placed into transitional housing in Clermont County. Or free vouchers for a hotel room are given out. This provides them time to re-establish themselves in the community.

Where in Clermont County to get help with rent

Clermont County Veterans Services Commission
Address: 76 South Riverside Drive, Batavia, Ohio 45103. Dial (513) 732-7363 for information
Veterans, their spouses, and families can get help for housing needs and more, including rent. Federal government grants can assist with short term housing payments, energy bills, and other expenses. In additional to emergency rental assistance, there may also be shelter for homeless veterans as well as applications to the SSVF program.

Clermont Metropolitan Housing Authority
Address is 65 South Market Street, Batavia, Ohio 45103. Main phone - (513) 732-6010
They help low income residents and seniors find affordable homeless or apartment. There is also referrals to section 8 vouchers for paying future rent.




Salvation Army Of Batavia
Location is 87 North Market Street, Batavia, Ohio 45103. Main phone: (513) 732-6328
Tenants with an eviction notice can apply for rent payments or loans for housing needs. The non-profit also has shelters, money to pay for mobile home lot rent payments for rural areas and is involved in case management among other social services.

Clermont County community services
Rent relief is provided to people facing imminent eviction and they also help arrange emergency housing for the un-housed in Clermont County. Grant money to pay rent is focused on families with kids, including single moms. More details on rent assistance from Clermont County community services,

Life (Loveland Inter Faith Effort)
Location is 101 South Lebanon Road, Loveland, OH 45140. Call (513) 583-8222
The Loveland school district area is supported. Struggling families can apply for up to $150 for their rent, heating costs, or moving expenses

Miami Milford Ministry
Location is 844 State Route 131, Milford, OH 45150. For intake, call (513) 248-1114
Rent help is for the town of Miami as well as Milford Exempted School district only.

St. Andrew SVDP
Location is 552 Main Street, Milford, OH 45150. Call (513) 831-7837
Families in the Clermont County zip codes of 45140 and 45150 may receive one time rent assistance from the church. They are also a source of information on public aid, affordable housing, and also security deposit assistance programs. St. Andres may also have funds for first months rent.

St. Elizabeth Seton SVDP
Location is 5890 Buckwheat Road,
Milford, Ohio 45150. Phone: (513) 575-0119
Temporary financial aid or loans are for the vulnerable, including disabled and working poor. Funds for back rent and more is provided.

Legal Aid Society of Clermont County
Location is 215 East Ninth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. Call (513) 241-9400
Information on rental assistance is arranged as well as legal aid. They advocate on behalf of seniors, DV survivors, and the low income, with a goal of preventing evictions. Funds for paying rent is not offered directly, but the attorneys can be a source of referrals to their clients.




Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
The location is 101 S Lebanon Rd, Loveland, OH 45140. Call (513) 683-4244
Limited rental assistance is offered to low-income families in the immediate parish region. They also help seniors and the disabled with their housing costs to keep them housed.

Short term housing programs in Clermont County are for people that were recently evicted due to unpaid rent or the homeless. The charities below provide a place to stay, stability, and more. Families or people leaving the shelter can get applications to future first and last months rent help on an affordable apartment.

  • Clermont County Youth Services is located at 3003 Hospital Drive, Batavia, Ohio 45103. Dial (513) 732-2277. The shelter helps youth and teens.
  • James Sauls Homeless Shelter - 2403 Old State Route 32, Batavia, OH 45103. Dial (513) 732-6464. The homeless can get meals, case management, and referrals to security deposit and rent programs once stabilized.


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