Early Intervention Program - This assistance program is designed to assist families in the local community who need only short term financial assistance, advice, or information on local charities and non-profit organizations. Services provided will be limited to a maximum of 10 visits per family each and every year. You can also find other programs such as Georgia foreclosure assistance.
Food banks - Food banks are located around the region, including Catoosa County Georgia, and they offer people free food and groceries. Government surplus food is also distributed to the needy when available.
Employment and self-sufficiency - Staff from NGCA will work with clients on Family Development. This can address employment, credit repair, and the overall development of families in the Ringgold and Catoosa County region.
Call the North Georgia Community Action, Inc. at (706) 692-5644. If the non-profit can’t meet the needs or fulfill a request, case managers will often provide referrals to other private or government assistance programs. Read Community Action Agency North Georgia.
Salvation Army of northern Georgia and Catoosa
They provide programs for people in the entire northern Georgia area, including Catoosa County and Ringgold Georgia. Emergency assistance may be offered for families in a crisis, and information, advice, and counseling is always available. Call 423.756.1023 (McCallie Ave.), 423.499.0216 (Citidel Corps) or 423.698.4484 (East Lake Corps Center).