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Callaway County assistance programs.

Employment and Job Training

The local Community Action Agency offers several services and resources to help people find jobs and gain career skills. They include job readiness training, financial assistance and grants for approved career and technical training programs. Some of the other services may include career exploration counseling and assessment, case management, resume services, on the job training as well as supplies for job searching and job retention, and job search assistance.

Help with heating and summer cooling bills

If you are struggling with paying your energy bills, the Missouri Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program offered by most community action agencies in the region has two main components. They include the Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) and the Energy Assistance (EA) that make up the assistance program.

EA is a one time payment program operating in the winter season and it runs from November to March. On the other hand, ECIP has both a winter and a summer season. Like the EA program mentioned above, the winter season starts in October for those who are either elderly or disabled, and it will start in November for all other applicants and it runs through May.

Applicants from Callaway County and the city of Fulton to the ECIP program need to have either a disconnection notice or be shut off before assistance is provided. Applicants can receive up to $800 in the winter towards their bills and get up to $300 during the summer season, provided there are funds available. A huge pro of the program is that applicants may get assistance as many times as they need it, provided they have a shut off notice and have not reached their maximum benefit levels for that particular season.


The Weatherization Assistance Program from a community action agency that supports Callaway County will help people save money, as well as achieve a safe and healthy dwelling environment. It will provide maximum practicable energy conservation and savings in housing for people with low income. While the program does target both the handicapped and the elderly, however all those people who meet the income guidelines are eligible for aid.





If you need details on these or other assistance programs, contact a local Community Action Agency that supports Futon as well as Callaway County. Read more.

Financial Assistance Programs

Caring for Callaway's Homeless is located at 829 Jefferson Street, Fulton, MO 65251. Dial (573) 642-6065. The non-profit advocates in the community for the homeless. In addition to that, they also offer a shelter and provide clients with suggestions on long long-term solutions to homelessness as well housing insecurity. Callway County residents may learn about everything from rapid rehousing to referrals to rental or security deposit programs.

Callaway County office of Missouri legal services - Free legal aid is for civil court cases. the applicant needs to have a low income, and the lawyers can represent in both administrative and court filings. Phone - 573-442-0116.

Holts Summit Shiloh United Methodist Church - The church has a basic food pantry. Groceries, toiletries, free Christmas and Thanksgiving meals, and others items may be provided. They are located at 2380 State Road AA in Holts Summit. Phone (573) 642-6388.




Family Support Division of Callaway County (dial (573) 592-4138) is the social service office. They process applications to state and federal government aid programs. Some of them include the following. Or learn more about public assistance in Missouri.

  • There is Child Care Expense Voucher Assistance for working parents or those in training.
  • SNAP food stamps can provide EBT cards for buying groceries.
  • TANF welfare grants is time limited financial aid for everything from energy bills to clothing, transportation, or housing/rent needs.
  • Medical needs include Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits, Medicare, Affordable Care Act, and referrals to community clinics.
  • LIHEAP applications for paying for heating or utility bills.

Other benefiits may be available as well for seniors, very low income families. or the disabled. The office is at 108 North Hospital Drive, Fulton, MO 65251.

By Jon McNamara

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