Food banks, free groceries and pantries in Calcasieu Parish.
There are several food pantries in Calcasieu Parish as well as the city of Lake Charles that give out free groceries. These charity and church distribution centers provide free boxes of food, holiday meals, and personal toiletries as well as other items. Many pantries are open today and also have a drive thru. Find a free food bank near you in Calcasieu Parish.
The non-profit and charities feed thousands of low income families, seniors, people with no money or income and children each year. They can also direct clients to resources ranging from SNAP food stamps to clothing closets or free Christmas or Thanksgiving meals. Find a phone number at the bottom of the page for other emergency resources. There are also Meals on Wheels and free pet food banks in Lake Charles Louisiana or get online WIC benefit applications.
The programs available differ by food bank. Some charities focus just on offering a box of groceries or a hot meal. Other locations provide even more, with some having a soup kitchen in Calcasieu Parish. There may be Meals on Wheels for the home-bound or elderly, produce, baby formula, and more, such as free Thanksgiving, Easter or Christmas meals. No matter when it provided by a pantry, the chances are that more often than not that a struggling family will be able to receive some form of help or at least referrals to other Calcasieu Parish organizations.
Where to get free fodd boxes or meals in Calcasieu Parish and Lake Charles LA
Seventh Day Adventist Church Address is 1537 Country Club Rd, Lake Charles, LA 70605. Call 337-478-8353 The free food pantry is only open Tuesday and Thursday. Free groceries, rice, bread, dairy items, and more is disbursed.
Christian World Address: 2001 E. Gauthier Rd, Lake Charles, Louisiana 70607. Call 337-475-0157 The charity run food bank tries to help feed low income Calcasieu Parish families.
Glad Tidings Church 3501 Texas St, Lake Charles, LA 70607. Dial (337) 477-7774 They have the pantry and soup kitchen as part of the Dorcas Room Ministry. The hours are Monday to Thursday. Emergency bags of groceries, hot meals, and Thanksgiving food baskets may be provided.
Comprehensive Care Center - Southwest LA AIDS Council Location is 425 Kingsley St, Lake Charles, LA 70601. Telephone: 337-439-5861
Westlake United Methodist Church 704 Johnson St, Westlake, LA 70669. Call (814) 688-1533 or 337-433-8424 Volunteers collect food donations and work at the pantry. Some senior may have a hot meal brought to their home if they have no relatives nearby to assist them.
Good Hope Missionary Baptist 821 Sampson St, Westlake, Louisiana 70669. Call 337-433-6791 or (337) 433-7403
Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana Pantry address - 1225 2nd St, Lake Charles, Louisiana 70601. Phone - 337-439-7436 Numerous assistance programs and social services are run. They range from clothes to free food, grants for bills, and referrals to USDA food stamps or government aid. There is a soup kitchen in Calcasieu Parish, hot meals for the homeless, groceries and other items from the pantry as well as drive thru food bank. Continue with food from the Calcasieu Parish Catholic Charities.
New Sunlight Baptist Church Address is 515 V E Washington Ave, Lake Charles, LA 70601. Telephone - 337-436-8965
Abraham's Tent 2424 Fruge St, Lake Charles, LA 70601. Phone: (337) 721-7211 or Main number - 337-439-9330
Faith & Friends Food Pantry 4009 Legion St, Lake Charles, LA 70601. Call 337-478-8389 or 337-494-7945 A soup kitchen is on site. There are meals for children and groceries from the food bank. Calcasieu Parish users of this non-profit come from all ages and races. They also provide free food to migrant workers, single mothers and the unemployed.
Care Help of Sulphur, Inc. Address is 200 N. Huntington, Sulphur, LA 70663. Call 337-528-2273 The pantry is open 3 days per week, and applications are required. There may also be clothing or Christmas meals or gifts.
Salvation Army Food bank address is 3020 Legion St, Lake Charles, LA 70615. Phone: (337) 721-8068 Programs include a free food pantry, soup kitchen and food bank. Get groceries, milk or dairy items, bread, milk and more. They also give out free Christmas or Thanksgiving baskets, applications to benefits and other social services, including free toilet paper or hygiene goods.
St. Memorial Church of God In Christ 1717 Moeling, Lake Charles, Louisiana 70601. Call 337-764-1712 They have a food bank and soup kitchen.
DCFS of Calcasieu Parish There are applications to government benefit programs. The low-income and unemployed can get SNAP benefits from the Louisiana Combined Application Project (LaCAP) or WIC vouchers for baby formula. There are also additional food assistance programs for parents, including single mothers or dads. Learn more on Louisiana SNAP applications from LaCAP.
UCF Ministries - Shepherd's Inn Outreach Church Main location is 2900 E. Opelousas St, Lake Charles, Louisiana 70615. Phone: 337-433-1517 Free food is available in a crisis. There are fresh as well as non-perishable food items served. In addition to the pantry for people in a hardship that gives away free food, there is also dry and canned goods, paper products, and personal toiletries.
Zion Travelers Missionary Baptist Church Address: 608 W. Second St, Lake Charles, LA 70647. Call 337-756-2537 They help feed the homeless, transient people, immigrants and poor.
Pentecostals of Vinton 835 Fairchild St, Vinton, Louisiana 70668. Call (337) 589-2162 or 337.215.1497 Fruits, meats, baby formula, and other aid is for struggling as well as unemployed residents.
Community Outreach Center The food bank is at 1006 E. Fourth St, DeQuincy, LA 70633. For hours, call 337-768-6512 Case managers can help families. Learn about SNAP food stamps applications in Louisiana, surplus commodity foods such as CSFP, snacks for students, and more.
Ebnezer Baptist Church Food Pantry 110 School St., Cameron, Louisiana 70631. Main phone - 337-249-9029
Additional free food programs in Calcasieu Parish
For additional information or referrals to pantries that may be closer to you or have better hours, call 504.734.1322 or 1.855.392.9338 including to Feeding America in Lake Charles. Clients can also learn about public aid ranging from WIC vouchers to EBT food stamps card, free dog or pat food pantries or school lunches.
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