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Butte County food banks and free emergency food pantries.

Dozens of food banks, soup kitchens for meals, government programs and free food pantries are located in Butte County. The programs available vary, but the goal of each and every charity or government service is to try to prevent hunger in the community. They offer surplus food, for free, to families as well as struggling individuals. Many also offer personal hygiene or household supplies, holiday meals, and referrals. Find more information below as well as a free referral number at the bottom of the page to more food pantries near you.

Appointments are usually required in order to get help from one of their programs. However there are some soup kitchens also in the region, and these are also effective at helping people that are faced with an emergency. Between the two resources residents have access to a free box of food, hot meals, and even information on public aid such as Cal Fresh food stamps.

Whether it is a Community Action agency in Butte County, the Salvation Army, or some other charity organization, help is offered. The pantries have everything from groceries to hygiene supplies, Meals on Wheels, holiday food baskets, and some even offer one time financial help to the needy.

The Community Action Agency Of Butte County Inc. operates the Surplus Food Distribution Program. Assistance is available one time per month at the following sites. Clients range from migrant farm workers to the elderly, unemployed, and others.

Bangor Community Church - 7500 Oro Bangor Highway, Bangor, California 95914. Dial (530) 712-2600
Berry Creek Firestation #61 is at 287 Rockerfeller Road, Berry Creek, CA 95916. Main phone (530) 712-2600.
Biggs United Methodist Church – Address is 441 C Street, Biggs, CA 95917, (530) 712-2600 ext. 3
Chico Eagle’s Hall, Main address is 1940 Mulberry Street, Chico, California 95928. Phone : (530) 712-2600.
Christian Life Center - 1492 East Avenue, Chico, CA 95927, phone (530) 343-0205

Buck's Market, Location is 12130 Laporte Road, Clipper Mills, CA 95930. Phone : (530) 712-2600.
Cohasset Community Center, 11 Maple Creek Ranch Road, Cohasset, CA 95973, (530) 332-9550
Concow Grange is part of the food assistance programs. They are at 4412 Big Bend Road, Concow, CA 95965. Or dial (530) 712-2600 for hours.




Elk Creek Grange, 411 Church Avenue, Elk Creek, California 95939. Telephone - (530) 712-2600.
Feather Falls Grange, 9 Lumpkin Road, Feather Falls, CA 95940, call (530) 712-2600
Forbestown Market Community Center, 19100 New York Flats Road, Forbestown, CA 95941, (530) 712-2600
Mountain Joy Fellowship - 15522 Nople, Forest Ranch, California 95942, phone (530) 712-2600
Gridley Guardian Building, 200 East Spruce Street, Gridley, California 95948, call (530) 846-4737
Evangelical Church, 490 Los Robles, Hamilton City, CA 95951, phone - (530) 712-2600
Magalia Community Church – The soup kitchen and pantry address - 13700 Old Skyway, Magalia, CA 95954, phone (530) 712-2600
Orland Harvest Baptist Church, 19 Colusa Street, Orland, CA 95963, call (530) 712-2600 ext. 3
African American Family & Cultural Center, 3300 Spencer Avenue, Oroville, CA 95966, (530) 712-2600 ext. 3
Hope Center, 1950 Kitrick Avenue Bldg A, Oroville, CA 95966, phone (530) 538-8398
Paradise United Methodist Church food bank - 6722 Clark Road, Paradise, CA 95969, (530) 712-2600 ext. 3
Saint Nicholas Episcopal Church - 5872 Oliver Road, Paradise, California 95967, phone (530) 712-2600
Palermo Family Bible Church - 2570 N. Villa, Palermo, CA 95968, (530) 712-2600
Stirling City Community Center, Location is 17044 Old Skyway, Stirling City, CA 95978, call (530) 712-2600
New Life Church - 965 Grand Avenue, Thermalito, California 95965. For hours, dial (530) 712-2600
Open Gate Church, 950 Laurel Street, Willows, CA 95988. Phone - (530) 934-2462

Catholic Ladies Relief Society
1386 Longfellow Avenue
Chico, California 95926
Main phone - (530) 895-8331
Free food is given up to 6 times per year. There is also $50 prescription vouchers, free bus passes for local travel, applications to CalFresh, and other social services.

Chico Gleaners Inc.
Address of the food bank - 1436 Nord Ave. Unit D
Chico, CA 95926
Main phone: (530) 895-3006
The charity has free non-perishable groceries, bags of free food, produce and vegetables, and other supplies.

Chico Rescue Mission
2612 Esplanade
Chico, CA 95973
For intake to the food pantry, call (530) 343-1935





Chico Seventh-day Adventist Church
Location is 1119 Esplanade
Chico, California 95926
(530) 342-7777

Hungry Wildcat Food Pantry - CSU, Chico - California State University, Chico
Kendall Hall 114
Chico, CA 95929
(530) 898-6131
The Hungry Wildcats food pantry is on site. There are perishable goods and even household supplies for the working poor.

Salvation Army Social Services – Several sites are in Butte County. The programs vary, but they help low income families and those in poverty. Whether it is a holiday meal box or Thanksgiving turkey, baby formula, or vouchers for gasoline, programs are administered. Volunteers can even deliver a meal to a senior or the homebound.

  • 567 E. 16th Street, Chico, California 95928, (530) 776-1009
  • A center is at 1640 Washington Avenue, Oroville, CA 95966, call (530) 534-7155
  • The soup kitchen and pantry is at 7015 Skyway, Paradise, California 95969, call (530) 872-1534
  • There are other resources too. More on Butte County Salvation Army food assistance.

Youth For Change 6th Street Center
130 W. Sixth Street
Chico, CA 95926
(530) 894-8008

Grace Lutheran Church Food Pantry
Main address - 150 Ford Avenue
Gridley, California 95948
Phone - (530) 846-4736
The charity offers bread, baker goods, and more to the needy and homeless. There is also a free, weekly box of non-perishable food available.

Gridley Christian Church
580 Washington Street
Gridley, CA 95948
(530) 846-4002
Programs include a Christmas food basket, hotel vouchers, and emergency assistance. The Butte County charity also has groceries and support to people facing a crisis or disaster. Spanish speaking services are available.

Butte County Food Bank
Address is 2640 5th Ave #7
Oroville, California 95965
Phone: (530) 712-2600
A regional food pantry. They give information on assistance to immigrants, the unemployed, disadvantaged and anyone in need. There is also information on the Summer Food Service Program, USDA Commodities, The Emergency Food Assistance Program, CalFresh and more.

Gridley Senior Food Distribution
Address - 801 Washington Street Room B
Gridley, CA 95948
(530) 846-4233
The non-profit operates both Meals on Wheels and a Congregate meal service for seniors and the disabled. There may be a small cost involved. Or learn about medical care and other programs focused on the elderly or other senior care in California

Sacred Heart Parish
1561 Hazel Street, Parish Hall
Gridley, CA 95948
(530) 846-2140
A food closet and basic needs are available, such as cleaning supplies, free diapers or baby items, and other items.

Food For Tummies Food For Thought
Magalia, California 95954
(530) 570-5414
Children, including immigrants, can get a free meal or lunch to go. There are also books for students, clothing, and supplemental groceries.





Magalia Community Church
13700 Old Skyway
Magalia, CA 95954
For information on the Care and Share food bank, call (530) 877-7963

Upper Ridge Seventh Day Adventist Church
Location is 15204 Skyway
Magalia, California 95954
(530) 873-0687
Food, clothing, basic items, and other goods are available.

Butte College Career Services -- Butte Glenn Community College District
3536 Butte Campus Drive, SAS Room 210 & 258
Oroville, California 95965
(530) 893-7550
College students can get a meal or use the food bank.

Calvary Christian Fellowship
3855 Fallbrook Avenue
Oroville, CA 95966
(530) 282-6132
A weekly food distribution takes place. There is also seasonal help, including Christmas or Thanksgiving meals. Immigrants and Spanish speakers can get free food or hot meals too.

First United Methodist Church
45 Acacia Avenue
Oroville, California 95966
Dial (530) 534-9455

New Hope Missionary Baptist
5640 Lincoln Boulevard
Oroville, CA 95966
(530) 533-7692
A few days of food may be offered. There are also Easter, Christmas, and Thanksgiving meal services.

New Life Christian Center Church
965 Grand Avenue
Oroville, California 95966
Dial (530) 534-6816

Oroville Gleaners Food Basket
4532 Pacific Heights Road
Oroville, California 95965
Intake number - (530) 533-4346

Oroville Rescue Mission
4250 Lincoln Boulevard
Oroville, CA 95966
(530) 533-9120
Everything from men and women's shelters are available along with work clothing, job placement, and hot breakfast or lunches.

The Father's House Churchlife Recovery Ministries
Main address: 2661 Elgin Street
Oroville, CA 95966
(530) 534-4704
Fresh produce, dairy, baby formula, some household cleaning supplies, and other goods are given weekly to low to moderate income people in need.







The Hope Center
1950 Kitrick Avenue
Oroville, California 95966
Phone: (530) 538-8398
Services include free clothing, food, clothing, soup, razors, and other personal grooming supplies and more.

Discover The Rock Fellowship
5885 Sawmill Road
Paradise, CA 95969
(530) 877-1989
There is free breakfast as well as food baskets in the Paradise Ridge region.

First Baptist Church Of Paradise
Main site: 6500 Clark Rd
Paradise, California 95969
(530) 877-3532

First Christian Church
Address is 5738 Pentz Rd.
Paradise, Ca. 95969
Phone - (530) 877-9923
Hours are Saturday 11-1 pm and Sunday 12 - 2 pm.  There is a free drive-thru pantry so nobody has to get out of their car or come in.  A helper or volunteer will come out and sign you in. Then we will bring out a bag of groceries for you.

Help For People
Location - 5533-A Skyway
Paradise, California 95969
Main number is (530) 872-4357
Staff provide referrals to financial aid and welfare programs. There are also emergency groceries given and an on site thrift store.

Paradise Alliance Church
6491 Clark Road
Paradise, CA 95969
(530) 877-7069

Paradise Community Church Of The Nazarene
Address: 311 Circlewood Drive
Paradise, California 95969
Phone - (530) 413-9329

Paradise Gleaners Food Corporation
5420 Clark Road Suite F
Paradise, CA 95969
(530) 872-0637

Paradise Ridge Family Resource Center
6249 Skyway Road
Paradise, CA 95969
(530) 872-3896
The food bank in Butte County is known as Wendy's Cupboard.

Paradise Seventh Day Adventist Church
Location is 5720 Academy Drive
Paradise, California 95969
Phone number - (530) 872-9548
The working poor, jobless, and struggling people can use the food pantry.

Ridge Presbyterian Church Of Paradise
615 Pearson Road
Paradise, CA 95969
(530) 877-1004
The supplemental grocery program passes out free food. Soup, cereal, meat, yogurt, and both frozen and fresh food is available.

Mount of Olives Food Bank
2661 Elgin St
Oroville, California 95966
(530) 534-4140
Based on donations, the pantry may have Canned tuna or salmon, cultural meals for migrant or Mexican workers, Cereal, Canned Fruit, and more.





Saint Nicholas Episcopal Church And Community Care Center
Location - 5872 Oliver Rd.
Paradise, CA 95969
For information on the Blessing Basket, dial (530) 877-7006

Saint Thomas More Parish
767 Elliott Road
Paradise, California 95969
(530) 877-4501
A soup kitchen and pantry are on site. They feed children and other struggling members of the community.

Additional free food assistance in Butte County

As noted, families, immigrants, the unemployed and others can get free referrals. Dial 925.676.7543 for information on CalFresh food stamp application sites, free food pantries near you, soup kitchens, and government programs like free school lunches or breakfasts.

By Jon McNamara

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