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Assistance programs in Brown, Callahan, Coleman, and Comanche County Texas.

Salvation Army runs a program known as Social Services. The non-profit charity organization can provide help with paying rent, utilities, cooling bills, or prescriptions (as funding allows). They also help coordinate clinics for dental or medical needs as well as give free transportation and gas vouchers as well as shelter for transients.

In addition the local Salvation Army can also provide nutritional meals and free food to persons who would otherwise not receive a meal. There are also free back to school supplies in the region for kids from K-12, Christmas toys or food baskets and other holiday resources. All programs are limited in nature and have application criteria. A main center is in Brownwood, and dial (325) 646-5801.

Brown County Family Service Center can be reached at 325.646.5939. The location is a community collaborative non-profit agency that is involved in providing information on non-profit charities and referral services, anger management, counseling, parenting, literacy, government assistance programs, and ESL classes as well as a variety of other resources and services to strengthen and build healthy families and help people access support. Free child care is also provided.

Cornerstone (Central Texas Opportunities, Inc.)offers residence the Community Services Block Grant. The program/grant money may possibly be able to assist low-income families and individuals in attaining the knowledge, skills, and access to counseling to assistance in order to attain self-sufficiency. In addition to those services, individuals may also be able to learn prepare for the GED, get computer skills, or enroll in job training or classes.

  • The state of Texas funded Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is involved with assisting low income households with offering grants and financial aid for paying wood, electric, gas, and heating/cooling appliances. Other services are job readiness and weatherization.
  • A number of other resources are offered from Central Texas Opportunities, Inc. In general, the agency. provides help for the less fortunate. Services available include those below.
  • Head Start can help children from low income families get the education, health care, and overall development they need. Services offered can assist with medical needs, education, dental and mental health care, nutrition and other social services.




  • Applications for Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program can help with paying utility bills. A focus is on elderly, families with young children, disabled, and those at risk without power in Brown County. A crisis program can help prevent disconnections and even assist with the repair of heating or cooling equipment.
  • Get referrals to other utility company specific programs. These include CARE for Reliant Energy Customers, Energy Aide for TXU, and Neighbor to Neighbor, which supports customers of WTU, Direct Energy, and First Choice Power. Atmos households can enroll into Sharing the Warmth donation program as well.
  • Housing and rental support may be offered by the HOMES Program. There are several components in Brown County Texas. They include Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA), Homeowner Rehabilitation Assistance (HRA), and counseling and aid from the Homebuyer Assistance program.
  • Coleman County Outreach Center Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is also part of Cornerstone. The agency can also offer energy bill emergency funds, and refer residents to Texas utility bill assistance programs.

For more information, call Cornerstone (also known as Central Texas Opportunities, Inc.) at (325) 625-4167.

Brown County Health and Human Services is a great place to call for information on community clinics and health care programs in the region. Counselors can direct patients to low income health care programs in which people can get dental care, prescription, health checks ups, and other aid. Dial (325) 646-0541





West Central Texas Food Bank works with various pantries and food banks throughout the region. Some of the agencies they work with include soup kitchens, church pantries, emergency shelters, as well as after school programs. There are also free Meals on Wheels programs in Western Texas. Agencies are involved serving disadvantaged children, senior citizen centers, daycare centers, and rehabilitation facilities throughout the region. (325) 695-6311

Shelters and temporary housing is available in the region, including Comanche, Coleman and nearby counties. Many non-profit organizations and charities run the programs for working poor families and the homeless. Receive access to low income housing, food, and more. Other social services for clients can include job training, information on rental and deposit assistance programs, and other financial aid. Click here for transitional housing in western TX.

By Jon McNamara

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