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Assistance programs in Angelina County.

Get information on where to turn to for help in Lufkin and Angelina County Texas. Organizations such as the local community action agency, Salvation Army, and other non-profits provide emergency assistance for bills and rent, information on government programs, and various other forms of aid.

Weatherization programs, water, electric and utility bills

The local community action agency, the Greater East Texas CAP (GETCAP), helps people who are struggling. Low income, the working poor, unemployed, and homeless may all be eligible for assistance from the non-profit. One of the services in highest demand is help for paying energy bills, and help for finding ways to save electricity.

The utility bill assistance program offers help on a “one-time” only basis. The cash grants are being made available to assist families and individuals with paying for their water bills, utility, air conditioning and electric bills. While many struggling individuals may be able to receive help, the target population of the programs are the households with children under six years of age, senior citizens and the elderly, disabled, and working poor and low-income families. Counties served Angelina and the greater Easter Texas area.

The other energy type assistance program for Lufkin and Angelina County Texas families is the weatherization assistance program. Services offered from this component are designed to help people conserve energy and therefore pay less money on their utility bills. Among other things, weatherization will stop air infiltration in the home of low-income senior citizens and elderly and disabled clients and low income working families. Activities and improvements include repairing/replacing doors and windows, caulking, insulating attics, and weather stripping are performed to help make homes more comfortable and to conserve energy for the homeowner.

Dial the community action agency at (936) 564-2491. Read more.

Emergency financial assistance for paying expenses in Angelina

The Greater East Texas CAP (GETCAP), which as its phone number listed above, also offers other resources and services. Some of the aid provided to clients, and which will be based on extraordinary circumstances that could not be foreseen, include assistance with providing free food, shelter, rent help, medication, and minor home repairs.




Information, access to Texas and federal government programs, and more aid

Some of the other social service and low income agencies and charities in the area including the following. Get their names as well as phone numbers.

Salvation Army Corps Community Center - Phone number (936) 634-5132. This non-profit operates a monthly food pantry and serves meals daily. There may also be limited funds for paying utility or water bills, a shelter, and programs for senior citizens. More Angelina County Salvation Army.

United Way of Angelina County - (936) 632-3203

Christian Information & Service Center - The charity may offer vouchers for gasoline, one time rent or energy bill help, food baskets, and holiday assistance. Low income families as well as single moms are main clients, and may even be given money from the Center in the form of loans. Phone (936) 634-2857.

Woodland Heights Medical Center - (936) 637-8550

Angelina County & Cities Health District - They are involved in many resources such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), section 8 HUD vouchers, disability and others. Dial (936) 632-1139.

Love Inc. is located at 113 W Jackson Ave. The Lufkin based charity coordinates food assistance and provides referrals to other ministries in Angelina County. Dial (936) 637-6637.

Angelina County food pantries - There are several in the area. Clients are usually given a few days worth of groceries to hold them over. A focus is always on feeding children too, with senior citizens and the elderly right behind them. Some charities also provide Christmas gifts and meal services, and continue with Angelina County food banks and pantries.





Local churches - There are many faith based charities in Angelina County. Depending on resources and the applicant, there may be everything from food to clothing or free Christmas help. While more limited, some offer grants for paying expenses such as rent, utilities, medications, or security deposits. More on eastern Texas Catholic churches.

These various non-profits can provide people information on various government and local assistance programs, they may have (or be able to direct you to) agencies that can offer limited financial assistance for paying bills and expenses, and provide other forms of help to those who need it.

By Jon McNamara

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