West Virginia uninsured health care programs.
Many individuals in West Virginia are either uninsured or their health insurance plan offers them limited coverage. It can be due to unemployment or maybe their employer has cut back on the coverage they offer. Regardless of the reason, the state can provide qualified families with access to government coordinated health care.
Many of the programs are offered for free while others may require a minimal cost or fee from the patient. Several services and medical needs can be addressed. This can include, but is not limited to, prescription medications, screening for conditions such as cancer, or medical assistance for children.
Funding for these resources may come from the federal government, non-profits and foundations, or maybe even the state of West Virginia. The demand for medical bill assistance is very high, so if you need assistance do not hesitate to apply for help.
Individuals with pre-existing, chronic, or severe medical conditions can get free or low cost medical care from the WV Health Insurance Plan, which is also known as AccessWV. This is only offered for the low income who can't afford to get their health insurance from any private companies and who have no other options. Applicants need to have been been rejected within the last 6 months for private health insurance by a West Virginia insurer. Or people can be eligible under the Health Care Tax Credit (HCTC) Program or HIPAA. The insurance will help pay the bills for out-patient services, maternity care, rehabilitation, prescription drugs, and other costs. 866-445-8491
Low cost treatment for women diagnosed with cervical or breast cancer is available from the WV Cancer Diagnostic & Treatment Fund. Individuals need to have been previously screened from the WV Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program. This includes LEEP (removal of tissue from cervix for testing); general anesthesia; or laser surgery of cervix. Call 800-642-8589.
The CSHCN - Children with Special Health Care Needs is a government program run with non-profits that provides specialized medical care for children, teenagers and students under age 21 with certain disabling and chronic medical conditions. It pays for laboratory tests and X-rays, surgery/anesthesia, medications, physical therapy, hearing aids, medical equipment, hospitalization, and doctor visits. Dial 800-642-9704.
Community Medical Clinics and Health Centers help the uninsured and low-income. There is free care, check ups, physicals, eye exams and more for kids or adults, including people on Medicaid. Get more information and find the locations of West Virginia free community clinics.
- There are also dental charities as well as charities for families with no insurance or money available. A number of non-profits and free dentists also provide dental assistance. Get free or low cost services such as cleanings, check-ups, and information on dental programs. Find free dental clinics in West Virginia.
West Virginia Golden Mountaineer Discount Card - This is a discount card for people over the age of 60. It provides savings on many items, including travel, food, insulin, substance abuse treatment and prescription drugs. Aging on Aging centers run it. Call (888) 968-4462. Or find additional ways to get free health care and save on medical bills.
CHIP, or the Children's Health Insurance Program, is low cost health insurance for working poor and even more moderate income families. It is available for uninsured children of working class families. The age limit in place is 18 and younger. A number of bills and medical costs are paid for as part of West Virginia Children's Health Insurance Program. There may be co-pays or premiums due in some cases. 877-982-2447
WV Gap Filler Grant Program (Health Care Tax Credit) will pay the majority of your insurance premiums while an unemployed patient waits for federal government HCTC approval. The financial aid is offered for up to 3 months. 877-967-5498
HealthCheck is the state's Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Program. It will coordinate initial and ongoing health checkups for Medicaid-eligible children under age 21. It will test for dental, vision, and hearing assessments. This is a federal government mandated Medicaid program that all states must offer those who qualify. Call 800-642-9704.
The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan will provide government health insurance for those denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions or who are under insured for a needed service. It is run in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It pays for prescription drugs, hospital and specialty care and more. A few different plans are offered. Those who enroll will need to pay some money for premiums, deductibles and other out of pocket limits. Call 866-717-5826 for more information.
Ryan White Part B Program is additional medical care for uninsured people living with HIV/AIDS. It offers access to a pharmacy, diagnostics, AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), dental and vision costs and more. Some grants can even pay utilities or housing costs. 800-642-8244
Vaccines for Children Program is when infants, children, and students can get free medications and vaccinations for common ailments. It will provide for free flu shots, Dipththeria, mumps, tetanus, and more. It is offered for the uninsured, but some fees may be due from patients. 800-642-3634
West Virginia Telephonic Communication Device Loan Program is for the deaf, blind, hard of hearing, and/or the speech-disabled. It will give them equipment such as low-vision amplified telephones and more. 866-461-3578
WV Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program (WVBCCSP) provides cancer screening services for eligible women who range in age from 25 to 64. The lowest income get free care, while more moderate income applicants may need to pay some money towards their bills. 800-642-8522
WISEWOMAN of West Virginia is for low income and under insured females. Dozens of clinics and screening sites will test women and try to education them on a healthy lifestyle. Advice, classes, and health workshops are all offered as well. 800-642-8522
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