Rental assistance McLennan County.
Find information on rental assistance programs in Waco and McLennan County Texas. The leading non-profit agencies, churches, and government organizations to apply at or to call for help are listed below. In addition to providing the needy with direct financial assistance for paying rent and deposits, most of the centers will offer clients McLennan County case management and/or housing counseling as well.
If you have been served an eviction notice, are facing or are currently homeless, then call a non-profit below for help. Thousands of people receive assistance from the centers every year. You should call as soon as you think you may start to struggle, as by the time you receive an eviction notice from your landlord it is usually too late. Most of the McLennan organizations can also refer people to state of Texas or federal government low income housing or programs such as section 8 housing vouchers.
Caritas of Waco Address is 300 South 15th Street Waco, Texas 76701 Dial 254-753-4593 or call 254-754-4339 Various emergency assistance programs are offered for the needy. Provides emergency assistance to families and people in need, including household items, electric bills, rent and transportation.
Economic Opportunities Advancement Corporation Location is 500 Franklin Avenue Waco, Texas 76701 Phone: 254-753-0331 Offers a service known as Community Programming, which provides homeless prevention and intervention services to families in need of help, including rent. Services are provided through assistance programs such as Emergency Homeless Program as well as the Emergency Food and Shelter, which can offer funds for rent and deposits in a crisis.
Compassion Ministries Main address - 1421 Austin Avenue Waco, Texas 76701 Main phone number - 254-755-7640 The organization provides transitional and low income housing from 90 to 180 days for homeless single women and families. Apply for outreach services as well.
Emergency Solutions Grants is a federal government funded program that is often available in McLennan County. When funding allows, various housing resources are available, including funds to pay rent to prevent an eviction. The currently homeless may receive information on low income housing, grants or loans to pay a security deposit, and shelter, among other services. (254) 756-7271.
Central Texas Veterans Health Care System 2101 S. I-35 Austin, TX 78741 512-797-9547 The non-profit program partners with the federal government to provide HUD Section 8 Choice Housing vouchers to qualified lower income and homeless veterans and their families. This voucher can be used to pay a portion of the rental expense of the client. Also receive case management and other housing support.
Catholic Charities of Central Texas Waco Waco, TX 76710 254-732-0307 The charity organization provides financial assistance and support to families in both completing and submitting applications for government benefits including Food Stamps, Medicaid, section 8, rental assistance, and low income housing. A focus is on homeless prevention, including for immigrants.
Waco Housing Authority runs the section 8 HUD housing choice voucher program. They operate rent subsidized homes, offer home buying advice, self-sufficiency, and other services. Low income apartments can be offered for the low income, seniors, and disabled from their office at 4400 Cobbs Dr, Waco, Texas 76710. Phone: (254) 752-0324
McLennan Benevolence Ministry will occasionally have funding. The non-profit, which can be reached at 254-754-8923, may have emergency funds or no interest loans for utilities or rent, if it would lead to homelessness. More on housing help from Benevolence Ministry.
Mart Housing Authority Location is 201 North Main Street Mart, Texas 76664 Telephone number - 254-876-3011 Call for hours and for information on and details on affordable housing, homeless prevention, and case management.
Heart of Texas - Mental Health Mental Retardation Center Location is 1200 Clifton Street Waco, Texas 76704 Dial 254-752-3451 Housing and maybe rent assistance is for persons from McLennan County with mental illness.
Mission Waco's Meyer House Location is 1226 Washington Avenue Waco, Texas Phone number - 254-296-9866 Provides low income families and individuals with case management, intake, emergency shelter voucher distribution for hotels and motels, showers, laundry, haircuts, and meals.
The McLennan County Emergency Rental Assistance (MCERA) program is geared toward households that are renting their home and have experienced financial hardship that relates either directly or indirectly to COVID-19 or other financial crisis's. The program is able to assist qualified tenants with both rent and utilities. All potential applicants are encouraged to apply at
Lone Star Legal of Waco Office address is 900 Austin Avenue Waco, Texas 76701 Main phone 254-756-7944 The firm has volunteers and lawyers that offer free legal aid for housing and other issues. They can help tenants with an eviction notice, resolve disputes on security deposits or rent, and address repairs or other matters.
The Salvation Army Location is 500 South 4th Street at Webster Waco, Texas 76706 Telephone number - 254-756-7271 Services provided to the low income and those faced with an emergency include, but are not limited to, housing assistance, including rent and mortgages, emergency shelter, electric payments, household furniture, counseling and referrals for other services. Also get information on federal government and Texas assistance programs.